Reality is Fake


Taylor Swift is a clone of Zeena Lavey (the daughter of the author of the Satanic Bible, Anton Lavey)

This is a post that I have been meaning to write for quite some time: a post all about Hollyweird celebrities.  There is a somewhat popular conspiracy theory that all celebrities are transgender.   This is one of several "manufactured conspiracy theories".  The purpose of this conspiracy is to act a diversion from the true conspiracy: all celebrities are genetically modified clones.  Hollywood celebrities are manufactured, GMO superstars. 

One of the biggest promoters on X (formerly Twitter) of  "transvestigations", or "Elite Gender Inversion (EGI)"  is @HorrifyingHouseguest.  I was once a believer in this theory, and my belief was fueled almost entirely by the - admittedly convincing - content created by @HorrifyingHouseguest (aka Bevvie).  I want to put out the word that Bevvie is a bullshit artist and a shill, who is intentionally leading susceptible conspiracy minded-folk down a dead-end road of fakery and deception.  I commented about celebrities being clones on one of her posts, to which she responded that celebrities are not clones because of stupid reasons, which I cannot recall at the moment.  Anyway, I called her out for the use of a Masonic hand signal in her profile picture, as well as her proselytizing of Satanism (aka Christianity).  She proceeded to block me and then delete the entire post, which I assume was done to prevent my comment (complete with some photographic evidence) from being seen.  

According to Bevvie, every single celebrity is a transexual.  She even calls out NBA and NFL players as transexuals, who were born as women.  This claim is absolute madness; although, it is true that celebrities tend to have characteristics of a person of the opposite sex.   Many celebrities appear to be androgynous, as if their skeleton is that of a member of the opposite sex.  Do these celebrities even have genitals?  I would not be the least but surprised to find out that celebrities look like Ken and Barbie down there.   The point is that they were born that way: they didn't have any dongs to chop off, to begin with.

The whole thing is quite frustrating, really, and part of the reason why I have put off writing this for so long is because I have an aversion to believing in things that I do not - or perhaps, cannot - understand.  There is a lot I don't understand about how and why these superstars are manufactured, but I am confident that they are manufactured, GMO, clones.  

The censorship I have faced when trying to post about this topic on Reddit, or even make a comment about this topic, certainly makes it more credible, at least in my eyes.  My comments about cloned celebrities go invisible too quickly to be seen by anyone; I assume even the user to which I replied never sees my reply.  I have posted about this topic with pics before and it gets banned as soon as the mods catch on.  Once, I got lucky and the mods didn't see it for a long enough time to collect several comments and thousands of views.  Once it was spotted, both the post and myself were removed from the subreddit.

Anywho, this post is really just a compilation of the work of Mark Tokarski.  Mark's blog, Piece of Mindful , is where all the following pictures are from.  I hope Mark doesn't mind that I am using them for this post, while simultaneously kissing his ass with unnecessary fervor.   I think that Mark has done so much for the conspiracy community (whether he likes it or not) and he does not get nearly enough credit.  His research is phenomenal, and his work has certainly opened my eyes.  I'm embarrassed and ashamed of my former self for taking the bait and getting hooked by the "gender inverted-celebrities" psyop.  Thanks for showing me the way, Mark.

Mark Tokarski 

Mark uses a method he calls "face-chopping", where he takes two headshots, cuts them in half, and combines them into one face.  He sets the pupils one inch apart as a point of reference... and the rest happens on its own.  Typically, the faces of two different people will be out of alignment.  The skulls are different shapes, one eye is higher than the other.  One nose is pointed up and the other is pointed down.  The lips are uneven, etc.  Above are two different pictures of Mark, taken decades apart, which he uses to illustrate that face-chopping is a legitimate method of matching faces.  Notice how all of the features align, with the exception of an elongated ear (a standard feature or growing old)?  Mark estimates that the odds of all seven facial features (eyebrows, chin, bottom lip, subnasale, top lip, nose tip, bottom of ears) to match with two unrelated people is approximately one in ten-million.  Yet, we see this happening over and over and over again with all of these Hollywood celebrities and famous icons.  

