The Great Reset : This Is How The World Will End
Well, hello. You know, at this point it seems like any day could be the last. The Day of Reckoning (aka Judgement Day) is upon us. What I'm trying to say is that I really don't know how much time is left and I have two more posts I'm trying to finish (for the two or three people who might actually find madness worthwhile). Something I like to say is that "The Truth is the Hardest Thing to Believe".
I'm going to begin with a proper review of the events that have already passed, in order to strengthen my argument that The End Is Now.
Donald John Trump is the Antichrist
Yep. I'm one of those people - one of many - who have arrived at the conclusion that DJT is the AC. I'm not saying that Trump is an antichrist; I am saying that Trump is the antichrist. A lot of people believe that Trump is the antichrist, but even more people do not think Trump is the antichrist... and a lot of the people in the latter group are holding a bias, where they don't want the antichrist to be Trump. I don't know about anyone else, but I learned a long time ago that the truth is not at all compatible with what I want to be the truth. The Truth is the Hardest Thing to Accept.
@DonnieDarkened on X (Twitter) is by magnitudes the best source for information and evidence pertaining to Donald Trump being the antichrist. He is exceptionally skilled in gematria and numerology, and his esoteric knowledge of the occult is impressive. I am impressed by it! Following this sentence are a handful of tweets from Donnie Darkened that support Donald J Trump: Antichrist Supershart - -
Here's a few more I snagged off the net:
I think I've made my point, but here is one more 👉 : The Bible refers to the antichrist as the "Little Horn". The name Trump literally fucking means "little horn". I mean, c'monnnnnn.
The Tribulation & Mark of the Beast
The seven year tribulation period started and ended with a total solar eclipse. The first "Great American Eclipse" occurred on August 21, 2017 and the second "Great American Eclipse" occurred on April 8th, 2024. Six years, six months, six weeks, and six days was the amount of time between the first eclipse and the second eclipse. How can we know for sure that this was the seven year tribulation period, aside from occurring alongside the reign of the antichrist, which is aligned with the Biblical timeline? The answer is in the book of Revelation:
Rev 12.1-2
¹A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head ² She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.
This is a sign in the Bible that is meant to inform us that the great tribulation is under way, and this configuration was seen on 09/23/2017. The constellation Virgo, with a crown of twelve stars and planets around her head, the sun on her shoulders and the moon under her feet. This configuration has happened before; what has not happened before was Jupiter, being in a retrograde orbit for nine months prior to this date, which made it appear as though Jupiter was in Virgo's womb. On 9/23/2017 Jupiter was ejected from Virgo's womb: a scene resembling a virgin birth.
Three years, three months, three weeks and three days into the tribulation marked (punintended) the halfway point of the tribulation: 12/14/2020. There was a solar eclipse on that day and the first COVID vaccine was administered to the public. Donald Trump is the self-proclaimed "father of the vaccine" and perhaps Joe Biden is the second beast that is responsible for getting the majority of people to take the mark. The Bible says that the mark will have the number of the beast: 666. The shots contain graphene oxide, a molecule with six protons, six neurons, and six electrons. The mark on the forehead has been interpreted as either the horribly invasive nasal swab, used to test for COVID, or the red MAGA hats. A maga is witch, or a magician.
Fulfillment of Prophecy
Other ends times prophecies that have recently been fulfilled include (but are not limited to):
A third of the creatures in the ocean will perish (Rev 8.9)
This might be a stretch, but I can't shake the feeling that all of these stories about cicadas are related to end times prophecies about locusts. I know that cicadas are not locusts, but whatever they are talking about in Rev 9.3 does not sound like locusts, either. The point is that many people refer to cicadas as "locusts".
I've learned so much - about the Biblical end times prophecies and the ways in which world events are controlled and predicted by gematria and numerology - from Donnie Darkened. The dude is a genius, but a recent visit to his account on X (after taking a hiatus for over a year) makes me question if he might be a shill.
I feel some clarification is necessary: if I qualify an individual as a "shill", it means that I think they are corrupted. This does not mean that they should be avoided all together, or that you shouldn't believe anything they say. In fact, corrupted shills share more knowledge and truth than just about anyone else; just look at David Icke and Bill Hicks Alex Jones.
The ability to discern good information from bad information is necessary, when one "does their own research". The truth must be shared because our free will cannot be violated. The unfortunate truth about the truth, truthfully, is - truth be told - truly unfortunate, to tell the truth, and - to be quite honest - mixed in with the lies, false leads, and the lonely, neighborhood transvestigator who thinks that we're friends. SiGH... In the words of my hero, Benjacunt Shapiro - "Facts don't care about your feelings, bitch."
