Tale of TOG


Language is a tool of deception when words can take on multiple meanings.  Words are powerful tools of creation that help to build the intangible reality within the material reality.  As a result of the deceptive nature of words, "god" has become a dirty word.  A new word or phrase should be implemented to better describe the God I am talking about, which is "the true source of creation" or "the one true God" or "the one God" or "TOG" (as it shall be referred to for the remainder of this post).

TOG is pure, unconditional love.  TOG didn't create this love; TOG just is this love.  In other words, pure, unconditional love is the true source of creation.  TOG creates beings of love - and in the nature of pure, unconditional love - TOG creates free beings of love.  This is a non-dual existence, where there is only love and the positive polarity.

Because TOG creates beings who possess absolute free will, the potential to manifest the negative polarity into existence is always present within those beings.  TOG, on the other hand, does not possess the potential to create the negative polarity because TOG is unconditional love i.e. the source of all creation.  The desire to manifest the negative polarity will never present itself within TOG.

TOG is non-dualistic and creates non-dualistic beings of love, who each receive the gift of TOG: absolute free will.  Absolute free will brings the potential to manifest duality into existence.  If a being of love were ever to turn against TOG and manifest the negative polarity (duality) within themselves, they would become an inverted being of love i.e. a being of hatred. 

TOG is not the creator of duality or the negative polarity; beings that TOG created chose to manifest duality and the negative polarity, using the gift of TOG (absolute free will).  Because TOG is the unconditionally loving creator that only creates beings of love, there is no such thing as pure evil.  Evil is good that has become polarized and corrupted.  Love is stronger than evil because love is the true source of creation; however, when a being manifests evil within themselves, they willfully choose to do so for the perceived power of evil.  This power is derived from the knowledge of evil, which is used to deceive and manipulate beings of love (who possess no knowledge of evil). 

TOG is pure, unconditional love and has no interest in power dynamics or being omnipotent.  Wanting to take power over others is the root of all evil.  Beings of love, who desire this power, manifest evil within themselves and become inverted beings of duality.  They corrupt themselves through this process and their love becomes tainted.  

The truth is that corrupted beings of duality possess no more power than uncorrupted beings of love because true power is derived from the gift of absolute free will, which all beings possess.  Inverted beings of duality only have the power of the knowledge of evil, which they use to manipulate, deceive and trick beings of love.

There are two possible explanations why Earth is a planet of duality. The first possibility is that the Earth might be a creation of an inverted being of duality.  If so, this would mean that love beings have the capability of creating planets when in their true, spiritual form. The second possibility is that the Earth was once a non-dual planet of love that became corrupted sometime later.  If the Earth was once a paradise for beings of love, it probably existed in a less inhibited, non-material form. 

TOG may create the planets, or TOG may only create beings of love; and these beings create planets.  Whatever the case may be, love beings are severely separated from their true selves during the human experience.

No one can know for sure how beings of love end up in a human form; although, there might be some truth to be found in creation stories, such as the one found in Genesis.  The serpent (a being that turned away from TOG, in order to manifest duality within itself) deceived Adam and Eve into believing that they could see more than TOG and have more knowledge than TOG, in the world of duality.  

Perhaps, the serpent tricked all of the love-beings into agreeing to experience a world of duality, and the ultimate goal of the serpent was to coerce each and every one of them into choosing to invert themselves into beings of duality.  These beings of love did not intentionally choose to turn their back on TOG, but naivety and curiosity enticed them to take a deeper look into the serpents promise of more knowledge: the knowledge of duality.  Whoopsie on that one!

Based on the two possibilities (previously discussed), beings of love either chose to incarnate on this planet to experience duality, or they agreed to allow their home to become corrupted by duality (transforming the Earth into a hardened, material state).  If the latter is true, the planet may very well be permanently corrupted.  This is the seriousness of manifesting duality: once it happens, there is no going back to the prior, non dual state.  This is what it means to be damned to Hell eternally: Hell is anything that is corrupted by duality.  Although the Earth may be a forever corrupted planet, this does not necessarily mean that the love-beings living on Earth are also corrupted.

TOG is pure love, and would never subject a being of love to a life in a world corrupted by duality, where one must endure pain and suffering, in order to "go to Heaven" after they die.  What has occurred is either beings of love have chosen to leave Heaven, or they allowed Heaven to become corrupted after being sold on trying out the experience of Hell.  Yikes.

