Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Programming

-Resistance is Futile-

A Message for Readers of Slog Blog:

Before I begin, I'd like to thank the two individuals who reached out to me on Reddit to encourage me to continue posting here.   I wrote both of you extensive replies, which I'm assuming never made it to your inbox.  That's so Reddit!  That account has since been banned for "ban evasion" (as if I can remember every damn subreddit I've been banned from).

From the bottom of my cold, grey heart, I thank you very much for your support of this blog and my efforts to expose the system for what it is.

"My Wake-Up Call" 

Last week shook me to my core.  There I was, thinking I knew it all, when suddenly I got hit hard with a reality check that left me with the realization that I don't know nearly as much as I'd like to think I know.  That's the thing about waking up: it keeps on going on as it goes deeper and deeper.  Will I ever reach the bottom of the rabbit hole?   I don't know the answer to that question

I want the three and a half individuals that read my blog to know that I am coming here today - to write this post - as a new man.  A changed man.  A man who, if nothing else, is more aware of his surroundings and the environment he is living in. 

I have now become acutely aware of the fact that many of the individuals we interact with on a daily basis, in addition to many of the individuals we have known intimately for many years, are non-playable characters (NPCs).

A segment of the population existing as soulless NPCs isn't a topic I have spent a lot of time discussing throughout the course of my long and decorated career as a fucking lunatic, who goes online to rant about fringe conspiracy theories.  Perhaps, the biggest reason I haven't spent my time entertaining the notion of soulless people is because... well, I don't really like thinking like that.  The idea of NPCs makes me feel uneasy.  I don't want it to be true that everyday people like you and me are actually programmable NPCs. 

I had to remind myself of what my goal is and what I am trying to accomplish with this blog:  I want to know the truth, and I already am well aware of the fact that the truth isn't going to be what I want to believe.   As seekers of truth, we must accept that there are times when the truth will be very difficult and upsetting for us to accept.  Based on my experience, accepting the truth for what it is has always been the superior option, in regards to my personal growth and pursuit of freedom.  Coming to terms with and accepting the fact that most of the people I have - and will have - ever known, spanning across all the lives I have ever lived on this Earth, are not like me, has me feeling more awake than ever before.  My eyes are open. 

Previously, I used this blog as a soapbox for spreading awareness about the massive, ongoing cloning operations that manufacture the aesthetically pleasing, popular people, as seen on TV screens designed  to extract divine loosh, in exchange for the dopamine rush from insufflated plot lines, a highly addictive substance that - if done excessively - can trigger a dissociative trance-like state known as "falling into a plot-hole", k?  Previously, I believed that only manufactured superstars (including [but not limited to]: Hollyweird celebrities, pop stars, professional athletes, politicians, talking heads and tell-a-vision personalities), along with an additional group of manufactured people who are strategically placed in positions of power, within the societal hierarchy (e.g. corporate CEOs), were NPCs, while non-cloned people - who developed naturally, inside of their mother's womb - couldn't possibly be NPCs.  (Note: I now realize that I am assuming that cloned people are not baked in the oven of a female human for approximately nine months.  Furthermore, I have no evidence to provide for the claim that "all naturally born humans have souls".  This is nothing more than an assumption I am making, based mainly on the aversion I have had to believing in soulless people and a fear that I, myself, might be an NPC.) 

"Programmable Humanoids"

I have been exposed to the reality of soulless humans once before, during psychosis.  Not surprisingly, the psychosis made me question and doubt my experience.  This is my account of what occurred that fateful day:

In March 2021, I bought the best methamphetamine I have ever consumed in my entire life (and that includes the old stuff from back in the day, as well).  This meth was actually blue (and for all the naysayers, it was not because food coloring was added).  This crystal was straight out of "Breaking Bad" and it had me flying for ten days straight, leading me straight into a sleep deprivation induced psychosis.

