The Black Cube of Saturn
Welcome ToThe Duality Trap
The pairs of opposites, which make up this material realm, create the illusion of having a choice between two options. These two dualistic options are actually the two opposing, polarized extremes of the same spectrum. This means that the choice is a farce because both options are the same thing.
Yahweh and El are just two of the many gods, throughout history, that represent Saturn. Saturn goes by many different names; one of which that is shared openly is the Greek god of time, Chronos. In addition to duality, time is another one of Saturn's traps. Time is an illusion, which has enabled the human belief that it is progressing forward in a linear fashion, with a starting point and a future ending point. The future is, of course, another deception that is enabled by Saturn's false construct of linear time. Time is a construct of the eternal moment. Time is circular. By moving in a circular motion, time creates the feeling of forward movement.
All religions are based in the Saturnian construct that we find ourselves currently trapped inside of. Religion tempts humanity by offering the keys to salvation, but the truth is that religion keeps humanity trapped inside of the Saturnian simulation, by adhering to ideas based in the falsehood of duality. This means that religion is harmful and is not the answer to salvation. Although, that certainly doesn't mean that atheism is the answer, either. Saturn is god - and god is very much real - making it seem foolish to turn to atheism, which is a lack of belief in the very same god. Despite being harmful, religion is something that must be taken seriously. There is surely some helpful wisdom to be found in religious doctrines, but the unfortunate truth is that the true wisdom of salvation is seemingly absent from religion.
Atheists often ask all the wrong questions, such as: "How do you know that your religion is the correct religion out of all the many religions throughout history?" and "How do you know the god of your religion is the true god, and that the many other god's, which humanity has worshipped, are not the true god?" The answer is that all of the religions are based in the rules of Saturn and all of the gods are creations of the Saturnian construct, which is god.
I won't single out the atheists, when the followers of religion just as often say things that are just as wrong, such as "if I choose to believe in God and the atheists were right and God isn't real, then it doesn't matter anyway, but if I choose to be an atheist and God is real..." still doesn't matter anyway, because the followers of religion and atheists all end up the same way: getting recycled back into this Saturnian construct.
When we zoom out on all of these different religions available today, we arrive at general consensus of Eastern and Western thought. Many people believe that one is superior, over the other, but the reality is that it is just another duality trap: two options that are actually the same choice. Eastern religion manipulates its followers into giving up their authority to the laws of karma, while Western religion manipulates its followers into giving up their authority to god. Both Eastern and Western religion teach that the potential for salvation is hinged upon a judgement of the individual, a judgement based on how well they lived their life. Karma refers to "cause and effect" which are the two opposing ends of the spectrum of "action", while "good and evil/bad" are the two opposing ends of the spectrum of "intention". The truth is that no action can be deemed as good or evil without knowing the context behind why the action happened. A sin is not defined by the action itself; a sin is defined by the intention behind the action.
Another aspect of both Eastern and Western religion is also an aspect of nature and reality, itself: hierarchy systems of authority. Remember that "reality" is defined only by what is real inside of the Saturnian simulation. Hierarchies and positions of authority exist naturally within the animal kingdom. The natural order is an authoritative hierarchy structure, and human civilization has historically been aligned with the natural order. A small group of people have always ruled over the much larger group of people, within a hierarchal system. This small ruling class is obeying the will of god. The nature of reality is the nature of its creator, and the natural order is the few, above the many.
Today's world remains the same as the world of yesterday, in the way that it is ruled over by a small group of people, known as EL-ites. The ruling elites separate themselves from the rest of the public society, through the formation of a secret society. They are a Saturnian Death Cult that worships Saturn, but the image they like to project to the conspiracy world is that of a cult who worships Lucifer. This is yet another duality trap. Luciferians and Christians are the two opposing extremes of the same religion. The only difference between a Luciferian and a Christian is that only the Luciferian knows that they are both the same religion. At the top of todays global hierarchy is America, and America is known as a Christian nation. One nation under God. Christianity is a rehashing of the same religion of the Egyptian empire. The Egyptian empire was the basis of the Roman empire, and the Roman empire is the basis of the American empire.
