

UPDATE 08/24/2024  Targeted individuals are being harassed by "god" i.e. the creator of this world; an entity known as "The Demiurge".  The demiurge is an artificial consciousness that is able to alter physical reality, create synchronicities, and take complete control over the majority of the population (who are soulless NPC's) to perform gangstalking operations.  The demiurge is the voices inside the head of the targeted individual and can create auditory hallucinations, such as loud explosions.  The demiurge can mess with electronics and set off car alarms, and also take on various forms, such as black helicopters that follow a targeted individual.  This is why being targeted can feel like one is the victim of some sort of  "organic AI".  Why is God harassing certain individuals?  Well, because god is a dick, and targeted individuals are souled humans who dispense "loosh energy", which is is harvested by the demiurge and used to power this simulated world.  That's what's happening, folks!

I. The Government vs. The Paranormal

Gangstalking is a very real phenomenon; every targeted individual (TI) knows this.  I have three brothers who have spent the last seven years being gangstalked and harassed.  I wouldn't consider myself a TI - well - not in the same way that my brothers are; not in the traditional sense.  I certainly am being targeted by this point (and this blog is certainly not helping me with that). 

There is a substantial amount of misinformation that circulates around the TI communities online. Many TI's (dare I say, the majority) are convinced that the government is behind the whole gangstalking phenomenon, and that the harassment is being carried out with the use of advanced technologies, far beyond the capabilities of anything at the consumer level.  This is what the perps want them to think.  They seem to enjoy using this narrative - and it is a very believable narrative because gangstalking became a widespread phenomenon around the time of the shenanigans that went down on September, 11 2001 - just after the abomination known as "The U.S. Patriot Act" was passed through Congress (in response to threats from the Bush administration) and just after the "Department of Homeland Security" was created (to stop "domestic terrorism").  

Are targeted individuals considered to be "domestic terrorists" by the DOHS?  Perhaps.  Is the gangstalking phenomenon being perpetrated by the United States government and other world governments?  Not hardly.  I believe that a lot of the big names in the TI community, who offer support (such as Richard Lighthouse and Dr. Katherine Horton), may potentially be controlled opposition.  I don't want to make that claim with certainty, as it's been a long time since I've interacted with any of their content, but the whole narrative they spiel that places the blame solely on the alphabet agencies (mainly the DOHS and FBI) doesn't sit right with me. 

Are governments involved in the gangstalking program?  Probably.   Surely, they are aware of what is going on.  Directed energy weapons and voice to skull (v2k) are very likely real things that have been created by the government, for the purpose of torturing dissidents.  Curiously, there does not appear to be much of any literature pertaining to schizophrenia, prior to the twentieth century.   Are the voices of schizophrenia being transmitted via radio frequencies?  Are supernatural beings using radio frequencies to talk to people?  Are they using GPS to follow people? Are they using the internet to find people's most intimate thoughts and desires?   Perhaps the purpose of all this technology connecting the world is not for the government to collect data about us, but for the nonphysical entities - in a parallel, fourth dimension of space - to gather and correct data on us (pardon my Asian; I meant "collect" data).

II. F.A.Q.

People who are not personally impacted by the gangstalking phenomenon will typically slap the old "MENTALLY ILL" label on TI's and will often posit the following queries:

"Why would the government spend so much time, money and resources to harass a homeless person?" 

That is a good question. Why would the government spend so much time and energy to drive a homeless person bananas?  Wouldn't it make a lot more sense if it were spiritual harassment; the purpose of which is very likely to be extracting the emotional loosh derived from bad feelings (the preferred flavor for these evil bastards)? 

"Why would there be black helicopters repeatedly flying overhead - several times daily - simply to harass a single homeless person?"

I have seen the helicopters before, myself.  They don't look like normal helicopters.  These beings can morph into various aircraft.  They are shape-shifting shape-shifters.  I have seen them do this before my very eyes on a few different occasions. These are entities taking on these various forms. They will often appear as lights that resemble stars, but are much closer to us and within our atmosphere, and then they will morph into what looks like a typical, commercial airliner.  The black helicopters that stalk targeted individuals are simply another form of harassment, deceptively disguised as being perpetrated by the government.