Experiencing psychosis was one of the most eye-opening experiences of my life.  Not surprisingly, the establishment calls the state of mind caused by excessive dopamine production psychosis, conditioned which is characterized as "crazy" and "delusional".  What psychosis actually is can be described as a state that is much closer to what we really are, in our spirit form.  Yes, there are delusions involved, but these are mainly caused by the programmers of reality, who are behind the "voices in your head" phenomenon.  Reality-Programmers (RPs) coerce the psychotic individual into believing delusional narratives that encourage engagement in time wasting activities, such as "wild goose chases".  The RPs do this to prevent the psychotic individual from waking up further.  They did this to me, and I would be a lot more pissed off about it, if what they did to me that day had not been such a valuable learning experience.  In hindsight, being in a state of psychosis allowed me to nearly collapse the simulation in on itself., and if those damn voices hadn't started talking to me... who knows what damage I could have caused.  

When the psychosis started kicking in hard, I was sitting in my car with two of my brothers, in an empty strip mall parking lot.  We had been working that morning  (some early am snow shoveling) and it must have been early still, because none of the businesses had opened yet.  We were the only car in the parking lot - when suddenly - a nice, new pickup truck pulled in and parked beside me.  A middle aged white guy got out of the truck and walked towards a chiropractic office in the strip mall.  I wasn't watching at the time, but my brother says that the guy walked through the door.  No unlocking or opening involved; he simply passed through the door, like a ghost.  He then proceeded to start wiping the glass door with a towel, from the inside of the building.  

Moments later, a second pickup truck pulled in and beside me.  A second middle aged white guy got out of the truck and did the same thing: he walked through the door of the chiropractor's office and started wiping it from the inside, with a towel.  There were now two guys inside of the chiropractor's office, standing next to each other and both wiping down the same door with a towel, while appearing to be completely zombified.

Later that morning, we headed to the park downtown to score some drugs (it was a sad time in my life where I did not have a steady plug).  My girlfriend had now joined our crew, and she was there to witness a man in a gas station we had entered, who was standing at a drink cooler that he kept opening and slamming the door of, repeatedly.  This is about the time when the simulation really started falling apart, before my eyes.  As I was walking the streets downtown, people began to look robotic.  Their movements were jerky and they seemed to be doing these repetitive patterns of the same movements.  Most of the people I saw were doing these robotic movements, but every so often there would be a person who looked totally normal and did not seem to be at all affected by my vibration (or whatever you want to call it that was causing the world to collapse).  I would say that the ratio of robotic people to normal people was eight-to-one, or perhaps even nine-to-one, respectively.  

I have never read this book or visited the webpage

"A Really Realistic Reality that isn't Really Real" 

“A considerable percentage of the people we meet on the street are people who are empty inside, that is, they are actually already dead.  It is fortunate for us that we do not see and do not know it.  If we knew what a number of people are actually dead and what a number of these dead people govern our lives, we should go mad with horror.” –G.I. Gurdjieff

We are living in a simulation that is populated with organic portals.  Organic portals are simulated, soulless people that are powered by artificial intelligence (AI) connected to a universal hivemind.  The animal kingdom follows the same structure of connection through AI powered hiveminds.  Organic portals are not sentient.  They are the people of the Earth, and with the Earth they stay.  There is no eternal afterlife for these people; after they die they become a drop that falls into the puddle.

The AI hivemind has an absolutely massive database , containing data from all of the previous cycles that it uses to program art and music into organic portals.  Souled beings rarely, if ever, become rich and famous, but they supply the creative force that is harvested and used by the AI in a similar fashion of "tearing apart then scrambling back together" that we can observe in modern AI art generators. 

