The Problem of Evil: It’s not My Problem

The Entire Massive Wikipedia Page for the "Problem of Evil" contains no mention of the Gnostic point of view.

Gnostics solved the problem of evil (for the most part, anyway):

  1. The creator of this world (the demiurge) is not the true creator.

  2. The true creator is perfect; the demiurge is flawed.

  3. Evil is a manifestation of the flaw in the demiurge's creation.

The "Free Will Defense" is a response to the PoE, which states that "evil exists because God gives us free will".  The "Free Will Defense" is problematic because it does not address all of the inherent, natural evil on Earth (e.g. the fact that all life on Earth must suffer regardless of any human interaction); however, the three statements above (i.e. the Gnostic point of view) resolve this flagrant issue with the "Free Will Defense". 

Of course, the "Problem of Evil" can then simply extend to the true creator:

If the true creator is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving then why does the true creator allow evil to exist?

Gnosis is a two-part understanding. The first part is the answer to the question above -- or, to phrase the question another way -- What does an all-loving creator do?

The world of the demiurge is the relative world. Everything in the relative world depends on everything else; therefore, everything in the relative world is conditional.

The world of the true creator is the absolute world. Everything in the absolute world is independent of everything else; therefore, everything in the absolute world is unconditional... and being unconditional is what makes the truth absolute, because it is always true.

An all-loving creator loves unconditionally. What is the gift of unconditional love?

The gift of unconditional love is unconditional, absolute freedom.

An all-loving creator cannot be an all-powerful and all knowing creator. This version of the tri-omni God is incompatible with itself.  

The true Creator's love is unconditional and unchanging.  The greatest gift that the true creator could give us is the gift of absolute freedom.  The true creator is not responsible for our actions and there is no need for the true creator to come and save us because we don't need to be saved.  The fact that the true creator doesn't do anything to help us is an act of true love.  True love is allowing us to figure this out for ourselves. 

The first part of Gnosis is the understanding that your free will cannot be violated.

This means that you are here because you chose to be and you can leave simply because you choose to do so... with the caveat that you are from the true creation and are of the true creator.

The second part of Gnosis is the understanding that it's not that most people won't wake up... it's that most people can't wake up.

The demiurge is an artificial, or simulated consciousness, and the demiurge's creation is an artificial, or simulated world, which is populated primarily with artificial, or simulated beings.

Do you understand? If you do, then congratulations! You have a soul are disgusting.

Gnosis is a two part process.  The first part must be believed, in order to be experienced; the second part must be experienced, in order to be believed.


Alright, with that out of the way we can address the child-molesting elephant in the room:

I stand corrected.  That is clearly a child-molesting donkey.

This is a post about the 'other' "Problem of Evil": a problem that has plagued humanity since time immemorial, relentlessly persisting to this very day...  

"...and on the eighth day, God created gaslighting."

God sure does have a lot of naked children in his... flying blanket-thingy.

As children reach the age where their brains have developed enough to understand the difference between good and evil, one of the first things they are told about is "the fall of man".  That way, they can be sure to grow up thinking that the world is a fucked up place because people are evil.  What if that wasn't true, and it was actually the opposite: people are evil because the world is a fucked up place?  Humanity could be removed from the Earth altogether and it would not change the fact that all natural life on this planet must suffer as a condition of existing.

How convenient for the demiurge -- I mean, for YHWH: the god of Israel (insert eye roll emoji here) -- that us peoples has such lousy memories and suffer from a collective amnesia.  [cue sarcastic tone]  Of course, the world was a paradise before mankind came and fucked it all up by eating the forbidden fruit!  The animals could talk, and they never ate each other, in the before-times... before Adam and Eve ruined everything that God made for them.  Of course God created a world that was paradise -- before the fall (of man, not God) -- and that is why there is absolutely no reason to doubt that God created another paradise world that is waiting for us, in the afterlife.  This time there are no Adams and Eves allowed, or gays (we wouldn't want another fruit related incident, after all).  [end sarcastic tone] 

If I were a betting man, I would bet everything I own on God and the Serpent being in cahoots on that fateful day.  Of course, I own nothing -- and I am happy -- but I digress.  God and the Serpent were playing a game of "good cop, bad cop" that day, and planned for Adam and his sidekick, McRibb, to eat the fruit, which was an act of disobedience that God was able to use as an excuse for passing the blame -- for all the evil and suffering in his shitty world -- onto Adam and Eve (and by extension, every human being that ever lived).