When a love-being sells their soul to the devil and corrupts themselves, they become damned to Hell eternally.  The devil was a being of love, created by TOG, that the chose to turn away from the love of TOG and become an inverted being of duality, forever corrupted by manifesting duality within himself. Being damned to Hell eternally is being damned to duality eternally.  Heaven is any place that is not yet corrupted... and a being corrupted by duality corrupts whatever environment they are in.

The temptation of duality is the power that is to be had in a world of duality, and some love-beings eventually succumb to the temptation of power and material rewards.  The people who rule the world of duality have already made the choice to corrupt themselves and manifest duality.  Corrupted beings of duality also receive the worship and adoration of naive love beings that have no idea what the fuck is actually going on. 

The longer love-beings remain trapped in the material world of duality, the longer they must fight against the temptation of selling their souls to the devil.  The number of love-beings who are selling their souls, in order to join the ranks of the ruling class, is increasing, which in turn makes the world increasingly evil, which in turn makes the choice to be evil increasingly tempting for love-beings.

The serpent of Genesis told Eve that she won't die if she eats the apple.  This may seem as though the serpent lied to Eve, but the serpent actually used the deceptive power of language to trick her.  Death is an illusion; no one actually dies.  Non-dual love-beings created by TOG are eternal beings.  When Earthbound beings die, they soon come right back because they have all been trapped into an endless cycle of reincarnation.

Pure evil cannot exist because the true source of creation is good.  Evil can only be manifested when good decidedly becomes corrupted.  This is a one-way street, meaning that good is able to manifest evil, but it is impossible for evil to manifest good.  The nature of evil is that it is trapped in a self-serving narcissism, and once a love-being chooses to become corrupted by evil, there is no going back to a non-corrupted state. 

Love is the underdog of duality, which is why evil can seem so tempting.  As everything is love at its core, a being who manifests evil becomes a being of love and hate, or a corrupted being of duality.  The combination of love and hate (or good and evil) makes these beings exceptionally skilled in the art of deceiving and manipulating beings of love because evil understands good more than good (love) understands evil (hate).  Hate-beings appeal to the empathy, compassion and kindness of love-beings, in order to deceive them into reincarnating over and over again, living one forgotten life after another forgotten life.  Really, this is a cruel trap love-beings have Curious George'd themselves into.

There are many beings of love who are in a process of becoming corrupted, while others are flirting with temptation to get a taste of the darkness.  Over the course of several lives, lived over thousands of material years, the integrity and kind nature of love-beings becomes weaker through exposure to the dualistic environment.  The number of corrupted beings on the planet Earth is ever increasing, thereby shaping the environment into a more sinister, more deceptive, and overall dangerous habitat that love-beings must survive in.

 Permanently corrupted beings of duality hate non-dual beings of love because they have not made the regrettable decision to corrupt themselves; therefore, it becomes the prerogative of duality-beings to tempt love-beings, using the allure of evil.  Duality-beings want everyone to become corrupted because "misery loves company".

What is rather unfortunate about love-beings is their susceptibility to manipulation of the duality-beings.  For example, many love-beings are now convinced that evil isn't real.  They have become spiritually handicapped by the propaganda of the hate-beings, and the more trust they have in the establishment, the more deceived they become by all the lies of the establishment. 

The assortment of religions and other belief systems that love-beings are exposed to is not just a random occurrence, caused by the passage of time, as they are led to believe.  These belief systems are all feeding beliefs that induce reincarnation, sometimes in a way that is so deceptive that the belief system can claim to be opposed to reincarnation.  Beliefs are so important because the beliefs that love-beings hold at the time of their death become the beliefs they are beholden to in the after life. 

The best lies are the lies that are mixed with truth because the truth makes the lies more believable. The truth is what makes these belief systems so attractive to love-beings.  Hidden within that truth is a lie that keeps its believers trapped in their cages.  These belief systems act as authorities, and authority is dualistically opposed to freedom. 


Remember that you have your gift from TOG: the gift of absolute free will.  Possessing the gift of TOG means that you will never need to be saved, because you are forever a free, sovereign being. The gift of TOG is power: power for YOU and only YOU.

Never forget that.

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