With that said, Donnie Darkened really does seem like a sincere dude; a Christian with an impenetrable faith. Here's the thing: Donnie knows about the sign in the heavens, of the woman having birthing pains. In fact, I first read about this in one of his Twitter threads. He knows all of this, yet he presently is speaking as though we are in the times of tribulation, right now, and that the mark of the beast has not happened, yet. I just... I... just don't know how the guy, who has brilliantly exposed Trump as the antichrist, in a million different ways, can now say that the clot shot wasn't the mark. I think that's fucking ridiculous, to be honest, and it irks the dried-out deer droppings in my pocket outta me that he has never, once, responded to any of my recent comments on his Tweets, where I call these discrepancies into question.
The reason why I am giving Donnie Darkie the benefit of the doubtie is because it seems like every Christian I encounter is incapable of seeing the writing on the wall. They are always way behind in the timeline of events. Most Christians I observe on the interwebs seem to think that the tribulation "is going to start real soon, maybe even next year!" For some reason, the tribulation that already happened wasn't hardcore enough for them, or something. I guess they were expecting more "wrathiness", or something.
Ok - YES - I might be wrong. I suppose anything is possible (arrogant odor wafts through your screen).
Holy fucking tangent, Batman! I forgot that I was in the middle of a post... no, I fucking didn't. Why am I lying?!
The Second Coming
On 09/23/2017, Jupiter was ejected from Virgo's womb: a scene resembling a virgin birth. Jupiter is a Roman god ,who is represented as Thor in Norse mythology and Zeus in Greek mythology. Jupiter, Thor and Zeus are represented by Jesus in Abrahamic mythology. What occurred in the heavens on 09/23/2017 wasn't your everyday virgin birth. This was the immaculate re-conception.
Eccentric bazillionaire and owner of companies, Musky Grimes, changed the name of social media giant "Twitter" to "X" recently. This name was accompanied by the logo changing into an X inside of a circle. The image of an X in a circle is a representation of the South American deity Quetzalcoatl. Recently, Canadian EDM producer Deadmau5 released a track titled "Quezacoatl" and I think it's up there with "Strobe" and "Cthulhu Sleeps", but I digress.
How about a joke to lighten the mood? Ahem -What do Quetzalcoatl, Jupiter, Thor, and Zeus have in common? They are all believed to be the same deity as Jesus Christ. That wasn't very funny, but it would explain the association with Quetzalcoatl and the X in the circle, as the X is also a representation of Jesus Christ, which is why the followers of Jesus are Xtians.
The letter "X" has been in the spotlight in 2024. Tweeter is X. Planet X is returning. Disease X is the next pandemic. XRP is the next cryptocurrency with a logo of an X in a circle. "X" marks the spot:
The path of totality from the total solar eclipse on 08/21/2017, the total solar eclipse on 04/08/2024, and the annular solar eclipse on 10/14/2023 form the Paleo-Hebrew Aleph Tav, the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet, which appear numerous times throughout the Bible. In the Greek alphabet, Aleph Tav is the Alpha and Omega. Aleph Tav has multiple meanings, including "the first and the last" and "the beginning and the ending". Aleph Tav is also said to be the signature of god (the father and the son, as one). In other words, these eclipses are literally telling us "Jesus Christ", who is set to return on the sixth day (one day is one thousand years to god).
What we are seeing here is a very clear sign that something Biblical is going to happen soon, and Americans have hardly noticed at all. They certainly are not repenting, although I do not think it would make any difference if they did. The destruction of America was known from the beginning. This game is rigged.
You can call me "Nostradumbass"
My skills at numerology are amateur at best, but I thought I might give it a go, what with this whole "second coming" thing at our doorstep (swallows nervously). On what day will this second coming take place, you ask? Well, let's see... Jesus is Jupiter in Roman mythology, Thor in Norse mythology, and Zeus in Greek mythology. What day of the week is Jupiter day? Why, it Thors-day, of course! What were you expecting? Zuesday?
I believe that Thursday is the most likely day for a second coming to happen. No one wants to deal with second comings on the weekend, after all. This coming Thursday is America's day: the fourth of Jew-Lie. I read somewhere online that the founding fathers believed that the founding of America was necessary, in order to "fulfill prophecy". This must be true; I read about it on the internet.
Thursday will be America's 248th birthday. Pluto takes 248 years to go around the sun. "President Donald Trump" has a gematria value of 248.
What I found to be interesting are the results I got from combining the dates 07/04/1776 and 07/04/2024. 7+4 = 11, so we have 11 11 and 1776+2024 = 3800, which is a third 11.