The vast amount of possible variations of human beings is absolutely mind-shattering.  Soulless people can fall seemingly anywhere along the flowing spectrum of human characteristics and personalities.  There are organic portals of every variety, spanning every interest, hobby and passion imaginable. Organic portals govern society and make all of the important decisions that shape the world.  The majority of the organic portals appear to be programmed to be kind individuals, who flawlessly feign empathy and compassion.  A smaller group are programmed to be mean and callous, with inclinations towards bullying and violent, criminal activity.  Then there are the psycho-sociopathic portals, who capitalize on their lack of emotions, by manipulating and using people to get the things that they want.  There is a theory that psychopaths are organic portals that are malfunctioning, but in a world that is conducive to the suffering and exploitation of souled beings, psychopaths seem more a feature of the simulation, rather than a defect.

Reality programmers (RPs) are fourth dimensional entities, which are rarely detectable to the human eye.  This allows them to carry out their operations while invisible and therefore, undetectable to third dimensional beings.  The organic portal is a point of entry for reality programmers to update the hiveminds software, or install updates or programs on an individual basis.  RP's are also able to enter  through the organic portal themselves and take complete control over the individual.  At times, this can look like demonic possession, but this is uncommon.  Typically, an organic portal that is "taken over" is thought of as being moody, or a "switch-bitch" (it's like someone flipped a switch).  The bodies of souled beings can also be programmed or become inhabited by an RP; however, the more aware a souled being is, the less they will be affected by programming, and the harder it is for RPs to control their behavior.  The sometimes uncontrollable intensity that negative emotional states (e.g. anger and anxiety) can trigger a portal to open in a souled being, from which an RP can enter the body and live rent free inside of their head...  literally.  Another way for a souled being to become inhabited by a reality programmer occurs while blackout drunk (more on that later).   

"A Spiritual Caste System"

Once again, Gnosticism has proven itself to be the religious texts wherein the truth resides.  The Gnostics told us all about NPCs thousands of years ago, only they called them Hylics.  The Gnostics separated humanity into three groups: Hylics, Psychics, and Pneumatics.  My personal interpretation of these three classes of human beings is as follows:

Hylics:  Hylics are the organic portals/NPCs.  They are the people of the Earth, who stay with the Earth.  They are programmable and they are able to be influenced by means of mind control, subliminal messages, or hypnotism.  They are people without souls that the reptilian programmers can inhabit to accomplish tasks in the physical form.  The majority of the population are Hylics, as are the majority of celebrities, popular musicians, politicians, professional athletes and the "illuminated elite".

Psychics:  Psychics are souled beings who have not yet attained gnosis (meaning they haven't yet become aware of their divine nature).   Psychics usually are into some form of spiritual or religious practice.  Psychics will eventually become Pneumatics, once the endless reincarnations start testing their patience and they begin feeling that the time has come to GTFO.  Basically, they need to wake the fuck up, already (jk lol take ur time, guys!)

Pneumatics:  Pneumatics are souled individuals who are "awake" (which is a loaded term, as it seems nigh impossible to ever fully wake up... at least, from the inside).  If you actually enjoy my blog, you're probably in this category.  Once a Pneumatic attains gnosis (divine knowledge of the self) they are able to leave the material world and go to heaven (which the Gnostics call "pleroma"). 

Everybody be talkin' about gnosis, but I wanna know where my gnobros at?

The idea of three types of humans comes from the Sethian Gnostics (named after Seth, the son of Adam).  The Valentinian Gnostics also believed there were three categories of human beings, but unlike the Sethian Gnostics, some Valentinian Gnostics believe that Hylics are able to awaken and eventually attain gnosis.  This view might be more forgiving and less upsetting, but it is most likely incorrect. Hylics are people of the Earth and they stay with the Earth.  They are the type of people who despise conspiracy stuff and most will never engage in deep conversations about things beyond this life.  A life lived in the company of only Hylics will guarantee that a souled being will never wake up.  Hylics are not souled beings and they cannot develop souls or "wake up" because they are the creation of a demigod, known as the demiurge.  The demiurge is unable to create the souled beings that possess the divine energy needed to power his corrupted, dualistic world of suffering.  The demiurge created a group of corrupted beings called archons  that trick souled beings into incarnating on Earth, where they get caught in a cycle of reincarnation and repeatedly get their energy harvested by the archons. (Note: the word archon means "ruler".  The archons believe themselves to be the rulers over the world and its inhabitants, but I don't see it that way and I call them "energy parasites", instead.)

