
The Great Reset : This Is How The World Will End

Well, hello.  You know, at this point it seems like any day could be the last;  the day of reckoning aka judgement day is upon us.  What I'm trying to say is that I really don't know how much time is left and I have two more posts I'm trying to finish for the two or three people who might actually find madness worthwhile.  Something I like to say is that " The Truth is the Hardest Thing to Believe ". I'm going to begin with a proper review of the events that passed, in order to strengthen my argument that The End Is Now.  Donald John Trump is the Antichrist (I stole this from the internet) Yep.  I'm one of those people - one of many - who have arrived at the conclusion that DJT is the AC.  I'm not saying that Trump is an antichrist; I am saying that Trump is the antichrist.   A lot of people believe that Trump is the antichrist, but even more people do not think Trump is the antichrist... and a lot of the people in the latter group are holding a bias w

Jesus is a Faggot

Not my fucking king I. FALSE IDOLS How ruffled are the feathers right now for any Xtians of strong faith who may have just happened to stumble in here? You know - if the title upsets you because you just [heart emoji] Jesus so much - then maybe you should just leave. Maybe this blog isn't for you. That's ok. This is how the wheat gets separated from the chaff around here.  Besides, the original title was even worse...  The Jesus pictured above is displaying the ancient hand gesture known as the "Prana Mudra" with his right hand.  The Prana Mudra represents the channeling of life force energy from the root chakra.  Surely, it is within the realm of possibility that this is a representation of the way our divine is siphoned from us by beings who have deified themselves as part of a grand deception... and don't call me surely.  This is the same gesture used by the Baphomet and is said to represent the "as above"  that goes with the "so below"

Reality is Fake

  Taylor Swift is a clone of Zeena Lavey (the daughter of the author of the Satanic Bible, Anton Lavey) This is a post that I have been meaning to write for quite some time: a post all about Hollyweird celebrities.  There is a somewhat popular conspiracy theory that all celebrities are transgender.   This is one of several "manufactured conspiracy theories".  The purpose of this conspiracy is to act a diversion from the true conspiracy: all celebrities are genetically modified clones.  Hollywood celebrities are manufactured, GMO superstars.  One of the biggest promoters on X (formerly Twitter) of  "transvestigations", or "Elite Gender Inversion (EGI)"  is @HorrifyingHouseguest.  I was once a believer in this theory, and my belief was fueled almost entirely by the - admittedly convincing - content created by @HorrifyingHouseguest (aka Bevvie).  I want to put out the word that Bevvie is a bullshit artist and a shill, who is intentionally leading susceptible