The hoaxes, psyops and fake history that Mark has discovered is truly mind-blowing.   It's unnerving, really.  Let me put it this way: people are still arguing about whether or not the moon landing was fake or not.  Fake is the Opus Moderandi around here; if the moon landing was real, it would deviate from the norm.  Everything is fake. Case in point:

Clones & Replicants

Many Hollywood A-list celebrities have facial features that are perfectly aligned.  Such alignment occurring naturally is about as close to impossible as possible.  Case in point:

The Damon Batch 

This was my introduction to Mark's blog. I can't remember what led me to stumble upon this post.  The funny bit is that I actually read this post, titled "Bokanovsky's Brats" before I became enthralled with the pile of horseshit known as "transvestigations".  Sometimes things just don't stick well the first time around.  It was some four or so years later before I would return to Mark's blog as a lurker (creepy, I know).

What we have here are five face chips paired with Matt Damon:  Vin Diesel, James Franco, ?, Bradley Pitts, and Channing Tatum... I think...  Why the fuck did I say "case in point" twice?

Although there are a few questionable areas, such as the lips on Damon Diesel, all of these faces, for the most part, are in alignment.  Here are a couple more Damon-adjacent mentions:

"The Brady Bunch"

Damon Brady is a pretty good matchup, in my opinion... which is less than worthless.  The ears stick out as a mismatch, but the shape of the skull is on point.  I'm not the best with celebrities, but I'm gonna guess that is Rob Lowe on the bottom.  Lowe Damon is the opposite of Damon Brady: the ears are a match, but the shape of the skull is not.  Lowe has a more squarer jawline.  And shit.  On the top right is Damon Snowden, and if this is the first time you've been introduced to the idea that Edward Snowden is controlled opposition - well - it's time to put your big-boy panties on and catch up with the rest of the class.  What can be assumed from this revelation is that the intelligence agencies (or whoever the fuck is running the show) wanted everyone to know that we were being spied on, at all times, via our cellphones, which they got us all addicted to using.  I think this relationship between we, the people, and the alphabet agencies can be salvaged... so long as they promise to never do it again.  Ahem... Moving on...

The Charlie Sheen Group

This is the Charlie Sheen group (or Emilio Estevez, apparently).  Featured lookalikes include: Pierce Brosnan, Michael J. Fox, Jason Bateman, and my personal favorite, Sheen Pacino.

Gaga Winehouse

A well known conspiracy theory states that Lady Gaga and Amy Winehouse are the same person.  Well, not quite.  They aren't the best matchup, but they are still a good match.  They have different shaped skulls.  They have identical noses, but naysayers would probably scoff "plastic surgery"!  Amy Winehouse definitely fits the androgyny angle of this conspiracy.  Dude looks like a lady... Gaga.   

On the left is Olivia Wilde paired with Michael Jackson's daughter, Paris.   On the right Emma Mackey is Paired with Margot Robbie.  Despite the fact that many people have said Emma and Margot look like twins, their alignment is slightly off and their ears are not a match.  Perhaps this means that they really are identical twins (more on that a bit later).  The bottom of Margot's chin is longer than Emma's, and you might have noticed this chin discrepancy in the previous photos.  The reason this happens is because their heads are positioned at different angles (a phenomenon known as "focal point").  

Resting Judge Face

Here we have daytime T.V. icon Judge Judy paired with former supreme court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.  I used to watch Judge Judy and imagine her being a dominatrix, but that's not at all relevant to this post and I don't know why I said it.

There is a rumor about Leonardo Di Caprio being the son of Jack Nicholson.  People sometimes notice the similarities in these celebrity replicants, but the conclusions they arrive at, while logical, are incorrect.  Whatever it is that is going on here is very illogical, but just because it is illogical doesn't mean it isn't the truth.  Fathers and their sons don't match up like identical photocopies of each other, but Jack and Leo do.  Something that Mark has pointed out is the way in which these celebrities hairlines match up so flawlessly, as seen here.  Hairlines are determined by genetics. 

Welcome to Cubanada

There is also a conspiracy theory claiming that Justin Trudeau is the illegitimate son of Fidel Castro.  Nope.  Just clone brothers.

Epstein didn't klone himself

Quite possibly the most widely known conspiracy theory of the 21st century is "Epstein didn't kill himself".  The implication is that he was murdered.  The truth is that Epstein didn't die in the first place and surprise: he's a fucking clone!   Snowden is a clone, for fucks sake.  Epstein tambien.  All of them are.  Epstein is seen here with his batch brothers: Hollywood stars Scott Bakula and Ben Stiller.