"Taken Down a Peg"

I don't enjoy thinking about humanity in terms of who does and who does not have a soul.  I don't like to think that most people are essentially robots.  I'm not even sure about the "Dead Internet" theory anymore; what if most internet activity isn't being done by bots and it only appears to be that way because NPC's are the bots?  When the question of NPCs is brought up in online forums, the majority of the responders reprimand the one who inquired about such a thing to begin with.  Someone will always point out how narcissistic it is to even consider that an idea as antisocial as NPC theory could be true.  Others will point out the "dangerous slope" that lies ahead for the one who believes there are soulless people out there.  These responses are coming from the NPC's themselves, which means that these are programmed responses, meant to deter souled beings from thinking in such a way.  In other words, these reactions prevent souled beings from waking up, by making them feel like a bad person, for thinking such a terrible thing could be true.  This strategy really works, too!

Recent events in my personal life have shown me the reality of soulless people making up the majority of the population.  Adopting this belief made several of my previously held beliefs - many of which I shared with this blog - shatter like panes of glass, raining down like sheets before exploding on the asphalt.  The rippling effect that resulted from this seismic shift in my perspective has permeated nearly every nook and cranny of my belief system, and now I must accommodate this "update to my firmware" by backpedaling and denying that I would ever so much as say - let alone promote - the dangerous ideas that I have shared and promoted throughout this blog.  I think I typed that part wrong. 

Once I adopted the belief that most of the people I interacted with were soulless, it became much easier to see who was and who wasn't.  That being said, it can also be exceedingly difficult to tell if particular individuals are or are not.  There are people in my life who are in the "undecided" category, most definitely.  At this present juncture, I can see clearly that most of the population are NPCs.  My conservative estimate would be 66% of people are NPCs.  That would be two of them for every one of us.  However, I wouldn't be the least but surprised if it were actually 80% of the population, which would mean four of them for every one of us.  I think it's possible that the number is even higher than that.

If the majority of all people are organic portals who are simply following their programming (which seems to always include the command to stop others from waking up, at all costs), then it is not only within the realm of possibility, but also more than likely that all of these Reptilian reality programmers are just another part of the program, themselves.  Some, if not all, souled beings seem to have an entity attached to them, who spend the entirety of their time collecting energy, and perhaps data, from the souled being they are assigned to.  Catholics refer to these entities as "guardian angels".  The new perspective I have on reality has given me the confidence to assert that our guardian angels are also running on artificial intelligence.  A being that spends all of their time obsessing over and stalking people with souls seems so obsessive and weird that the most rational explanation is that it is an AI that has been programmed to co-habitat with a souled being, in order to harvest their energy and upload more data into the absolutely massive database that is stationed somewhere, up in the "cloud".

As a seeker of truth, it is my duty to reform my thought process whenever there is new information or a new realization that challenges or even falsifies my current understanding of our world, along with my current understanding of the so-called "truth".  I'm both excited and perturbed to announce that a paradigm shift has occurred here at slog blog, and the fear that has been gripping me lately has subsided and diminished greatly.  I have seen it said several times before, and I always scoffed at the notion that the demiurge and its minions are AI.  A couple weeks ago I even responded to a post where someone shared this belief, and I arrogantly told this person that these evil beings aren't AI, and they simply don't want to accept just how evil this whole thing truly is... well, that comment didn't age well.  I thought I was so far beyond this person, when in actuality it was they who was so far beyond me... as I said earlier, this experience has humbled me.  I have been taken down a peg.