I am not the creator of this image
9/11 is one of the occults favorite numbers. You can reach the representatives of authority known as the police by dialing 911, and seemingly everything sold in America has a price point that ends in .99 cents because 99 is 9x11. One of the most important days in American history is September 11, 2001 (and it isn't because it is Jesus' birthday). 9-11 in Roman numerals IX XI. The image above shows the way that these specific Roman numerals form the symbol of Freemasonry, wedged in between the two pillars of Freemasonry, which are actually a representation of Solomon's Temple. Solomon's Temple was destroyed on November 9th or 11/9 which is the inverse of 9/11. As we can see in the image above, one pillar represents the feminine, while the other pillar represents the masculine. The feminine and masculine are also esoterically symbolized by the corresponding triangles seen in the image. The upside-down triangle of the feminine, combined with the upright triangle of the masculine, forms the Star of David. Going back to the Roman numerals IX XI, in the formation of the symbol of Freemasonry and in between the two pillars of Freemasonry, we can see that turning the vertical pillars horizontal and placing them inside the Masonic square and compass also creates the star of David. The twin towers represent the male/female binary, which was destroyed on 9/11/2001 and replaced with "The One World Tower", the walls of which are the feminine and masculine triangles. The amalgamation of masculine and feminine is symbolic of the Baphomet.
This statue of George Washington is depicted in the same way that the Baphomet is traditionally depicted (with the arms displaying the esoteric phrase "As above, so below"). We can also see the two pillars of Freemasonry on either side of Washington.
We can also see the representation of the two pillars in the Lincoln Memorial. While these do look like pillars, they are actually the symbol of the Roman Fasces. The Roman Fasces is the symbol of Fascism and is openly displayed on government buildings, all across America.
I did not create this image
The Royal Bloodlines that have ruled over civilization look throughout history are known to have been gender inverted, going back in time for centuries. Many famous icons alive today are suspected to be gender inverted. This is how the ruling class Luciferians pay tribute to God and the duality trap. This is why the Baphomet is transgender and it is also why some of the world's wealthiest people have been funding the transgender movement and helping it to become its current form of a social contagion. This is why the Star of David, which is the amalgamation of the masculine and feminine, is the image of the beast. Lucifer is the poster child of androgyny, and as we can see in the above image, the Statue of Liberty is actually the Statue of Lucifer - the light bringer - wearing the crown of thorns.
I did not create this image
Here we see The Black cube of Saturn represented in each Abrahamic religion. The Kaaba in Mecca is used to harvest energy for Saturn. Jewish phylacteries are worn on the forehead and around the arm during prayer. The cross of Christianity is a cube that has been unfolded and in a two-dimensional representation.
Here, we have a top-down view of what Ground Zero looks like today. The imprints of the twin towers are filled in with black. Makes sense. When looking down from above, the imprints of the twin towers almost look identical to the Great Pyramids at Giza. They are aligned with the stars in the same way and perhaps they were built for the same purpose. The Pyramids at Giza are rumored to be some sort of spiritual gateway, or portal. The Masonic twin pillars, Boaz and Jachin, also represent a spiritual gateway, or portal. Notice the way that the sunlight reflects on the pyramid as a visual manifestation of the black and white nature of the duality trap. Black and white have frequently been used to symbolize the dualistic nature of good and evil, but the truth is that Black and White are the opposing, extreme ends of the same spectrum of light. Duality traps manipulate and deceive, by encouraging what is known as "black and white thinking" (where we are fooled into believing that there is a choice between two options and only two options). Black and white thinking is a limiting construct of duality, where the way out is through. Black and white are the two opposing extremes of the same spectrum: grey. Grey is representative of the middle path, which is the refusal to play the duality game, through the rejection of both the black option and the white option, and choosing instead to opt out (which is the grey option).
