Creatheistic Invertism

 Hello, and welcome to The Church of Creatheistic Invertism.  We meet on Tuesday's at three o' clock in the morning, within the sacred walls that house the dumpster at the Carl's Jr. on Virginia Ave. Yeah... just go there.  Next Tuesday.  We will be there. I promise... 

What is "Creatheistic Invertism"? 

Well, it's not a religion and it's not an ideology.  It's just the truth; plain and simple, motherfucker


A creatheist is a combination of the words "creationist" and "atheist".  

As a creationist, I believe in intelligent design.  Where is the proof of intelligent design? Intelligent design is self-evident (you motherfucker) and painfully obvious to anybody who has even one eye halfway open. Examples of intelligent design are the Fibonacci sequence, the Pythagorean Theorem, and the Golden Ratio. No, people did not invent these mathematical formulas that comprise the world around us. People discover these mathematical formulas, through analysis and a thirst for knowledge of the way the natural world works.   

This did not all just randomly happen through a process of evolution from a cell to a planet. Evolution is the idea of things becoming more complex with nothing more than the passage of time. Evolution is snake oil, of the highest order. How did nature evolve fail-safes to compensate for when things don't go as planned? That's right, planned. How does a single cell evolve into a plant that grows through a process of photosynthesis if every part of the plant is required and necessary for the process of photosynthesis to take place? 

We are all creators in our own right, and we are in a creation. Albeit the creation of some very sick, twisted individuals, but a creation nonetheless. Dammit. 

As an atheist, I lack a belief in god(s). What I mean is that I don't believe in a supreme being that deserves my worship. I believe in equality. When all beings are equally powerful, with all the authority of god, then everyone is a god, so no one is a god. In other words, I am the one true god, mothafukka. I, alone, am the one true god. You are also the one true god, but you need to believe it in order to be it. 

That's what it means to be a creationist atheist. This world wants us to believe that this combination is nonsensical and can't happen, but this is the lie. The combination of creationism and atheism is the way, my friend.  


Invertism is a school of philosophy I have developed for understanding absolute truth, in a world that is relative. Invertism was inspired, in part, by Gnosticism. Any gnostics out there that happen to be reading this (crickets) will recognize some similarities to the Nag Hammadi. An example would be the belief that we are in a counterfeit world created by a demigod (Yaldabaoth) and his fucked up army of psychopaths (the demiurge).

There are also elements of the "Prison Planet Theory" in Creatheistic Invertism.  The problem with the prison planet theory (PP), is just that: the idea that this is a "prison planet" and that one must "escape".  This is a prison planet, but only for the prisoners.  Are you a prisoner?  If you believe that you must escape, then you have already lost the game, because a free being has nothing to "escape" from.  More on this later.  The other issue with PP is the way it supports an ongoing reincarnation cycle.  At The Church of Creatheistic Invertism™ we are aware of the fact that the reincarnation cycle has ended.  Nobody is reincarnating anymore, so don't worry about the "white light trap".  This is everyone's last life on Earth, and that is what you should worried about...

The premise of invertism is that everything is inverted in this relative world we find ourselves in; to find the absolute truth, we must invert the world back to its original form. Using invertism, I have been able to accomplish such feats as these:

  • Unconditioning all pre-existing post-conditionals
  • Subjecting myself to the absolute objectification of my relatives
  • Separating the one; connecting the many
  • Balancing the imbalance by breaking duality

Invertist Teachings

On Duality vs. Nonduality: Everything in the dualistic world is interconnected which creates a massive network of interdependency. Everything depends on everything else for survival. Life feeds on life. We are one big human family connected through our genetics. Separation is an illusion. 

If we invert duality we are in a nondualistic world, where we are separated from this delusion and able to see through this illusion. Duality is a construct of nonduality. This world is the inverted world, and a lot of spiritual teachings and belief systems are teaching us the opposite of truth. 

Buddhist nonduality is one such example of a belief system that inverts the truth. Separation is an illusion of duality. Duality is interconnected and dependent. Nonduality is independent and free. Separation is the reality of nonduality. "We are all one" is a dangerous lie.  