Hollyweird has been all clones since day one.

Here we have three celebrities from past generations who are perfect matches with current celebrities. From left to right: Helen Mirren and Jennifer Lawrence, Betty White and Jayne Mansfield, and Rock Hudson with Jack Nicholson.  This picture is evidence that cloning has been going on for far longer than we have been led to believe, and I somehow doubt that this all began with Holywood.

John Denver & John Ritter

Nice haircut, douchebags!


Mark's research traverses far beyond identifying celebrity replicants.  Mark has also discovered that many celebrities are actually pairs of identical twins.  This is especially true for both pop superstars and the hosts of television shows that run five consecutive episodes every week, such as news programs and daytime television programs.  The most widely known example of the "twin" phenomenon is Paul McCartney, and Mark has confirmed that Paul McCartney was, indeed, a set of twins.  

Please don't switch the channel while I interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to share a couple of examples of when two people are one person:

Have you ever wondered how these T.V. personalities are able to bring their A-Game every single night, five days a week?  Well now we know the answer.  News anchor Anderson Cooper is a set of twins.  Notice the inconsistencies in the alignment: the ears are completely out of whack and the Anderson on the left appears to have a longer face than the Anderson on the right.  Eyeglasses are a good example of how props can be incorporated to make the fact that one celebrity is played by two people less noticable.  Keep in mind, when examining the differences in facial alignment between the Andersons, that these are identical twins we are looking at here.  Even the facial features of identical twins are nowhere close to the perfect alignment seen in pretty much every single fucking famous person. 

Hooray for Tay-Tay!   T. Swift is a set of identical twins.  So that's how she manages to be fucking everywhere.  Could whoever-the-fuck clowns 🤡 running this circus make it any less obvious that they want us to be obsessed with Taylor Swift?  

Word on the street is Elvis Presley and Oprah Winfrey are pairs of identical twins, but I have yet to see the pics.


Next we have the zombie category.  Mark has uncovered something really wild: many celebrities have faked their deaths only to reemerges at a later time as a completely different person.  For example:

Low hanging fruit

Probably the most widely recognized instance of a celebrity zombie is Bill Hicks coming back as Alex Jones.  I cringe at the thought that there are still "conspiracy theorists" out there who deny that Alex Jones is controlled opposition.

Who do we have here?  Why, it's Pete Ham, the leading man of the band "Badfinger", who supposedly committed suicide in 1975, before resurrecting later as politically incorrect douchebag, Bill Maher.

On the left is Bobby Fuller, a musician from the 1960's who was found mysteriously dead in his car, at the ripe age of twenty-three.  The only song you would know from Bobby is "I fought the law", and he didn't even write that song, it was a cover song from the band "The Crickets".  Looks like ol' Bobby became ol' Billy.  I don't even need to see a face-chop to know that this is the same guy.

Pamela Courson was the longtime girlfriend of Jim Morrison, who discovered Jim "dead" in the bathtub.  Supposedly he had died from the shock of switching from the coldest water to the hottest water... hmm.  Courson died three years later from a supposed heroin overdose.   Of course, she didn't die at all; she became Barbara Walters (aka BaBa WaWa).  The picture on the right is a photo of the original Barbara Walters.  Yes, apparently Barbara was replaced.  This photo is a good example of what typically happens when you put two people's faces together: they don't line up well!  It's an anomaly for two random people to line up correctly, yet in Hollywood it seems to happen all the fucking time.

What do you suppose Don King does on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day every year?  Do you think he feels festive?  Does he celebrate?  I wonder if he’s ever watched the video of him getting assassinated and… you know… tugged the old rope.  Spanked the snake. The ol’ spanky panky.  What the fuck is wrong with me?

This is the honorable Lance Allen Ito, the judge who presided over the OJ Simpson murder trial... no wait a minute, it's martial arts superstar Bruce Lee!  It's a small world, after all!