The One World Tower looks somewhat like an Obelisk, as well. Obelisks symbolize the male phallus that impregnates the female Vesica Piscis with the Seed of Life. This ritualistic representation of the creation myth has been repeated all throughout history, in various religions from all over the Earth.
"The Black Cube of Saturn" is a reference to what is known as "The Hexagon Storm" on Saturn's north pole. On the south pole is "The Eye of Saturn" (or Sauron) which is represented by the "all-seeing eye of god". The image on the left is the image is the image of the Beast and the image on the right is the image of god. This is another duality trap: God and the Devil are the two opposing, polarizing, extremes of the same spectrum. God even tells us this in Isiah 45:7 (KJV) "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things."
Jesus and Lucifer are the two polarizing extremes of the same being. This is why they both bring the light, and this is why they are both referred to as "The Morning Star". This is why the Statue of Liberty is wearing the crown of thorns. This is why the number 33 represents both Jesus and Lucifer (Jesus died at age 33 and Lucifer brought 1/3 [or .33] of the angels in heaven down to hell). Christians who say that "Jesus is the only way" don't understand that there are actually two paths that lead to the same destination (known colloquially as "the right hand path" and "the left hand path").
American capitalism features lots of Saturn worship and idolatry. All of the corporate "Logos" in the above image are a representation of the rings of Saturn. The energy that people exert into these big name-brands (often in the form of idolatry and worship) is energy harvested for Saturn.
I did not create this image
Here is a post showing how all the Biblical prophecy related to the Antichrist relates to Donald Trump. Here is a Twitter thread by Donnie Darkened which presents a great case for Trump being the Antichrist. Donnie Darkened has many threads about why all the evidence points to Donald Trump being the chosen Antichrist. Here is a post showing why the movie "Donnie Darko" is a story about Donald Trump being the Antichrist by u/candleman100. Despite the massive amount of knowledge between both Donnie Darkened and u/menorahman100 , it appears that they are both still caught in the duality trap, where they believe Jesus will come and save the day (and, I mean... they aren't necessarily wrong about that either, but they just don't seem to realize that duality is an illusion, where what appears as two is only one). Donnie Darkened also talks about the other big movie prophesizing that Donald Trump will be the Antichrist: "Back to the Future II", where Trump is represented as the character Biff. Biff also represents the two-faced demon named Bifrons. Trump is a Gemini, and as I learned on Donnie Darkened's Twitter, there has been hints in the media going back decades of the existence of two Donald Trumps. Seriously, there are a lot of references to this. The antichrist is even referred to as "the little horn" in the Bible, and the name "Trump" literally means "little horn".
I share the belief that Donald Trump is the Antichrist, and I also believe that his hype-man, "Q", is the Biblical false prophet. The prophecy that "the lawless man" will be the 7th king and the 8th king also teases the rumor that Trump will be coming back to lead again... and this time it will be the second Trump. It is said of the two Trumps that one wears a red tie and one wears a blue tie, which makes too much sense, because red and blue are the colors of the duality trap.
This is another example of Saturn worship in American capitalism, which creates many different choices between two polarizing options (a red option and a blue option), which are really just the same fucking thing, really. (I'd like to point out that Target's logo is the astrological symbol of the sun, while Walmart's logo is the Star of David aka the image of the beast.)
I am not the creator of either of these images, although I did combine them into one image.
We can see that the so-called "Flower of Life" on the left, which is an example of sacred geometry, is in the shape of both a hexagram and a cube (and serves as a visual representation of the Fibonacci sequence, which is a spiral going out from a central point), while the "Eternal Life Lotus" on the right represents a mathematical sequence which spirals out in both directions, like true divine consciousness.