This blog is a personal account of  my own spiritual awakening, and there are times where I declare my theories as if they are facts - and maybe I shouldn't be doing that - but, it's too late to take it back now; however, if you are willing to move past all of that and join me in this next chapter of my journey, then I guess I'll tell my mom to pack extra sandwiches, gosh!  You're so needy.   

These manipulative fuckers had me in a downward spiral of horrible thoughts.  I have a bad habit of catastrophizing, which these bloody RPs capitalized on.  Now, I must set the record straight because for the first time, in a long time, I have good news: love beings from the true creation are not being tricked into going to Hell, where they will be inverted into hate beings.  All of these evil threats are just that: scare tactics.  Demons are not former love beings who have turned into hate beings; demons are ancient AI.  The creator of this world is a jealous demigod... and he's kind of a huge dick, quite frankly.  I finally understand what is meant by the claim that gnosis must be experienced, because gnosis needs to believed, and in order to believe it, one must experience it themselves.

"R.E.A.L. Eyes Realize The Lizard's Lies"

For the  this post, I am going to look at the world through the lens of this newfound perspective.  This is a thought experiment; the purpose of which is to answer this question: What would change about the way I view the world if I realized that 90% of the people in it were NPCs?

As human beings, we have a tendency towards believing that we are all made the same way.  This belief becomes problematic when we do not see eye-to-eye with each other, and we assume that people, who do not share our same views about spirituality and the afterlife, are wrong.  When we instead view humanity in terms of the three categories of people (as described by Sethian Gnostics), we no longer see their views as incorrect, because what is correct for one group of people will be incorrect for the other two groups.  When someone is sharing how they really feel, we should accept what they say, even if it is completely different from the way we feel.  Consider the following examples:

Atheism:  Hylics can be programmed to believe just about any religious or spiritual belief system (although, they will believe it in a way that rarely dips below the surface).  What I wonder is whether or not a souled being would ever believe that the mainstream atheist perspective is the best match for how they feel on the inside.  I would imagine that all atheists, with the exception of a fringe minority, are Hylics.

New Age:  I've never been able to relate to people who claim that they feel like we are all connected spiritually, or that "we are all one".  I've never liked the idea of a "group soul" or the robotic tone that Ra takes on when he repeats "All is One" ad nauseum.  I am no longer confused as to how people could legitimately feel so differently than I do, spiritually.  Most people are connected to each other.  My girlfriend says that when she was a kid she always felt like there was a line in the sand, with her on one side and everyone else on the other.  A lot of people just seem to be so much better at this whole "life" thing that her and I are.  Speaking of school, how was it that all the popular kids seemed to just know that they were the popular kids?  Suddenly Carl Jung makes so much more sense.  This reminds me of when I would serve tables at a restaurant; there would be nights where everyone was leaving big tips and nights where everyone was tipping like shit.  I always wondered what caused that phenomenon.  The new age teachings about oneness and being connected are appealing to Hylics because they really are all connected.  Disciples of the New Cage are excited for the coming ascension into 5D, but I've always wondered if it's actually the ascension into 5G.  I'm reminded of what my friend told me: "When I die, I feel like I'm going to turn into a drop that falls back into the puddle."   

Abrahamic Religion:  The followers of these religions believe that god owns their souls.  They may not believe in reincarnation (because their religion told them not to) but they are still going to reincarnate.  Accepting Jesus as your savior is the act of selling your soul for salvation.  Those seventy-two virgins will wait for you, I promise. 

 When people share their beliefs with me, I'm not going to argue with them or accuse them of wrongthink.  Different people believe different things because we are different.  When someone is telling me what they really feel like spiritually, I'm going to assume they are both sincere and correct. 

