Manifesting Reality with the Hegelian Dialectic

Using the Hegelian Dialectic, the powers that be (TPTB) are able to manifest their desired outcome in this dualistic reality.  They use this formula over and over and over again.  Thesis, antithesis, synthesis.  This is my attempt to explain the dialectic, to the best of my abilities, using the COVID-19 pandemic as an example.

Thesis: We are told that if we go on lockdown for two weeks, it will "flatten the curve" and prevent a full-blown pandemic... so we all agree to lockdown for two weeks.

Antithesis: After the lockdown, we are told that it is now a full blown pandemic.  We now must stand on circles, placed on the floor of every store, and also wear masks in public at all times.  The antithesis opposes the thesis and negates it, and from there the intended results manifest.  The intention is almost always to further polarize the people.  Divide and Conquer.

Synthesis: I'll use America as the example: because we were already so polarized from previous manifestations of the dialectic, the country divided almost perfectly in two:

The "blue" side trusts the mainstream media and the government; therefore, they fear the virus. The blue side follows all the guidelines and willingly takes the vaccine.

The "red" side does not trust the mainstream media, or the government; fortunately, an
"alternative media" appears (same bird, different wing).  The red side side listens to the alternative media and fears the vaccine.  This manifests a divided population.

The most emotionally traumatizing thing a child can experience is cognitive dissonance.  A child's brain is not developed enough to process both sides of cognitive dissonance, which is why the negative side is repressed and hidden deep within the brain, where it remains as unprocessed trauma.  The cognitive dissonance that traumatizes children is caused by betrayal; typically, the betrayal that happens when an adult, who is supposed to protect the child, ends up harming them, instead.

Viewing the outcome of the pandemic through the lens of betrayal trauma, we can surmise that the blue side is betrayed - by the mainstream media and the government - when they take a shitty vaccine that causes an unprecedented amount of adverse reactions.  The red side (previously betrayed by the Q-Anon psyop) is betrayed by the alternative media, who has convinced them that all the vaccinated are going to die and the world is going to descend into a dystopian, authoritarian nightmare. 

In conclusion, everyone is traumatized.  The end.

The people behind the COVID-19 plandemic and administering the vaccine were the same people claiming that the vaccine would kill everyone.  They want to control both sides of the debate.  There are two sides to every story, but when it comes to his-story, both sides are TPTB.  They want control of the entirety of it all.

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." -- Vladimir Lenin

That's how TPTB manifest reality.  First, they manifest two opposing ideas, which negate each other and, as a result, manifest the desired outcome: polarization of the population.  I hope you enjoyed this demonstration of mental masturbation (no penetration please; I'm still a virgin).

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