Featured Zombie: Freddy Mercury 

I saved my favorite example for last: Freddy Mercury.  First of all, Freddy is a pair of identical twins: 

The Freddy Mercury Twins

When the head is turned to the side (like the picture on the right) it makes a wide face-chop.  In these two pictures, the eyes are lined up, but the rest of the face is not matched up.  We are looking at a set of identical twins.   The daytime T.V. star Dr.  Phil is also a set of identical twins:

Do you see where this is going?  These are the same set of identical twins we are looking at.  Freddy Mercury faked his death, in order to make AIDS seem scary and gay.  He returned to the spotlight years later as Dr. Phil:

Thing One

Thing Two


This is our buddy John Denver again.  This time he is matched with Stephen Parent.   These two look like the same fucking person... but who the F is Stephen Parent?  Stephen Parent is one of the victims from the infamous killing spree carried out by Charles Manson and his drugged-out, hippy "family".   These murders never took place.  Like most of the gruesome news stories fed to the public, the Manson family murders were a hoax.  Here's a more current photo of Stephen Parent:

Stephen Parent went on to become Richard Branson, the eccentric billionaire who owns Virgin Records.  Another victim of the Manson family murders, Gary Hinman, is now daytime television personality Maury Povich:

A fellow conspiracy theorist, John LeBon, refers to himself as an "autohoaxer", who assumes that all the major tragedies reported by the news are fake until proven to be real.  LeBon even has a catchphrase: "nobody died; nobody got hurt".  I never really took this seriously until recently.  Today, I am also of the opinion that all of these terrible things we are told about on the tell-lie-vision are all scripted hoaxes.  "Nobody died; nobody got hurt." 

On the left is American serial killer John Wayne Gacy and on the right is American serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer.  Both have been compared with actor Jack Nicholson, and as you can see, the alignment is a match: we are dealing with clones.  Mark Tokarski took the time to research all twenty-six victims of Gacy.  Using the social security index, he couldn't find but one or two of these men.  Many of them have tombstones, but their gravesites are empty.  Their tombstones are Hollywood props.  

Mark pointed out the absurdity in the claim that all of Gacy's victims were buried underneath of his house.  The awful smell of death that would be present, if this were the case, would be overwhelmingly overpowering and there is no way that this would go unnoticed for so long.  Additionally, how would twenty-six minors, all with connections to Gacy, all disappear without the police being able to identify Gacy as a primary suspect?  A similar question should be asked about the time Jeffrey Dahmer was pulled over by a cop on a motorcycle, while one of his victims was chopped up into fun-size pieces and in garbage bags, inside of the cab of the truck with Jeffrey.  Wouldn't that have to smell absolutely awful?  These questions will continue to go unanswered because none of these things really happened.  The only think that actually stinks here is the writing in the Hollywood scripts for all of these fake serial killers.   Ted Bundy was the story that spawned the 24 hour cable news network.   I always found it odd how we went from all serial killers, all of the time, to all mass shootings, all of the time.

There is an excellent post on Mark's blog detailing the Columbine High School shooting and how it was all a hoax perpetrated on the American public.  A lot of people play roles in these massive hoaxes, and though it seems somewhat absurd that do many people would work together on something so deceptive, and not once has any single individual come forward to expose this, it isn't nearly so absurd that I wouldn't believe that it is possible.  There seems to be a lot of the cloned people living amongst us.  Millions of them, in fact, and there are plenty of them who are not famous.  Y' know... the people who are gangstalking you.

This post has been a compilation of the work of Mark Tokarski.  I am simply the presenter of Mark's work.  Check out Mark's blog Piece of Mindful

The Tokarski Method

Surely, some readers are skeptical of the claims made in this post.  Why not try out Mark's face-chopping method for yourself.  Anyone can do this: simply get two portraits of the individuals you wish to compare and set the pupils at a distance of one inch apart.  The eyes are the only feature that is lined up  and everything else falls into place however which way.  Check out my attempts at face-chopping:

There is a conspiracy theory which claims that Kurt Cobain fake his death to become Rivers Cuomo, the singer of Weezer, instead.  I don't know what could possibly motivate Kurt to do something like this - but, hey - not bad for my first attempt at this.

There is another conspiracy theory that John Podesta is the father of  the late (lol) Chester Bennington.  I didn't even need to do this face-chop to know that these two were super clone bros.

Final Thoughts

I appreciate the fact that Mark doesn't wildly speculate as to why any of this is happening.  He tends to just present the evidence and leave it at what he is able to prove.  I, on the other hand, specialize in wild speculation without the use of  - ahem - "credible and reputable sources".  Alright, now that that is out of the way, let the baseless accusations and outlandish claims begin!

