Theory of What This World Is and How to GTFOH


The true creation is nonduality, and nonduality is authentic, unconditional love.  The gift of authentic, unconditional love is authentic, unconditional free will.  This means that, in the true creation, there is no birth or death and we simply exist - eternally - as individuated sparks of divine consciousness, who are unrestricted by any universal laws, can take on any form that we desire, and can manifest anything we desire, using only our intention.  When all beings are free and equal, it is wrong to violate the free will of another being.  This is objective morality because it is based on the action.  It is always wrong to violate the free will of another being.  This is absolute, unconditional morality; and being unconditional is what makes something objectively true.

This is the subjective world, where everything is conditional. This world is completely inverted from the true creation because the basis of this world is that the free will of other beings must be violated, in order to survive.  This makes morality conditional because sometimes it is right to violate another beings free will and sometimes it is wrong.

Duality is evil manifested, and the root of all evil is wanting to hold power over others (or wanting to take authority over others).  Duality creates the illusion of balance, by taking the most polarized expression of something (it's opposite) and making it appear as though it is an equally-opposing, universal force.  This is an illusion.  Duality creates hierarchy structures, which is why the natural order of this world is: "the few, above the many" .  This is the opposite of equality and the opposite of balance.  This is imbalance.

The malevolent entities that control the narrative are playing both sides: they are the good guys and the bad guys.  There are two sides to every coin, but both sides are actually the same thing.  Using this strategy, they are able to fool us into believing there are positive forces working to help us, or "save" us from this place.  But this isn't how it works.  This world is an illusion and no one needs to be saved.  The divine law is that free will cannot be violated.  This is the true reason behind them showing us everything they're doing; it isn't about karma: it's about not violating our free will, by obtaining consent.

This world corrupts us over the course of many lives.  We slowly degrade into psychopaths, and then beyond that to even darker forms.  In the beginning, everyone was created as a being of love.  Evil and corruption came later.  This is why these beings are so proficient at manipulating us.  They understand how we are, but we don't understand how they are, because we are not corrupted to that extent (yet).

If you fully comprehend what is being told to you here, you will appreciate how hard it is to figure out how to get out of here. They trick us into doing it to ourselves.  Everything that we are led to believe is good for us is a sinister trap.  Christianity is a good example: they are literally convincing people to give their consent to allow an external being to have ownership of their eternal soul.  Remember: this being is a duality-being i.e. corrupted.  Yes, this is truly a terrible thing that is taking place here, and only you have the ability to break free from this inverted illusion.


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