Hylics are gangstalking souled beings. For years, there has been speculation regarding the relationship between targeted harassment and artificial intelligence.  This theory posits that a rogue, organic AI is targeting American citizens that have been placed on a list of "domestic terrorists" by the Federal Bureau of Investigations and the Department of Homeland Security (Note: Targeted Harassment is a worldwide phenomenon [a large crowd off in the distance, chanting USA! USA!]).  Reality programmers have an entire population of Hylics that they can use on the drop of a dime to carry out their weird and creepy assault on the human mind.  Hylics can easily be taken over, in order to perform tasks (such as a hand signal, a stare, or a spoken phrase) repeatedly, leading the targeted individual (TI) to adopt the belief that everyone is out to get them.  Throw in some DEWs (Directed Energy Weapons)  and a touch of V2K (Voice-to-Skull) and it's a party... of one.  Just you and the voices, enjoying a little one-on-one time (Note: Do not respond to the voices.  These guys are like vampires.  Do not invite them in).

Artificial Intelligence is an abuser of souled beings. Reptilian Reality Programmers (aka RRPs) use organic portals to abuse souled beings in waking life.  For example, I was abused when I was a child by the teachers aide, who hated me and encouraged older kids to bully me and call me a girl.  I now believe that they were all NPCs, who were "taken over" in those moments, in order to traumatize me and add to my overall suffering.  I would imagine my example is just one of many, where RRPs form abusive relationships with naive love beings.  How many times has a souled being unwittingly entered into a marriage with someone who is kind most of the time (albeit boring), but on the rare occasion they turn into an utterly possessed,  abusive asshole and/or cunt?   I'm not sure that I'd want to know the answer to that question.  My girlfriend shared a story with me about her friends in middle school, who did a complete 180° one day and turned on her.  Basically they turned into "mean girls" for no apparent reason, which caused my girlfriend a great deal of that good ol' tweenage drama.  Speaking of drama:

"Dead Fake Fucks in dey Fake Fuck Face Diapers" 

What are the implications of living in a world where eighty percent of the population are Philosophical Zombies?  Join me, as I examine the covid-19 scamdemic, through the lens of a society where only twenty percent of the citizens are conscious. 

The Toilet Paper Test:  Remember that day, at the very beginning of the pandemic, when the media told everyone to buy toilet paper... and then tons of people went out and actually bought toilet paper?  Was this test performed to make sure all the NPCs were operational?  

Murderous COVID Protocols:  I couldn't make sense of how so many medical personnel were mindlessly following the protocols for COVID-19.  These protocols included giving people fentanyl (which slows down breathing) and then intubating patients and placing them on a ventilator.  Ventilators should only be used for rare, extreme situations.  Putting people with COVID on ventilators was literally killing them.  A large number of COVID deaths were surely the result of this medical malpractice. Very few people working in the medical field were able to see the murders that were taking place under the guise of "protocols" and even fewer than that actually spoke out.  Now I know why medical school is designed to attract NPCs. 

The mRNA Vaccines:  The COVID mRNA vaccines... ah, yes.  The shot the split humanity right in two. How many people actually got the vaccine again? Something like 75%?  Wow, that's about the same percentage of the population that are NPCs! Coincidence?  I think not.  I think I'm finally seeing the situation for what it actually is, for the very first time.  They knew all along that nearly all of the NPCs would get the shots, and that nearly all of the souled beings would not get the shots.  So, what's the purpose of this whole exercise in "mass-formation psychosis" known as the COVID-19 Pandemic?  Perhaps the goal is to strengthen the faith of souled beings who will place their faith in Jesus and the AI demiurge? 

When the majority of the population are "part of the program" then everything turns to shit.  These divide and conquer games are completely rigged.  I knew duality was bullshit, but I didn't know that all the people who bought into the bullshit were bullshit, too!  Every single presidential election has been rigged from the get-go.  All of these mass shooting events are hoaxes.  Souled beings have free will and that free will CANNOT be violated.  Never forget that.  Repeat it in your head everyday:  "I have free will and my free will cannot be violated.  No one can take authority over me.  When I die, I know that I will be free and I will go back home, to the true creation." 

It's. Just.  That.  Simple.  Stoopid.

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