Censorship and Suppression

  • One thing that I consider to be a strong indicator that Hollywood clones are real is the harsh censorship placed on any discussion about celebrity clones.  On Reddit, comments suggesting cloning go invisible immediately, in a similar fashion to being shadow banned.  In other words, I can see my comment, but nobody else can, and there is no indication or notification informing me that my comment has been censored.  I have made a couple posts about this subject, with pictures from Mark's blog, and the sheer number of shills that were all over my post was impressive.  Of the two posts I made, one was up for about half a day before being removed, and the other was posted in a subreddit with a moderator who is not a shill, and as far as I know the post was never removed (for the record, I have had an unrelated conspiracy post removed from this same community by Reddit admins, so they are able to remove posts if they really want to). 
  • I also find it telling that there are two "decoy conspiracies" set in place to lead people astray from the actual conspiracy (as presented in this post).  One of these decoy conspiracies is Transvestigations (aka "Elite Gender Inversion").  The second, smaller decoy conspiracy claims that actors are playing multiple, celebrity characters by employing the use of hyper-realistic face masks.  This ridiculous conspiracy appears to be adjacent to the MAGA crowd.

Questions Concerning Clones & Replicants

What are these clone/replicants, and how are they different from us?  Here are some possible answers to this question:

  • Clones are NPCs and are essentially AI machines without any desires or wants, and they are simply programmed to behave the ways that they do.
  • Clones can be inhabited by souls, and the reptilians/reality manipulators inhabit these clone bodies in order to get their desired results.
  • Clones are inhabited by the souls of the damned, who have a severely restricted experience of free will and are unable to lash out or expose the situation in anyway.
  • Clones are always inhabited by straight-up evil motherfuckers, that hate the uniformed masses to such a degree that there is no risk of anyone exposing anything.

Possible Motives for All of  This

Why go to such great lengths to create this to orchestrate this absolutely massive theatrical production that everyone is fooled into believing to be authentic reality?  There are many possibilities and I'm sure I can't think of all of them, but here are some potential motives for all of this:

  • The production is used as a massive distraction and prevents us from realizing the truth of our situation.
  • We are encouraged to idolize famous people and place them on pedestals above ourselves.  Doing this prevents us from realizing our true potential and power.
  • Giving these fake celebrities our attention produces energy loosh, which is said to be a valuable resource for the controllers of reality.
  • By using clones, they are able to have complete control over the narrative they are putting out there and they are able to exert control over the ways we behave and the beliefs we hold, as well as having control of our perception of "the truth". 
  • Using clones instead of  actual people avoid the risk of any wildcards or whistle-blowers exposing them.
  • Creating hoaxes such as school shootings and other mass shooter scenarios makes us fearful of our neighbors, and more willing to submit to the authority of the government. 
  • They cannot actually murder people because they cannot violate our free will; therefore, clones are necessary to accomplish their goals.
  • They want us to believe, automatically and without question, that our free will can be violated.

Reasons for Censorship 

This section is for explaining possible motives for such Draconian censorship of this conspiracy. I also believe that it would be a monumental task for many individuals to even believe this were true, no matter how obvious it became.  The question I have is: what would happen if people became aware of this?

  • A segment of the population would go insane from having their worldview shattered to such a degree.
  • The reptilians would lose complete control over us and we would take our power back as free beings.
  • A total collapse of society.
  • The world would become a much better place.

Fake Conspiracies

The final topic I wish to discuss (for now, at least) pertains to the the world of conspiracy theory itself, and how drastically this changes and negates many conspiracy theories.

  • Pizzagate is a hoax.
  • Fritz Springmeier's book "The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave" is a work of controlled opposition and contains a considerable amount of disinformation.
  • Any conspiracy involving celebrity deaths or political assassinations are hoaxes.
  • No mass shootings or school shootings actually happened.
  • To put this in perspective: Nobody died during the World Trade Center collapses on September 11, 2001, because our free will cannot be violated in such a way.  However, the firefighters and first responders who arrived on the scene that day did end up dying from exposure to asbestos because they decided to be there that day and their free will was not violated.
That's it (for now)

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