Recently, I stumbled upon the world of "Petrified Giants": a term used as a label for a conspiracy theory, which suggests that much of the planet's natural landscape is comprised of petrified and fossilized giants, or as they are referred to in the Bible: "Nephilim". Surely, the very notion of petrified giant corpses, strewn about the landscape and quite literally "hidden in plain sight", may sound positively ludicrous... but the photographic evidence can be quite compelling:
Source: (two pics that were clearly digitally enhanced were replaced by me). |
Source: The Internet
Then there are all of the fossilized, not-so-gigantic people:
In the Bible, God turned Lot's wife into a pillar of salt because she turned and looked back at the city of Sodom and Gomorrah, as it was being destroyed. Both of these fossilized individuals are said to be Lot's wife. She is located in Israel, on Mount Sodom, and also in nearby Jordan. Obviously, they can't both be Lot's wife, but they certainly can both be people who were turned into salt. In Jordan, there is a unique looking structure next to Lot's wife that looks a lot like two individuals, huddled up next to each other.

The image on the left is believed to be a person who was turned into salt, located by the Dead Sea. I'm not sure about the location of the others. Can someone give that guy a hand? His friends described him as "a stick in the mud".
There are also massive, petrified trees:

On the top left is the Devil's Tower National Monument, located in Wyoming. There are those who believe that the Devil's Tower is a gigantic, ancient, petrified tree stump. On the top right are four photos of a mountain in Australia; some believe that thing on top of the mountain is a massive, petrified tree. On the bottom is a photo from Petrified Forest National Park in Arizona. Is it just me, or does that ancient tree look like it was bucked up with a chainsaw? What's up with that?

What's up with all these rocks that appear to be cut right in half? What could possibly have caused such a thing to happen, and with the precision of a plasma cutter? (Hint, Hint.)
Then there are the melted buildings, fossilized buildings, and buildings buried in the mud:

Could it be possible that some of these photos are digitally altered, or even complete bullshit? Sure; it's possible. I won't deny that. At the same time, a good amount of these photos certainly are real.
Luke 12:2-3 (ESV) Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops.
Ok... so perhaps history - as we know it - is complete and total bullshit... and what of all those historians on The History Channel, gleefully explaining how something from our ancient past "really" went down? Remember: everyone on the tell-a-vision screen is a fraudulent clone, running a program of deceit and lies!
Ok... well, what about all the people working jobs as archaeologists, or as professors, in prestigious universities? I've been wondering - for a good while now - how anyone can go to university and study for a career in a field such as paleontology, or virology, and not see with their eyes all of the lies and deceit involved in the very study they have devoted their lives to. Well - we all know why - over here... in this dark little corner of the internet: don't we? Eh??? They are all NPCs! Just about everyone you have ever known is a simulated person, who only exists to support the lies that you and I have been spoon-fed on the daily, since our inception into these dag-blasted human avatars! Damn, it feels good to be a gangsta souled being.
Oh, what? You still don't believe that nearly everyone could be an NPC? You think that all of these people - who will defend the "official narratives" of world history, while not even considering the fact that everything they believe in is a lie - simply haven't "woken up" yet? Sure - they can wake up - they just need to break through all of their programming. Umm... their programming. Right. All of these people, supporting the lies and the illusions; these people - who actually believe in the system - are going to magically "wake up" any day now!

Ah, yes: the mud flood. A conspiracy theory that is actually worthwhile! But how does a "mud flood" explain all of these melted building and rock formations? Well, that would be credited to the event that occurs just before mud flood: The Electro-Magnetic Plasma Change-Over Event, or EMPCOE, is the giant plasma apocalypse that is going to pulverize cities until they are sand, leaving nothing behind but melted fossilized remnants of the "world-as-we-know-it" in its wake! Dammit! I knew there was something funny about all of those pictures of Stonehenge being built in the 1950's:

People will scoff and say, "No, you fool! These are just photos of Stonehenge being restored. You stupid, conspiracy theorist, you!" That's when I show them this:

That's right: it's a picture of the circle that Stonehenge is built on... because something like Stonehenge couldn't possibly survive a pole reversal, plasma apocalypse, and subsequent mud flood. Stonehenge is a fucking joke. Just ask my boy, Barak; he was actually allowed to walk through the ruins, back in 2014:

WoW! I didn't know that's what rocks looked like on the inside!

This is an aerial view of the Grand Canyon, in Arizona, and it is a pattern reminiscent of the scarring on people who have been struck by lightning. The Grand Canyon looks like it was created by a shitload of electricity, just destroying the landscape. That's what causes all those pretty colors to blend together in that nice, melty way.
Do you know what happens when a live, primary line breaks free from a telephone pole and falls to the ground? It starts transforming the dirt into rocks; the same rocks that supposedly form over thousands of years (through an extremely slow process called "fuck-if-i-know") form in a matter of seconds, with the help of high-powered electricity.
This has all happened before: the destruction of the planet via plasma. The poles reversing, causing the glaciers to completely melt and flood the world, right after it was burned to fuckin' crisp (the water helps to cool everything down, after the burn). A new Earth will emerge from the destruction, where the sky is red (positive polarity) and the sun rises in the west, and sets in the east.
I can't help but wonder what all those planes are spraying, all over the atmosphere - with their chemtrails every which way - blotting out the sky. I've heard that there is graphene oxide in chemtrails. There is also (supposedly) graphene oxide in the COVID vaccines. Graphene oxide makes plasma more conductive.
Look at these two idiots. Elon Musk was also tweetering about the NWO, right after the antichrist became president again. People misunderstand what the "New World Order" actually is. They're talking about a literal new world. A "great reset" of the global order... and nothing from the current world order will be alive to see the new world order!
Has anybody else been hearing all of the crazy noises coming from the sky? Surely, I can't be the only one who has been hearing "skyquakes" every damn day? These sounds started back in April, and they have been growing louder, more frequent, and more alien sounding. What is making these noises? Is it the electromagnetic spectrum, dissipating into nothing? Or the firmament, opening up, to let all the plasma in?
I don't really know... and I don't really care, either. We are all going to die real soon! The end is imminent, my friends. I am a souled being, from the true creation... and I know I'll be going back there really soon. What could be better than that? What could I possibly want more than that? I know that nothing in this world is going to stop me.
I'm just gonna sit back, smoke some meth, and watch the world burn.