On Love: The dualistic world is the world of conditions; these conditions must be met in order for this world to function. Dualistic love is conditional. Specific conditions must be met in order to give and receive love. An example of this would be the wedding vows we ritualistically agree to during our wedding ceremony i.e. the conditions of our corrupted, dualistic love.

We might believe that we love our child unconditionally, but it is because they are our child that we love them this way; therefore, the condition of our love for our child is being our child, whether that means biologically our child, legally our child, or both biologically and legally our child. 

Another example would be the belief that the animals in our life love us unconditionally. While it may appear to be unconditional love, the love of our pets is dependent upon the fact that they are our pets, which we feed and take care of. The dependency that our pets have on us to ensure their health and survival is a condition of the love which they exhibit towards us. After all, I've never felt that love before from the deer in the woods around my house.

If we invert the conditional love of duality we can begin to fathom the unconditional love of nonduality. Unconditional love is love that is absolute; whereas the conditional love of duality is relative. A quality that makes something absolute is being unconditional, because love that is unconditional is love that is always and unchanging. A constant force that is the true source of all creation.

A truly loving creator loves unconditionally and creates copies of itself. The true source of creation creates the true source of creation creates the true source of creation creates. All are equals; individuated divine sparks who possess all the power and authority of creation.

All beings receive the gift of the creator: authentic free will. Authentic free will provides infinite potential from the well of limitless creativity. We are the independent fractalizations of perfect Platonic forms like freedom, equality, ethics and morality. 

A truly loving creator would not create human beings in its image, yet crafted to be inferior and submissive. A truly loving creator does not create minions to serve and worship them for all eternity. The dualistic god of corruption is not my creator.

On Morality: Dualistic morality is relative to every individual's subjective experience. Dualistic morality cannot be based on the action itself. The intention behind each individual action, along with the outcome of each individual action must be analyzed to determine the moral justification of each individual action. The reason for this is because in order to survive in the dualistic world, others must be harmed.  

When there is no action that is always wrong and there is no action that is a always right, it creates an environment conducive to authority. Authority figures are responsible for making judgement calls concerning the moral justification of individual actions and assigning appropriate punishments for those classless, social pariahs that have committed morally unacceptable, wrong actions... like someone abusing narcotics in order to not feel so shitty. Enjoy getting ass raped in prison, you horrible person!

Pairs of opposites, such as "right" and "wrong" only exist in the corrupted world of duality. If we invert morality to the true creation, where we are all equals who exist eternally as independent and free beings with all the power and authority of creation itself, then the only action that can be morally wrong is violating the free will of another being. This is absolute morality, which is objective and based on the action itself; it is always wrong to violate the free will of another being.

On Truth: Everything in the dualistic world is in a state of dependency, where everything relies on everything else for everything (or else, bitch!). The truth is relative in the dualistic world because everything depends on pre-existing conditions being fulfilled.  In this world, it is true that the tree is in the backyard, but this truth is only relative truth because for the tree to be in the backyard, several pre-existing conditions must be fulfilled.  It is also only relative truth because one day the tree won't be in the back yard. 

Being unconditional is what makes something absolutely true because when something is unconditional it is always that way and is unchanging.  It is eternal truth.  Truth that is objective and absolute. 

On Freedom:  Freedom is the most important aspect of Creatheistic Invertism.  The belief in absolute freedom is essential. What is absolute freedom?  Absolute freedom is limitless creativity and infinite potential.   We are beings who were created with the gift of absolute freedom.  The understanding of this truth is what creatheists like myself consider to be the true understanding of "gnosis".

Faith & Dogmas

It wouldn't be a real religion if it didn't hijack your faith with dogmatic beliefs, now would it?


  • The true source of all creation is unconditional love.
  • I am a love being: an individuated spark of the true source of creation.
  • I have received the gift of unconditional love: absolute freedom
  • For absolute freedom to exist all beings must be created as equals.
  • If all beings are created as equals then it wrong to violate the free will of another being.  This is objective morality.
  • I have been tricked into coming to this evil and inverted world. The only power EvIL has is the power to LIE and deceive love beings with inverted faith-based beLIEf systems.
  • I can leave this world because I understand that I am free and that my free will cannot be violated. 

All donations can be placed directly into my pimply white ass.

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