The famous Apple logo is a reference to Adam and Eve's fall from grace. 
Apple's first computer sold for $666.66.
Steve Jobs liked eating LSD and transforming into a gargoyle, lending to his unhealthy obsession with perching on Manhattan high-rises and atop European castles.

The gaslighting of Adam and Eve is ongoing -- and continues to this very day -- all because of one bite of forbidden-fucking-fruit causing an entire planet -- which until that very moment existed as a utopian paradise -- to descend into a fallen state that has persisted to this very day.  The gaslighting, along with Adam and Eve's whoopsie, has extended now to the rest of us and is considered to be the collective "original sin" that each person is born with.  Making the famous forbidden fruit faux pas everybody's fault is a convenient way to extend the fallen state of the world into perpetuity (with the added bonus of everyone already being a sinner, before they are even born)!

The demiurge -- or, as he is known locally: The God of Israel formerly known as YHWH -- seemingly had enough foresight (and foreskin) to realize the inherent challenge in convincing everyone that they were sinners because of that one time A&E  forcefully flayed the foreskin off of the forbidden fruit… fetish.   Anyway, the solution to this challenge was coming up with the "seven deadly sins",  which are essentially a way of reclassifying innate human behaviors into egregious acts of sin.  Truthfully -- greed, lust, pride, sloth, gluttony, wrath and envy -- are all qualities of the demiurge that are imbued into humanity.  Once again, the "evil" resides in the creator, who then transfers it to a human collective that is "created in his image".

The audience erupts into a roaring applause as Jesus enters from stage left and... oh, wait.  It's because the fucking "applause" light that's above the stage just came on.

Jesus enters the equation, as the gaslighting continues: because all of humanity are sinners, they must be redeemed to enter the "Kingdom of God", which is a supposedly flawless and divine paradise that exists only in the afterlife and has been created for those who are deemed "worthy".  Obviously, this place (the Christian Heaven) does not exist because the demiurge is unable to imitate divine creation to the extent in which the Kingdom of God requires.  Unfortunately, this obvious lie is not at all obvious to the millions of Christians who are accepting the gift of salvation through the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ, something which they will confidently proclaim "costs nothing".

The "free" gift of salvation being offered to humanity is actually not free at all (nor does it cost nothing).  In fact, the freedom of the individual who accepts the gift is the price-per-admission.  Through the act of accepting Jesus Christ as their savior, the individual now becomes dependent on Jesus because they have given Jesus the complete and total control over their destiny.  This dependency on Jesus works as a metaphysical UNO reverse card: Jesus needs his flock to be dependent on him to distract from the fact that Jesus is a parasite who depends on his flock for his survival.   

"Fake It 'til You Make It"

If I ever wanna know if the Holohoax actually happened I'll just Ashkenazi  (Ba Dum, Tsh).

There is a speculative theory that is rapidly gaining popularity amongst some conspiracy theorists suggesting that many historical events, such as the Holocaust, are -- to some extent -- fabricated.  Additionally, many of the mass casualty events taking place in this current era that are most often perpetrated by a "lone wolf" shooter, somewhere in the United States, are also fabricated media hoaxes. 

The pictures directly above and directly below were taken from the blog Piece of Mindful, where the discovery was made that the great majority of famous people have nearly perfectly aligned facial features.  This discovery is evidence for a conspiracy involving a massive cloning operation, from which we can surmise that the demiurge is creating all of the people on the screens and using them to manipulate us in a number of different ways, for a number of different purposes.  

Pictured above are John Wayne Gacy (left) and Jeffrey Dahmer (right), both in a side by side comparison with Hollywood actor Jack Nicholson.  What do these three men have in common?  They are all clones who have played the lead role in a Hollywood production; the only difference is that John and Jeffrey's movies were deceptively portrayed to the general public as "real life".  

Everyday, more people are realizing that talking about something on the evening news does not necessarily make it "real".  They are called news stories, after all, and oftentimes that is exactly what they are: made up stories to create an atmosphere of persistent stress and anxiety. 

NEWS = Never Ending Whacked Stories.