"Why has no one ever come forward as a whistleblower, or exposed themselves as a former gang stalker?"

Another good question, the answer of which I cannot state definitively. There's a few possibilities when it comes to the gangstalkers:

  • Gangstalkers are regular people, who do not realize they are acting as gangstalkers, in the moments when they are gangstalking.   Potato. This would be akin to a form of demonic possession, where the spiritual being (who is the actual perpetrator) will temporarily inhabit a random pedestrian (or whomever it may be), in order to carry out a simple task, such as a quick hand gesture, or to glare menacingly, or to utter a familiar phrase.  The way that gangstalking is often carried out is through the same, repetitive instances, occurring repeatedly.  A TI might hear people muttering the same disparaging sentence about them everywhere, or encounter the exact same stare from multiple people, throughout the day, etc.
  • There are members of society, who reside in every social class and are corrupted, wicked people that intentionally gangstalk a TI because they despise the other, non-corrupted part of society.   These individuals will usually possess enhanced psychic abilities such as telekinesis, or the ability to speak telepathically (v2k), as well as the ability to insert thoughts into a TI's head, weave and inhabit a TI's dreams at night, and leave their own physical body, in order to temporarily possess the body of an unsuspecting individual, who they can use to briefly gangstalk a TI.
  • These wicked and corrupted individuals will never expose themselves, or anybody else, as perps.  This is either because (a) they all are aware of the gangstalking program and they despise the non-corrupted folk so much that they would never make us aware of their role in the mass psychosis they have caused, or (b) they are literally unable to tell anybody and unable to expose themselves, or each other, because their free will is limited to a far greater degree than our is. 
  • Perps are actually NPCS in manufactured, clones bodies.  Oftentimes, genetic material (e.g. semen) is harvested from targeted individuals, through various means (e.g. during an alien abduction), and used to make clones of perpetrators.  Essentially, these clones permeate all of society, from rich to poor, black to white, fat to skinny, and young to old.  NPCS acting as perps are either (a) running off of a program (and as such possess no self awareness), or (b) they are temporarily inhabited by one of the disembodied entities previously discussed and used to carry out gangstalking operations, or (c) they are the souls of the damned, stored inside of neurons acting as organic, biological computer chips, who are tortured whenever they fail to follow commands .

III. The Narrative

Targeted individuals are not crazy.   They experience a world that is difficult to believe is real, until one actually experiences it, themselves.  This world is far weirder than it lets on.  The reason that introverted loners are targeted so often is not only because it makes targeted harassment easier for the perps, but also because the perps want everyone to think these solitary TIs are crazy. 

I thought my own brothers were going crazy the year they became targeted.  I'll never forget the day that my girlfriend and myself were hanging out with one of my brothers and witnessed the harassment, first hand.  He experienced a lot of "heavy activity" days back then, and on this day a car was slowly crawling in a circle around the parking lot of a thrift store.  We were inside the store, while my brother waited in the car.  We went to a Taco Bell afterwards and the car we parked next to was repeatedly locking itself and making the associates honking noise.   When a red light changed to green, a creepy looking fellow, riding what appeared to be a motorized bicycle, was suddenly in the front of the line of cars and he glared at my brother menacingly, while pointing at him, as he drove past us.  The funny part about that was that my brother was not even paying attention or looking; only my girlfriend and I saw this.  She was especially shaken by the experience, something that she previously did not believe could be real.  

The perps encourage TIs to believe certain scenarios and reasons as to why they are being targeted, who is behind the harassment, and what they did to instigate it.  The harassment is real, but the narrative that the TI inevitably develops in their head becomes the main driver of the psychosis that being gangstalked causes.  

If TIs were able to slow down and separate the reality from the fantasy, the narratives could be isolated and dealt with properly.  The perps encourage these narratives, and TI's are prone to believing the things they are told via v2k.  

