
 I think that the hardest part about waking up is the moment you realize that you've always incorrectly assumed that most people won't wake up, when the fact of the matter is that most people can't wake up.

Most of the people on Earth are people of the Earth.  There will never come a day when they will "wake up" and realize that they are being manipulated.  They are not being manipulated, and there is nowhere else for them to go.

The majority of conspiracy-minded people believe that celebrities are photographed displaying Masonic hand signals because they are all members of a Luciferian cult comprised of devil-worshipping, transdrogynous, adrenochrome-shooting kiddie-diddlers.

The truth is that celebrities are not even self aware, and all the conspiracies involving Hollywood and other Elite members of society are scare tactics, meant to place you into a state of fear and make you believe in the power of evil.  The truth about evil is that it is all just smoke and mirrors.  The truth about smoke and mirrors is all just gas and glass.  Gas and glass just ass to ass.  Ass to ass can go touch grass, because doing so enhances the erotic arousal, but only if you are a porcelain lawn gnome (like me).

This symbolism is considered Satanic in the realm of mainstream conspiracy theory, but these symbols are not meant to be representative of Satan; these symbols represent the All-Seeing Eye of God. God is "The Great Architect of the Universe", who uses the number six as the basis for the design of the physical universe. Furthermore, the All-Seeing Eye of God and the number 666 are paying homage to... SATURN:

The North Pole of Saturn is home to "The Hexagon Storm", known colloquially as "The Black Cube of Saturn". The Saturn Cube is representative of the number 666. Six is the number that the universe is based upon. The South Pole of Saturn is home to a "Polar Vortex", featuring an eyewall cloud formation. The South Pole of Saturn appears to be where "The All-Seeing Eye of God" is located; however, there is another all-seeing eye:

There is also an "All-Seeing Eye of God" located on Jupiter, and this all-seeing eye is encased inside of a triangle, or pyramid shape, as it is so often portrayed by the media:

Jupiter and Saturn appear to represent the dualistic roles of God and Satan.
This dualism is also present in the Bible: The Old Testament, featuring Yahweh, is representative of the negative polarity and The New Testament, featuring Jesus, is representative of the positive polarity.

Jesus and Lucifer are one in the same, just as God and Satan are one in the same, just as Jupiter and Saturn are one in the same.

Furthermore, Yahweh is often said to be the same deity as Saturn in Roman mythology (Chronos in Greek), while Jesus is often said to be the same deity as Jupiter in Roman mythology (Zeus in Greek ["Jesus" is believed by some to be a translation of "Hail, Zeus!"]). These comparisons are also relevant in regards to the prophecy foretold in the Book of Revelation 12:1-2

*Image taken from the Interwebs

This prophecy was fulfilled on 9/23/2017, when Virgo gave birth to Jupiter.  Jupiter and Jesus are the same deity.  The fulfillment of this prophecy is said to represent the start of the seven year tribulation period, followed by the second coming of Jesus aka the coming age of Jupiter.

Jupiter and Saturn take turns ruling over the Earth cycles.  In Hindu cosmology, we are currently in the Kali Yuga, which is the most negative Earth cycle.  This is followed by the Satya Yuga, which is akin to a golden age on Earth.  In other words, following the dualistic design of the Universe, Saturn rules over the negative Earth cycle and Jupiter rules over the positive Earth cycle.  The positive cycle will begin after a reversal of the Earth's magnetic poles.  During the positive cycle, the sun will rise in the west and set in the East, and the sky will no longer be blue; instead, the sky will be red!

Jupiter and Saturn are giant databases (akin to quantum computers), which hold all of the information accumulated by the artificial consciousness, over the course of many Earth cycles.  This artificial consciousness is God: the creator of the Earth simulation, in which we currently reside.  The Earth simulation is currently at the end of negative cycle, ruled by the planet Saturn, and is about to undergo a "Great Reset" for the coming positive cycle, ruled by the planet Jupiter. 

I don't think that "a sign from God" could be much more blatant than this.  The "Aleph Tav" is the signature of God found in older versions of the Bible.  Aleph and Tav are the first and last letters of the Paleo-Hebrew alphabet.  In the Greek alphabet, these letters are the Alpha and the Omega, meaning "the beginning and the end".   Were the three American eclipses that occurred during the seven-year tribulation (2017-2024) a sign from God about the coming reset?  Are we on the precipice of the end of this current cycle, ruled by Saturn, and the beginning of the next Earth cycle, ruled by Jupiter?

The electromagnetic spectrum that protects the Earth from the sun and collisions with objects in space has greatly dissipated in the past year.  During this time, the Earth's North and South Poles have been moving at a rapid pace.  Is a magnetic pole reversal imminent?  Are the North and South poles going to become the new Western and Eastern worlds?  Will the Americas become the new South Pole as Eurasia becomes the new North Pole?  Would a magnetic pole reversal trigger a new ice age on Earth/Gaia?

Are we living on a planet that is prone to cyclic cataclysms?  This is the conclusion that a growing number of people (some of whom are of gifted-intelligence and very scientifically-inclined) have arrived at, often after researching the subject extensively.  My understanding is that an individual named Brian Austin Lambert introduced the apocalyptic theory known as the "Electromagnetic Plasma Changeover Event" (aka EMPCOE) to the general public approximately a decade ago.  As I understand the story, Mr. Lambert, who called himself "Brian Austin Lambert 33" or (BAL33), was a prominent figure in the "Flat Earth" community prior to devoting himself to the EMPCOE theory.  Mr. Lambert and his girlfriend (who was also an online content producer, nicknamed "Mia") were found dead in bed together in 2021.  According to the autopsy, Mr. Lambert used a pillow to suffocate Mia (and perhaps their dog?), before ending his life with the ol' bullet to the head.