John Wayne Gacy brutally raped, tortured and murdered at least thirty-three (of course it's that number) teenage boys, while Jeffrey Dahmer only managed to murder seventeen young men (although, Dahmer's penchant for necrophilia and cannibalism somewhat make up for his low victim count).  To be honest, it's not easy an easy decision as to which of these two are more deserving of the "Most Foul and Disgusting Human" award.  Fortunately, a decision does not need to be made because neither of these individuals gruesome killing sprees actually happened.

 The "Piece of Mindful" blog has uncovered several different media hoaxes, and perhaps the most persistent hoax of all is faking celebrity deaths.  Dr. Martin Luther King is the most famous American civil rights activist of all, and was brutally murdered during the peak of his activism by none other than a handsome white male named James Earl Ray, who had recently escaped from prison and was on the lam at the time he assassilated MLK.  Ray, who had a criminal history of committing petty theft must have arrived at the realization that it was his civic duty to kill Dr. King because... oh, I don't know: maybe he was upset about all those dirty [redacted] sitting in the front of the bus that he got on when he was escaping from prison.  

The mainstream media (MSM) is now questioning if James Earl Ray actually killed MLK, or if he was some sort of "fall guy".  As we can clearly see in the picture above, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was repurposed for his next celebrity role as boxing promoter Don King (he even kept the same name!)  and he is still alive, today.  However, that's not the conspiracy the MSM is alluding to: they are actually coercing the public into the belief that the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) is responsible for the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.  The MSM supports this fabricated lie with the accusation that the FBI targeted and frequently harassed Dr. King, leading up to his death.  Given the fact that there was never an assassination to begin with (and the entire thing was all a fabricated hoax), this claim is absurd and [redacted]. 

They Manufacture Conspiracy Theories that Manufacture Conspiracy Theorists

The R.E.A.L. L.I.F.E. Conspiracy Blog is not like all the other girls... erm, conspiracy blogs, because here we only discuss real conspiracies.  The world of conspiracy theory is a dangerous place, where it is relatively easy to get lost down a never-ending wabbit's hole.  The majority of conspiracy theories fall into three categories: hoaxes, psychological operations, and completely fabricated lies.  In other words: it's all a bunch of fake-ass bullshit!

At a certain point -- somewhere between Donald Trump becoming president of the United States and the start of the COVID-19 pandemic -- a significant number of Americans were introduced to the world of conspiracy theory.  Unfortunately, the way that they became aware of and drawn into the realm of conspiracy theory was through the implementation of a completely inorganic and premeditated psychological operation (psyop).  The primary sources of the information for this multi-faceted psyop of manufactured conspiracy theories came from WikileaksQAnon "drops", and MSM.  This conglomeration of conspiracy theories began with Pizzagate, everything related to Jeffrey Epstein and his private island, and the Hollywood elites involvement in child-trafficking.  The mysterious online communications from QAnon added fuel to the fire and also placed President Donald J. Trump on a pedestal, as a representative of all that is good and pure: an American savior, sent down from Heaven to "drain the swamp" of government corruption (known colloquially as "The Deep State") and "Make America 'Great' Again".  WWG1WGA!

Pizzagate was an introduction to conspiracy theory for this large group of manufactured conspiracy theorists, and when the COVID-19 plandemic kicked into high gear "alternative media" sources, such as Info Wars, Stew Peters, and Natural News, surged in popularity.  This was all by design... and it was quite obvious that these janky "underground news" productions, which offered an alternative to the MSM, were actually controlled by the same puppet master.  The demiurge wants to control both sides of the narrative, in order to "divide and conquer" the population. (Note: As much as I hate to admit it, I, too, was drawn into the gripping fear of the manufactured conspiracy theories involving the COVID-19 vaccine... please don't tell the readers of my blog!
To be clear, I'm not proclaiming that elites engaging in pedophilia and child-trafficking is nothing more than a staged Hollywood production.  I would never say that because I simply cannot know that, with confident certainty; however, I can say with confidence that I am fairly certain that Pizzagate was a psyop perpetrated by the MSM, certainly!  After all, everybody here knows that it is the loosh of souled beings, which the demiurge desires... not the fucking adrenaline glands of NPC children.  (Adrenochrome is real, bruh!  Joe Biden is a guy wearing a realistic latex mask!  Everyone in Hollywood is a REPTILIAN!) 