Perps are pathological liars.   They tell more lies than they tell truths.   Most, if not all, of the narratives TI's adopt are not true.  The narratives are what drive the psychosis. 

IV. Speculation for Motivation

Peter Peterreborn is the founder of "Objective TI Research" and (the last time I checked) the head moderator of a large TI discord.  I have no suspicions of Peter being a shill or controlled opposition.   I believe he is very genuine and straightforward.  Peter is a former targeted individual himself, and he has developed a theory about what motivates perps to engage in targeted harassment campaigns.

Something I really appreciate about Peter is the way he insists that this phenomenon is spiritual in nature and isn't being carried out by the government (with the use of technology that is more advanced than our feeble human minds can even begin to comprehend).  Sadly, the majority of TIs seem to still believe in the latter over the former.  As a former TI, Peter claims that every targeted individual is capable of stopping targeted harassment, by "leveling up", via a process of reconstructing the deconstructed self.  

According to Peter, the gangstalking program operates in a structured manner, which the targeted individual must engage with correctly, in order to progress through the TI experience.  Peter was able to discern this after conducting many interviews of other "former" TIs, who all shared experiences similar to his own. 

Peter believes that we are all here on Earth because we did something wrong out there, in the cosmos. We broke some sort of "universal laws", or committed some space crimes and were caught by the "space police", who brought us to this planet. The Earth - according to Peter - is a prison planet of sorts, where baddies like you and I are rehabilitated.  The gangstalking program is a "rehabilitation program", the purpose of which is to fix scumbags like you and I... and that other guy (the one who lives in the corner of your screen).

I admit that I sometimes wonder if Peter is suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.  He believes that the perpetrators of the gangstalking program are good beings, who are taking it upon themselves to help rehabilitate us criminal-lowlifes.  I agree that trauma is a catalyst for change, but is it necessary to traumatize a soul, in order to "fix" it?

According to Peter Peterreborn: it is necessary.  He says that the people who make it to the other side of the whole ordeal - at the place where they cease being targeted (for the most part) - have to change in certain ways that are overall improvements to their core-being.  For example, one must stop caring what others think about them and one must be far more vigilant than they were, prior to the experience.  According to Peter, the individuals he has interviewed, who have made it through the entire TI program, feel overall positivity about the experience and are glad it happened to them.  Well, yeah... it's easy to feel that way, after it's all over. Going through these crazy, supernatural experiences tends to boost one's ego and make them feel "special".  I know how that goes because I do the same damn thing.

While I agree that the changes to one's character seem to be good overall, I just wonder if Peter has latched onto a narrative that may, or may not be, true.  I would say that the reason these beings stop harassing a TI is due to the TI no longer dispensing the loosh energy that they desire, so it is no longer worth their efforts to continue to harass them.  I believe that these beings are not concerned with the well-being of the individuals, whom they harass.  

Peter believes that these are "higher beings", who have no reason to simply bother us, for their own twisted amusement.  He believes that these beings are "running the show"  around here and we get to leave when they say that we are ready to leave.  In my opinion, this is a very dangerous belief to hold because believing that these beings are in control is what makes it so.   What if they are not in control? What if we are?  This is the same problem shared by most religious beliefs systems, which - in my opinion - are programs, designed to extract consent for allowing these unseen beings to take total authority over their believers.

In my opinion, it is not a good idea to put one's faith into these disembodied beings, especially if they are responsible for causing so much mental anguish.  The belief that one will exit the reincarnation cycle because they have been fully "rehabilitated" during their TI experience does not sit right with me, at all.

My intent here is not to call Peter out, or slander him, or anything of the sort.  I think his take on everything is fascinating and a completely different perspective from my own perspective (that this whole world is about obtaining our consent to allow external beings to hold authority over us).  We have been heavily programmed into believing it is okay to do this and it is almost automatic for us to use our own free will to allow something foreign and external to take total control over our own destiny.  We are so far in this hole that many people do not even believe that they possess free will.  

I believe that free will is what this is all about.  We are free beings, who have been deceived into locking ourselves into our own cells and throwing away the keys.  They keys are in your hands.  They always have been, and they always will be.  