11 11 11 = 33. 33 is the number of Jesus Christ.
Any-which-way you add those two dates together is equal to six, the number of man.
I noticed this same result with the dates 09/11/2001 and 09/11/2024. 9+1+1 = 11 and 2001+2024 = 4025 and 4+0+2+5 = 11. So again, 11 11 11 = 33. The only thing about 09/11/2024 is that it is on a Wednesday this year. So my money is on July 4th for the destruction of America. UPDATE: didn't happen.
It should be no surprise that the mainstream media is silent about the imminent danger of the Yellowstone supervolcano erupting. Large cracks are forming around the base of the caldera. America is the new Babylon and the wrath of god is going to be explosive. They say that a supervolcano eruption can last for more than a month.
I Can Hear The Sky
I am going to give myself away here, but oh well. I live in a rural area and recently I started hearing ominous sounds in the sky. I thought perhaps this was happening everywhere, but now I realize that these sounds might be more localized. I think that I'm close enough to the Yellowstone supervolcano to be considered as part of the "dead zone". These sounds might have something to do with that, or the polar shift, or something. Either way, these sounds are getting louder and more frequent... and my opinion is that the Earth is making these noises.
Anyone who fancies themselves as a conspiracy theorist knows about Project Bluebeam, but most are expecting Bluebeam to involve either (a) an alien invasion and UFOS, or (b) religious imagery related to the end times. I believe that project bluebeam is actually all of these fucking airplanes flying overhead all day long, to make it seem like all these strange, rumbling noises are nothing to worry about. They're just the same commercial airliner, on the exact same trajectory, three times in the last seven minutes.
I don't know. There were never this many planes before. I first noticed these sounds at the beginning of April... just before the eclipse. And it's not like faking planes isn't anything we haven't all seen before:
You know, maybe I'm totally off base here. I know plenty of people would roll their eyes at the notion that Yellowstone could go off at any moment, as they mutter "idiot conspiracy theorist" under their breath. Sure. That's fair. They say we would know way ahead of time if a supervolcano explosion were to happen, but would we really? Would they want us to know something like that? I mean, really - what would that accomplish - other than creating panic amongst the North American peoples?
Yellowstone has gone off three times before, they say, at intervals of approximately 640,000 years... which is roughly how long it has been since the last eruption. So we're due for it. At the same time, don't allow my nonsense to hinder the good times. Let the good times roll! (I wish I was dead.)
Time is Cyclical
Time is circular, which creates the illusion of forward movement. Really, everything is just moving in a repeating circle, from the years, to the months, to the weeks, to the days, to the hours, to the minutes, to the seconds. That was unnecessary to type all of that out. The point is that time is a construct of the eternal moment.
Luke 8:17 For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
The Bible tells us that all will be revealed in the end times. A huge increase in knowledge will take place, and with the internet this knowledge can be accessed all around the world. The truth about this world seems to be a repetitive cycle that lasts for seven thousand years (or one week in god time, because a thousand years for us is one day for da big guy in da sky.
What follows are more pictures (that I stole from the internet), which provide evidence for previous planetary cycles. You can decide for yourself what to make of this information. My personal belief is that this has all happened before:
- This planet is in a repeating cycle that lasts seven thousand years.
- The fossil record confirms this because it shows a sudden onset of life that lasts for several thousand years before a sudden extinction event.
- We are stuck in a reincarnation cycle for the duration of the cycle, which is six thousand years
- The last thousand years is the "millennium reign of Christ". The reason that there is peace on Earth is because there aren't any people here! The planet takes this time to recuperate and destroy all the evidence of human activity.
- Life on Earth is basically the same for the first 5,776 years of the cycle, at which point the last great empire is founded. This time it was America. In the past it's been Babylon and Atlantis.
- The last great empire always becomes decadent, hedonistic and "sinful in the eyes of god." Of course, we are intentionally guided towards these behaviors.
- Technology advances at a rapid pace during the last empire, culminating with the introduction of the internet in every home. This might serve several purposes:
- They might be tracking our data in the spirit realm.
- Spirits are also able to communicate with us via the internet and online forums and social media.
- They have to tell us the truth because our free will cannot be violated. This is why they want everyone to have internet access and smart phones: so the information is easily accessible for all.
- They flood the truthful information with an abundance of bullshit, wild goose chases, and distractions. This means that everyone has the ability to figure things out, but most people fail to do so because they are distracted and have no idea what is actually going on here.
- The world will end with an ice age and a polar shift, where the planet will turn on it's side, placing the Bay of Bengal in India as the North Pole and the west coast of Peru as the South Pole
- This is our last life of this cycle. After this, our beliefs will determine our destiny.