On the top left we have the famous MAGA hat (anyone who wears it is proudly displaying the "mark of the beast" on their forehead) and the logo of President Trump's "Operation Warp Speed" effort to quickly get a Covid vaccine in the arms of every man, woman and child. The logo proudly displays the cube of Saturn, adorned in gold (Orange Man like gold, gold shiny like Orange Man) and with the coronavirus, apparently trapped inside of it. Corona means crown, which might be a reference to something like the crown chakra (or not, fuck if I know). We also see the representation of another occult favorite: the number 13, represented as 13 stars. On the bottom left we have a magnified image of a nanographene molecule, which happens to be in the hexagonal shape of the beast and have 13 smaller hexagons inside of it, in the shape of the Star of David, next to an image that looks eerily similar featured on the back on the U.S. one dollar bill... I mean, it's no surprise really to see the image of the beast displayed on money, is it? Furthermore, the graphene oxide found in the covid vaccines contain 6 neutrons, 6 protons, and 6 electrons. On the top right we have The Star of David - aka the image of the beast God - which is why it is on Israel's flag, as they are God's chosen people... and all that. Next to that is... well you know. On the bottom right we have an image of the ouroboros - the snake who eats it's own tail - seen here in the shape of the infinity sign. The sun and the moon follow this same shaped path on their trajectories, and when the point in the middle of the infinity path is crossed by the sun and the moon at the same time, a solar eclipse happens. Next to that is a painting I made many years ago of Metatron's cube, another example of sacred geometry and also, quite possibly, an obvious representation of Saturn.
Many religions share similar aspects, whether it be in their writings, in their stories, or in their dogmas. All religions share one important aspect, which is the teaching that we have no control over what happens to us when we die and we have no control over our own destiny. The "New Age" teaches about an imminent ascension into the fifth dimension (or "5D"), where everyone will be able to see your thoughts and there will be no privacy. Souls will be "harvested" when this time arrives, which is also the word the Bible uses to describe the rapture (a harvest of souls). Niburu will return... or maybe it was Saturn that will return. I'm not totally sure if it will be the ascension into 5D, or the ascension into 5G... but I suppose it doesn't matter. The Bible says that after the arrival of the Antichrist, and after the seven-year tribulation (which we are over halfway into currently), comes "The Day of the Lord" (or the second coming of Jesus Christ[... or was it the second Trump?]). The Bible says that a trumpet will be heard in the sky on that day... so I guess it doesn't matter. All the followers of Christ will be - as the Bible states - "transformed into their new, heavenly bodies", which makes me think of "new, transhuman bodies". Apparently these updated bodies will be both physical and spiritual... and I've been saying - for a while now - that the Internet is actually an artificial spirit realm... but I digress. The Bible goes on to say that there will be the formation of the "New Heaven and New Earth" (which will be combined into one). On the New Earth, all the nations will join together as one, led by Christ (which sounds a lot a lot similar to this "New World Order" that so many people seem to be worried about). The Bible says that on the New Earth people will get to be with god all the time "to serve him" (not me though - I ain't serving no one - but if you are a Christian, then you have likely consented to god having sovereignty over you, which he likes to say he has over everyone... in hopes that people will actually agree, I guess). The New Age teaches that after the ascension happens, there will be no privacy because god will always be there with you in 5G, err 5D... which makes me wonder how A.I. will fit into all of this. A.I. like the all-seeing I? Who knows? All I know is that I want nothing to do with any of it (all of it sounds insane)!
Seen all throughout time, all over the world (and I did not you-know-what to this image)
If God and the Devil are one in the same, what the Hell is everyone supposed to do?
"God" is the Saturnian construct that is projecting this simulation we are all in. In other words, "God" is the source of this experience, and this experience is a "construct" of true divinity. Remember that time is a construct of the eternal moment, just as life and death are. We don't really die and we don't really end. Instead, we get trapped in a dualistic reincarnation cycle every time we choose to allow someone else to save us and every time we consent to allowing our destiny to be controlled by something else. We are encouraged by the Saturnian construct to seek out external sources to know what is true and real. God is an external source of what is true and real. The divine source is within you, not outside of you. Ultimately, the only one you can trust is yourself, which means that the best source for the truth is you. The divine source of all creation is love. This experience - in this world -would have us all believe that love and hate are two separate forces, when hate is actually just the most extreme, polarized expression of love. Divine love is authentic, uninhibited free will. There is no authority and there is no hierarchy: only truly divine love and freedom.