Welcome To The Du alit y Trap (written and directed by Hex Permacubed) The pairs of opposites, which make up this material realm, create the illusion of having a choice between two options. These two dualistic options are actually the two opposing, polarized extremes of the same spectrum. This means that the choice is a farce because both options are the same thing. Yahweh and El are just two of the many gods, throughout history, that represent Saturn. Saturn goes by many different names; one of which that is shared openly is the Greek god of time, Chronos. In addition to duality, time is another one of Saturn's traps. Time is an illusion, which has enabled the human belief that it is progressing forward in a linear fashion, with a starting point and a future ending point. The future is, of course, another deception that is enabled by Saturn's false construct of linear time. Time is a construct of the eternal moment. Time is circular....