This doesn't end with Pizzagate; pretty much all of it is a psyop.  I'm talking about the serial killers, the mass shootings, the World Economic Forum (featuring notorious real life bad guy, Klaus Schwab) and even The New World Order.  Oh, and this:
(Picture courtesy of: The Internet)

Say What!? 
The demiurge creates Hollywood celebrities and other famous individuals (e.g. everybody on the screens) using some sort of cloning process.  The demiurge seems to utilize templates of some sort, which is why the facial features of celebrities are so often perfectly aligned with other celebrities.  This is done, in part, to produce people who set the standard for attractiveness; precise symmetry is appealing to the eye and it is human nature to find symmetry attractive.  The demiurge may also be utilizing symmetry to save on processing power (because, duH: we are living in a simulation). I imagine that these people are created through a process that is similar to the way artificial intelligence (aka "son of demiurge") creates people, only in "real life" (instead of on a screen projecting "the cloud").  I imagine this is a similar process to 3D printing and these people are created right before their first public appearance on the screens, which is why most celebrities only have but one or two childhood pictures of themselves available online (and as the "Piece of Mindful" blog discovered, the children in these pictures are not the same person as the celebrity they are claiming to be).
(From the top: Damon Brady, Judge Judy Bader-Ginsburg, Jack Di Caprio [aka Leonardo Nicholson], Charlie Pacino, Trudeau a la Castro, Ben "Epstein" Stiller [featuring Scott 'Fuckface' Bakula]) 

All of these famous celebrities are puppets.  I am not being poetic, or metaphorical: these bags of meat are literally puppets, and the demiurge is the puppet master.  These famous people are temporarily inhabited by the demiurge only when they are out in the public eye; when they retreat back into their luxury McMansion's, they probably just sit in silence, collecting dust.  Not only do these Hollywood types lack free will and agency; they are not even self aware.  This is the reason why all of the celebrities involved in the Pizzagate scandal, along with those who appeared on the Epstein flight logs, have never once spoken about... oh, I don't know: the fact that millions of people are accusing them of pedophilia and other heinous activities?!  Remember all the drama between Isaac Kappy and Tom Hanks?  That was all fake: a "Made for T.V." drama, if you will (and I do hope you will)!

All of those Hollywood celebrities - the ones who are always signaling their supposed loyalty to the 33rd degree of Freemasonry and Saturn - have no idea what they are even doing.  This actually might be funny... if it weren't so sad.  These people aren't worshipping Satan at one of their spirit cooking photo-ops; these people are like organic robots, filled with blood.  MK-Ultra?  More like MGaY-Ultra… stupid.  HA! 

The cloning doesn’t end with celebrities, talking heads, politicians, professional athletes, musicians, and artists. The demiurge has also created an army of normies, ready to be deployed as lone wolf mass shooters, followed by the second battalion of crisis actors, who are there to make the fake scene that much more real.  Clones interviewing clones: tonight, on the evening news!  Oh yeah; we talkin’ mad shit now

Perhaps you are wondering how something like a school shooting can be a hoax.  The answer is not as complex as one might assume.  "Mass Casualty Events" such as school shootings are premeditated theatre performances, where all of the important roles are acted out by clones.  The school shooter(s), the injured students who survived (and their parents), the members of the school faculty, the Chief of Police giving a stupid fucking press conference, and of course, the members of the press and the talking heads with their stupid fucking microphones (I hate microphones so much) -- whom are seen on the telLIEvision -- are all crisis actor meat-puppets.  Ok, fucksticks?  As far as the student body is concerned: it isn't that difficult to convince a large high school, with thousands of students, that a school shooting took place.  Some good old- fashioned chaos , loud noises, and a rushed evacuation to safety will convince every damn student there that they lived through a horrendous tragedy.  The crisis actors are all running on a programmed script and the majority of the human population are NPCS that can also be programmed to believe anything, disregard anything, or lie about anything.  Ok, fucksticks?

"Fuck Going Down 'in' History - I'm Going Down 'on' History!"

Yeah... I'm about to make history my bitch. ("Oh my God!  He's GISH-GALLOPING!")  Shut the fuck up.  

What about humanity's violent and cruel history, featuring a cornucopia of evil and despicable characters, such as Mongolian Khagan Genghis Kahn and Roman Emperor Nero?  The honest truth is that we don't even know if history is real.  For all we know, our entire history is completely fabricated.  Think of it like a video game: every good video game has a backstory. History is the Earth's backstory.  History makes this world more immersive and more real.  

