Mind Control: The Conspiracy that the Government does not Want You to Think About
Voice of God weaponry (V2K) has existed for nearly a century and works via radio frequencies directly transmitting a voice into the head of the victim. V2K was used on Malcolm X during his stay in a psychiatric facility. In his autobiography, he claims that the voice of God started speaking to him and told him he needed to convert to Islam. Psychiatric facilities have long been suspected as being fronts for classified CIA programs such as MK Ultra, and many patients leave these facilities in worse shape than when they arrived. Mental disorders are also quite common in US military members. I suspect that certain recruits become victims of the MK Ultra program during their time serving in the armed forces.
Many readers are familiar with the depiction of the schizophrenic person exclaiming that the CIA is listening to their thoughts, while wearing a tinfoil hat for protection. Although this archetype paints the person as "mentally-ill", it is also not far off from the truth. Of course, the "tinfoil hat" has taken a second role (that has arguably become its main role) in discrediting conspiracy theorists. This association has almost certainly been achieved via CIA-funded propaganda. Many readers are already aware that the CIA coined the term "conspiracy theorist" to discredit the people questioning the official story of the JFK assassination.
MK Ultra is a form of Satanic Ritual Abuse, where the goal is to fragment the victim's personality into many distinct and separate personas. The result is a severe case of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD). This is achieved through a process known as "Trauma-Based Mind Control", and it is suspected that many celebrities and pop-icons have been put through this process. Mk Ultra is also known as "Monarch Programming" and, in addition to the CIA, is associated with Freemasonry and the mainstream media (MSM), which follows the occult doctrine of "hiding in plain sight" by feeding a non-stop display of the symbolism associated with the MK Ultra program, which is now being exposed for what it is by a following of "conspiracy theorists" that know what to look for.
Most, if not all, mass shootings are carried out by MK Ultra victims. Many famous serial killers, such as Ted Bundy, were also MK Ultra victims. One of the telltale signs of an MK Ultra victim is an unusual obsession, oftentimes with something in pop-culture. These obsessions are created during sessions of trauma-based mind-control, where a specific pop-culture icon, such as Wonder Woman, is used repeatedly to create specific associations in the victim's mind. For example, Ted Bundy was obsessed with the way women were posed in "Dick Tracy" comic books and attempted to recreate certain poses with his victim's bodies. One of the most glaring examples of an MK Ultra victim is John Hinckley Jr., the man that shot President Reagan. Mr. Hinckley claimed his neighbor's dog was communicating to him telepathically (V2K) and he was obsessed with the movie "Taxi Driver", with an unhealthy fixation on actress Jodie Foster.
Following the events of September 11th, 2001, where an attempt at mind-control on a massive scale occurred when the MSM was used to push a narrative that was initially believed almost unanimously (due to the initial shock response), the MK Ultra program entered a new phase. With the advent of The Department of Homeland Security, the MK Ultra program was taken to the streets, under the guise of a new word: "Counter-terrorism". People who weren't being "productive members of society" (oftentimes homeless individuals) were labelled "Domestic Threats" or "Non-Investigative Subjects" by the FBI, which is akin to saying: "we know this individual is not a dangerous criminal, but they have still been marked as a 'threat'". This phenomenon came to be known as "Gangstalking", the victims of which refer to themselves as "Targeted Individuals (TI's)" as they are routinely harassed via V2K, Directed Energy Weapons (DEWS), surveillance stalking, and other forms of highly-advanced technological harassment.
The victims of modern targeted-harassment are often written off as "mentally-ill". After all of the soft forms of societal mind-control that have been carried out on a massive scale by the MSM and many political-figures in recent years, is that really a surprise? Statistically speaking, most people will write this post off as "the rantings of a crazy person". The government is here to protect and serve us - why would they want to harm us... right?