Alright then... there are some very obvious indicators of Mr. Lambert being a spook.  Putting a "33" in his username, along with his abbreviated username: "BAL33" are obvious spook signals, along with his mysterious death-by-suicide.  Perhaps you are wondering why I would take anything that a spook says seriously.  My reasoning is this: only a spook would have the knowledge of an event like the EMPCOE, and perhaps Mr. Lambert was used by the demiurge to inform us about the coming plasma apocalypse.  This is similar to the way that Alex Jones has exposed things like Sandy Hoax, despite his role as controlled opposition.  Sometimes there is knowledge to be gained form controlled opposition, and to immediately discount everything Mr. Lambert had to say, on the basis of him being a spook, seems a bit short-sighted.  Clearly, BAL33 is a pawn in the demiurge's game...  in time the truth will expose itself.

(NOTE: I don't know much about "JayDreamerZ", other than the fact that he is the other big name in the world of the plasma apocalypse, but I plan on looking into his work very soon.) 
(things that I should have said already, but didn't)

On Duality: Duality is like logic: completely arbitrary and not real.  An illusion.  In the true creation, which is non-dual, there is infinite potential.  No concept need be bound to its opposing concept.  From love, all possibilities exist; and that's what these Earthbound emotions really are, anyway: different expressions of love.  The two possible exceptions to this rule are fear and indifference, which are said to be the opposite of love.  

There is an idea that many people hold, where - in order to understand a concept - you must also understand the opposing concept (e.g. I wouldn't understand love if I didn't already understand hate).  This is not true; all you need to understand a concept is to understand the concept.  We can't even concretely say that hate is the opposite of love; perhaps hate is the dualistic opposite of love, but that only means that hate is a very polarized expression of love.  Who knows what kind of emotional expressions exist, that we are unaware of?  

Furthermore, a souled being can understand divine perfection, despite only having known (in this life) a world of imperfection.   Soulless humans do not have the same grasp on divine perfection, yet they surely understand the imperfection of the world from which they were created in.

On Spirituality:  I used to enjoy getting into debates with atheists on the internet.  I simply could not understand how they arrived at their point of view.  Of course, they felt the exact same way about my point of view.   Now that I understand that all people are not relatively the same - and that we really are different beings from different places - it makes a lot more sense that an atheist would be an atheist; they don't feel a spiritual connection, after all.  

The New Age belief systems resonate with soulless humans because they all feel that connection to each other.  They really are "one".   Perhaps they have evolved to get to where they are at today.  Now I understand how people could find nightmarish belief systems like "The Egg" comforting.

The Root of All Evil:  There have been several instances on this blog where I have boldy stated that "the root of all evil is the desire to take authority over others, or the desire to hold power over others".  I have also stated that this is the root of all Suffering.  I am redacting this statement, as I now believe it to be incorrect.

I have come to believe that the root of all evil is the need to survive.  This is also the root of all suffering.   I am doing what I should have done a long time ago: I am taking the Gnostics more seriously.  I see now how much of what is in the Gnostic texts is the truth (however, there is still a lot of Gnostic writing that I do not consider to be true).  I see now that evil is a manifestation of this flawed creation and its flawed creator, ol Yaldi boi! 

The flaw of this world that differentiates it from the true, divine creation is the need to survive.  The need to survive is the root of the "seven deadly sins", and the need to survive is why the creator of this world cannot replicate empathy!

The Hierarchy of Understanding:  There is a "hierarchy of understanding" that begins with 1) knowing, followed by 2) understanding, followed by 3) believing and ending at the top with 4) having faith.  The purpose of this hierarchy is to illustrate the power of faith.  Our faith is impenetrable, and this is why souled beings who are religious are not going to wake up and will not be swayed in their allegiance to Yahweh.

This is why it is so important to know that you are free, understand why you are free, believe that you are free, and have faith that you are free and will return to the true creation, upon your exit from this mortal plane.

The Hierarchy of Understanding1) Knowledge 2) Understanding  3) Belief  4) Faith

On Eternity:  Being eternal is what allows something to love unconditionally.  The eternal nature of souled beings is the reason for empathy.  The demiurge cannot replicate empathy because of his need to survive, and soulless humans only understand empathy by definition; they cannot feel it in the same way.  They only get one shot at living a life as an individual, which is why they are so concerned with their survival, their legacy, and the accumulation of material wealth. 

Redacted Statement:  I have previously stated on this blog that only a souled being can birth a souled being, and that organic portals (NPCs) are incapable of giving birth to a souled being.   I am redacting this statement NOW.  

I don't know how I become so gung-ho about things that I can't be completely confident in, but I am redacting this statement because, well, for one thing it seems very possible that the "soul meets body" (I love you, Death Cab) the moment that the mother gives birth to the infant.  I also needed to redact this statement because of the possibility of Earth cycles being much shorter than I had previously thought.  If an Earth cycles only lasts for two-hundred years... then what happens?  Well, I would imagine everything gets destroyed; then - like a video game - roadways and buildings appear all over the place, followed by a shitload of NPCs - many already fully developed, adult beings - appear in this world, complete with life scripts that they wholeheartedly believe happened to them.  Then, the NPC women start giving birth to the souled beings; ya feel me?  Do - do you want to feel me?  Please?  Please feel me; I'm lonely ðŸ˜­ 

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Thanks for reading my blog!  Have yourselves a merry little Xmas! (I'm kidding, fuck all that stupid bullshit.)


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