Photographic Evidence

This is where I will share all of the photographic evidence I have for the existence of supernatural beings.  I don't believe that much will come from this and I am sure I will lose credibility in the eyes of some of my readers.   That's fine and I know that some of this might be hard to believe.  All I can do is give my word that everything posted here is 100% the truth, to the best of my knowledge. 

Dragged to Hell

These are photos of my brother.  He experiences a lot of spiritual harassment and is a targeted individual who gets gangstalked.  On this day he was hanging out at the park downtown, where he overdosed on that stuff that looks like heroin, but is actually pure fentanyl.  Anyway, my other brother was sitting with him and trying to keep him awake.  What my brother was experiencing was completely different.  He was on his back being dragged across the ground by a demon, holding onto his wrist.  When he came to, he thought he had been shuffling across the park on his back.  He was very confused.  These scratches (pictured above) were on his back, and his wrist was burned where the demon was holding him.   As you can see from the last picture, this experience made him change his ways and get sober.   

They like to take photos on my brother's phone.  Typically these photos will just show up in his gallery.  I find this photo to be particularly unsettling.

They took a photo on my phone once, during a brief period where I experienced gangstalking, for the two weeks immediately following a sleep deprivation and methamphetamine induced psychosis.  This picture was taken while my phone was in my pocket and locked.  I was standing outside of this building, by this window, smoking a cigarette.  That shadow figure in the window is not me.  The two figures on the left weren't there, either.  They must exist in a parallel dimension or something.   The other weird thing about this picture is the way that the window is reflecting both the inside and the outside at the same time.

Monster in the Closet

These beings seem to enjoy making things out of the clothes in the closet.  I was greeted by this when I woke up a couple weeks ago.  Do you see what appears to be the head of a doll, casually floating in the middle of the closet?  It is a side profile of her head and bust.  Her hair is golden and curly, or perhaps dreadlocked.  Like one of those hippies in the parking lot at the [insert jam band name here] show.   There also looks like what could be blood and she is looking rather stitched together.  I think that this might be where the idea of "the monster in the closet" comes from.  You know, these little demons and their hobby crafts.  Of course, it only looks this way from the perspective of the very spot I woke up at.  The instant you turns to the side, or start walking towards dolly, the whole thing falls apart and it looks like any other T-shirt haphazardly tossed in there.  There is also a face in the blue blanket underneath of the severed woman's head.  This was not noticed until examining the picture.  The face is rather Picassoesque, but also almost too good to simply be the way that the blanket landed.  The nose in particular has the shape of an ungulate's snout and the sneering mouth beneath complete with the glistening of teeth is kind of a weird thing to be on someone's blanket, no?  No?  Ok.  Fine.  Get out.  You heard me.

Stop laughing at me!  This is a picture of my blanket.  You probably think I'm crazy, but what this is actually a picture of is a supernatural entity!  This is what they look like: they are translucent and appear like a see-through apparition, or a jellyfish.  Their faces change frequently.  I have seen one on top of a blanket on a different occasion - the blanket my girlfriend was sleeping under on our bed - and every time she shifted her position the beings face would change.  This phenomenon is quite unsettling!  Do you see all of the faces?  Does it just look like a blanket, folded up all messily?

Here it is with a little more contrast and shadows.  Does it still look like your average blanket?  My blankets typically don't have sharp teeth.  The funny thing about this picture is that this isn't even what I was taking a picture of.  No, the original picture has been removed from this, but that triangle in the lower right corner is actually my upper thigh.  This is a naughty picture!  Go figure... these sickos are said to delight in our erotic loosh, which makes sense, being that kinky arousal is based on emotion.  Anywho, I didn't notice this dude sitting there right up on my crotch for several weeks.  As I said, I have seen these things before (in waking life) and this is what they look like.  Can you see it, yet?  There are four faces.  Perhaps this will help to see:

I have color coded the faces here.  The red face is like a little goblin looking dude.  Then, the green face in the purple hat I call "Shrekky Kruger".  Next, we have the blue monkey guy (possibly the famous monkey from the NFTs) and the final face in the upper right corner is hardest to see; it's like a sad looking cartoon ghost face, but only half of it is exposed.   

Anyone who wants "evidence" of the paranormal can be directed here, to the picture of my blanket.  


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