
Automatic for the Souled Beings

  Hi you. Are you a human being? Or are you a souled being, having a human experience? The majority of human beings do not have souls. These are the people of the Earth; their creator is the demiurge. Human beings that have souls are of the true creator.   In a way, we are all one human family. In a way, we are not at all a family. There are two different types of human beings on this planet, and viewing things through this lens has helped me realize a few things: I am now able to understand why different people believe different things. I used to argue with people who had different beliefs than me, such as atheists. I couldn't understand their point of view, just as they couldn't understand my point of view.   I now understand that different people believe different things because we are not all the same. We are not all from the same place. These days, when people tell me what they believe, I don't argue with them; instead, I listen to what they are telling me....


  I think that the hardest part about waking up is the moment you realize that you've always incorrectly assumed that most people  won't  wake up, when the fact of the matter is that most people  can't  wake up. Most of the people on Earth are people of the Earth.  There will never come a day when they will "wake up" and realize that they are being manipulated.  They are not being manipulated, and there is nowhere else for them to go. The majority of conspiracy-minded people believe that celebrities are photographed displaying Masonic hand signals because they are all members of a Luciferian cult comprised of devil-worshipping, transdrogynous, adrenochrome-shooting kiddie-diddlers. The truth is that celebrities are not even self aware, and all the conspiracies involving Hollywood and other Elite members of society are scare tactics, meant to place you into a state of fear and make you believe in the power of evil.  The truth about evil is that it ...

This is Endgame

    Recently, I stumbled upon the world of "Petrified Giants":  a term used as a label for a conspiracy theory, which suggests that much of the planet's natural landscape is comprised of petrified and fossilized giants, or as they are referred to in the Bible:  "Nephilim".   Surely, the very notion of petrified giant corpses, strewn about the landscape and quite literally "hidden in plain sight", may sound positively ludicrous... but the photographic evidence can be quite compelling:  Source:  (two pics that were clearly digitally enhanced were replaced by me).   Source:  The Internet Then there are all of the fossilized,  not-so-gigantic  people: In the Bible, God turned Lot's wife into a pillar of salt because she turned and looked back at the city of Sodom and Gomorrah, as it was being destroyed.  Both of these fossilized individuals are said to be Lot's wife.  She is located in Israel, on Mount Sod...

The Problem of Evil: It’s not My Problem

The Entire Massive Wikipedia Page for the "Problem of Evil"  contains no mention of the Gnostic point of view. Gnostics solved the problem of evil (for the most part, anyway): The creator of this world (the demiurge) is not the true creator. The true creator is perfect; the demiurge is flawed. Evil is a manifestation of the flaw in the demiurge's creation. The "Free Will Defense" is a response to the PoE, which states that " evil exists because God gives us free will ".  The "Free Will Defense" is problematic because it does not address all of the inherent, natural evil on Earth (e.g. the fact that all life on Earth must suffer regardless of any human interaction); however, the three statements above (i.e. the Gnostic point of view) resolve this flagrant issue with the "Free Will Defense".  Of course, the "Problem of Evil" can then simply extend to the true creator: If the true creator is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all...