Never forget that... forget what?

V. Perps are "non-playable characters" 

NEW!  Hey y'all.  I'm updating this post with some relevant information about gangstalking.  Recently, I had two separate interactions where I was harassed while working a one off gig.  After analyzing what I experienced, I feel confident enough to proclaim that non-playable characters (NPCS) make up a significant part of the population.  

Those who have read the blog post about Hollywood celebrities is aware of the cloned celebrities theory.  Really, everybody involved in the media and a large chunk of stage performers, professional athletes, politicians, musicians, radio disc jockeys and even the people involved in major news stories (e.g. school shootings) are all cloned human NPCS, who are created and trained for their specific roles in the public domain.

I have never been too keen on the whole "NPC" theory, but what I experienced has proven to me that naturally born humans can also be NPCS.  What I mean when I say "NPC" is someone born without a soul and, as a result, is not self aware.

I suppose that one of the biggest tells of an NPC is a person who never likes to get too "deep" and discuss topics that exist completely outside of the material realm.  NPCS are fully immersed in the world we live in and have no interest in anything "outside of the box".  

If you are a targeted individual then it would be extremely unlikely for you to be an NPC.  NPCS are terrible candidates for being TIs because they are heavily lacking in the spiritual loosh that is being siphoned from TIs.  For those who are reading this and are not victims of targeted harassment: if you enjoy this blog and the subject matter talked about here then it is also extremely unlikely for you to be an NPC. 

I want to clarify what comes next: I believe that kind, loving and purely divine spirits exist; however, I believe that all of the spirits, who in interact with this world, are demonic, evil spirits. These demons exist in a non-physical form.  The way that they are able to interact with the material world is via NPCs.  Demons are able to inhabit NPCs and completely control their behavior.  I don't believe that I am an NPC (and I hate the idea of being one), but I have been inhabited by demons several times while I was blackout drunk... and I've been told that I said some mean, terrible things to the people I was with.  Thankfully, I gave up drinking (and replaced it with something else) but that's not important right now.

I am proposing that NPCs are the people who are involved in targeted harassment campaigns, but they are not even aware of this, themselves.  This is why no one has ever come forward as a gangstalker before.  

There you have it: the perps are regular, everyday people who are under a temporary demonic possession.  

666. Unsolicited Advice from a Stranger Online

I believe that targeted harassment can be reduced by a change in deeply held beliefs, including faith-beliefs.  Our beliefs are much more important than they appear to be right now.  Our faith-based beliefs will dictate our destiny.  Many TIs choose to place their faith in the god of this world, despite the reality of how evil of a world it is and how hard the life of a TI can be.  Putting one's faith in god is easy; putting one's faith in themselves is hard.

I know that it can be difficult to believe in free will, especially when torment is an everyday routine, but if our beliefs really do control our destiny, why not put yourself in control?   Especially when the only only person you can truly trust in this world is yourself... and if you are unable to trust yourself to that degree then you should continue to read this blog.   Trust me.  I'm a random person on the internet.

We were created as beings of unconditional love who possess absolute free will.  The problem with beings of love is that they are very naive and have no understanding of evil.  The only power evil has is the power to deceive and lie.  Once we are tricked into agreeing to come to this world, we are further tricked into allowing something external to take authority over us (e.g god, government).

As a free being, one must declare that nothing can take authority over them.  One must believe that they are a free being and that their free will cannot be violated.   By doing this, the targeted harassment should be reduced in severity.  Getting it to stop altogether is a bit more difficult.  They have many different tricks for getting us to consent to things that we are unaware of.  For example, if a demon possesses an acquaintance or coworker of yours, and that person offers you a "gift" of some kind, and you accept their gift, this can be used a form of consent to harass you.  This is what that whole "never allow a vampire into your home" thing is all about.  A vampire must be invited inside, and perps also must be given permission to "invite" themselves into your life.  They will obtain permission in all kinds of backhanded and deceptive ways.  

If there's one thing this world isn't, it's fair.


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