There is a conspiracy theory that has been gaining a lot of popularity recently, which claims that the last global reset occurred in the 1800's, after civilization was destroyed by a mud flood. According to this theory, beautiful buildings (see examples in the above picture) found across the world are actually much older than we are led to believe and from a lost empire named "Tartaria".  

We simply do not know -- and cannot know -- if history is anything like the stories we were taught in school.  Earth cycles are generally believed to last anywhere from six-thousand to twelve-thousand years, but what if an Earth cycle is actually only two-hundred years long?  That is just long enough for the short memories of our amnesia-plagued species to forget completely; no one alive today can possibly know that a global reset did not occur in the 1800's. 

OK.  But, Why?
Why is the demiurge gaslighting humanity into submission and making us accept responsibility for the "fallen" state of the world?  Why have we been taught about a history full of tragic massacre's, carried out by violent individuals, who were following the orders of psychotic dictators?  Why are we being assaulted by the media with frequent stories of "lone wolf" gunmen perpetrating mass casualty events, at places like the supermarket or elementary school?

I believe that humanity is being manipulated, in order to accomplish the following three goals:  
  1. To instill and maintain a state of fear into each individual.
  2. To instill and maintain the belief that people are evil.
  3. To instill and maintain the belief that our free will can be violated.
Reminder: the demiurge is basically a computer, so "getting the humans to believe in evil is the most efficient way to ensure that the humans will reincarnate" is probably what is going through its psychotic, artificial hivemind when it summons demons to come and rape me in my sleep at night.  Basically, the demiurge found a way to capitalize on its own inherent flaw, by using it as a means to an end.  Don't fucking fall for it!  

Okay, fucksticks?

Hell?  No way in Hell!

Those who have read my entire blog have witnessed a transformation.  "Evil" is one of the most deceptive tools of manipulation that is used to keep us in this world, and the demiurge will manipulate the ones who believe in the evil.  Believe this: it isn't real and it is all a trick that is being used to keep you in a state of fear.  Once you realize this, the manipulation will end (because it will no longer work and therefore, no longer serve a purpose) and the fear will go away.  Overcoming the belief in the power of evil was one of the most important and most challenging parts of my journey back home, to the true creation.

Fuck all this demonic bullshit.  Hell is just like the rest of this God-forsaken planet:

Don't look at the clock.  It might be 11:11


God is a Parasite

  1. The creator of planet Earth (the demiurge) is a parasite.
  2. The nature of a parasite is that of a predatory, manipulative, narcissistic abuser.
  3. The nature of planet Earth reflects the nature of its psychopathic creator.  
  4. The natural world and modern society alike cater to psychopaths and reward greedy, selfish behavior.
  5. The relationship between a parasite and a host causes unavoidable suffering and harm to the host.
You are the Host

  1. Gaslighting humanity into believing they are responsible for the "fallen" state of the world.
  2. Gaslighting humanity into believing that possessing the qualities of the demiurge makes them sinners.
  3. Manufacturing history and current events to manipulate humanity into believing that people are evil.
  4. Manufacturing conspiracy theories to manipulate humanity into believing people are evil.
  5. Keeping humanity trapped in an endless reincarnation cycle by convincing them that they need to be saved, or convincing them that they must repay karmic debt, for committing sins.

 As beings from the true, divine creation, we do not need to depend on others for anything because our creator is the true creator and the truth is absolute freedom.  As beings from the true, divine creation, we are more real than this world.  Absolute freedom means the ability to exist completely independently.  How we ended up in a world that depends on our divine energy… well, that’s the million dollar question.


Posted on r/ReincarnationTruth by u/Tight-Web-8502


The demiurge’s primary concern is it’s own self-preservation.  The demiurge's survival is dependent on  divine energy from the true creation.  Beings from the true creation are the eternal batteries that keep the Earth running. 

Perhaps Adam and Eve are representative of how we ended up in this place.  Perhaps the serpent asked us if we "wanted to be more than the true creator" because the only way to be more than the true creator is by being evil.  The truth is that being evil makes one so much less than the true creator.

For god's sake, the fall of man is for god's sake; for god's sake, man is the fall guy, for god's sake.  For god's sake!


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