Organic Portals


Bits of pure spirit energy (which we can call "souls") are being recycled inside of human incarnations; this spiritual energy is food for entities in the astral realm, who prefer not to be seen. These entities modified human DNA overtime; the goal was to create a being that expelled as much of this energy as possible, without realizing that this powerful spiritual energy was inside of them - and I'd say they did a damn fine job!

This energy is expelled from us in the form of emotions (energy in motion).  Not all humans have this eternal spirit energy inside of them.  There are more humans alive right now than there are souls caught in this reincarnation cycle.  A human being does not need a soul in order to operate, and humans without souls are known as "organic portals" (or the more derogatory "NPCs").

Organic portals mirror the souled humans and they can be indistinguishable from each other.  Often times the only way to identify a portal is to be very close to them, or live with them for a long time.  Anyone can be an organic portal.  Organic portals can only give birth to organic portals.  Only souled beings can give birth to souled beings; however, if no soul is available, then a woman with a soul will birth a portal.  The souls are placed into available babies as they are readily available to be reincarnated.  We can only speculate how much of the population are "soulless"; some say less than 10%, others say 50%, some even think 90% of people are portals.

The easiest way to understand organic portals is by looking at people who are sociopathic, psychotic, or true narcissistic personality disorder.  You can think of these people as "defective" organic portals, because they expose themselves and get caught.  They have no empathy or compassion, and they mirror the emotional states of others, in order to manipulate them for personal gain.  The idea is that many people are mirroring emotions, but most portals are well balanced socially and don't get caught.

Keep in mind that it can be dangerous to think this way and place people into groups of those with souls and those without. Remember that we are all human beings.  The belief is that portals have more of a "hivemind" type of spirit, like animals. They are of the Earth, and when they die their spiritual essence is a raindrop falling back into the pond.

What purpose do portals serve?  Think of NPCs in a videogame; they are a necessary element to many good games.  They make reality more real and they keep the souls more trapped.  They aspire towards material goals and many of them live the "correct" way and find successful career paths, with a good looking, functional family in the suburbs.  They fall in line with what the reptilians in control want.  They are the mainstream, and they recently exposed themselves  with their seemingly programmed impulse to get vaccinated, even when their loved ones tell them not too.  This helped to give the impression that "everyone is getting vaccinated".  

There is a theory that Adam and Eve were the first souled humans.  Adam and Eve had a son, named Seth, whom the Sethian Gnostics are named after.  The Sethian Gnostics believed that some people had no souls; they called these people "Hylics". 

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