



We typically think of aliens as beings from different worlds who travel thru outer space.  We typically think of aliens as extraterrestrial beings whose home is somewhere far beyond the planet Earth and far outside of this world.  If aliens ever were to make contact with humanity, they might be peaceful beings who welcome the people of Earth into the Galactic Federation (OMG finally).  Or, we instead could become enslaved by a group of hostile extraterrestrials who use our energy to keep themselves alive.  Consider the possibility that we have been enslaved by a group extraterrestrials who have been existing here on Earth with us, all along.  If these aliens were indistinguishable in appearance from native human beings, how would we ever know the difference?


History repeats itself, just as his story repeats itself.  He keeps telling his story, over and over again. There is always a great empire; and attached to that great empire is a great religion. Here are a few of the more prominent historical examples of this phenomenon:

  • The ancient Sumerians, with religious figures including: El, Enki and the Annunaki.
  • The ancient Egyptians, with religious figures including: Horus, Osiris and Isis.
  • The ancient Romans, with religious figures including:  Jupiter, Mercury and Apollo (known also by their Greek counterparts Zeus, Hermes and Apollo, respectively [Apollo is the only God who was known by the same name in both Rome and Greece]).
  • The current American empire, with religious figures including: Yahweh, Jesus Christ, and Mary Magdalene.

Time seems to be cyclical.  It's as if we are going in circles, repeating the same script, over and over again.  Are we really in the end times, or does the coming dawn of a new astrological age denote the end of our current cycle, and the beginning of the next one?  Will this simulation be used to create a new simulation, with the next big empire and the next big religion, which mirrors our current one?  Is time really progressing at all, or is the light / dark duality of day and night creating the illusion of time?   Everything is circular: the ages, to the years, to the months, to the days, to the hours, to the seconds.  Are we just a moment in time, repeating itself?


The empires listed above are just different chapters of his story: the story of enslaving conscious entities, like you and I, in material "reality".  The chapters of this story may seem different on the surface, but it is actually the same chapter being written, over and over again. The  "Dawn of Civilization" appears to be when all of the concepts, which have kept us in bondage for the last 6,000 years, first took their stronghold on the collective consciousness.  Concepts such as:

  • Social Classes / Inequality
  • Currency
  • Slavery
  • Racism / Prejudice
  • Law and Order
  • Written Language
  • Ruling Class / Governments

These concepts are used to create division amongst the people.  Division creates conflict; and conflict is then exploited by the ruling class, to create power.


Like conflict, choices are exploited by the controllers and used to divide society into dissenting factions.   Society is inundated with conflicts, which have been fabricated by the ruling class, in order to bait us into choosing a side.  The greatest example of this charade, in the twenty-first century, is American politics.  

There are certainly many here among us that understand the deceptive nature of American democracy and the red / blue political paradigm that enables the illusion of choice.  Sadly, it still seems the majority of society does not accept that the two-party system is a front for the dictatorship that America has been since its inception.  They believe that their vote matters because they believe that red and blue are different.  

The red / blue illusion of choice is also found elsewhere in American society.  In the ghetto, two opposing gangs, known as the Bloods and the Crips, are represented by the same red / blue colors of politricks.  I would not be surprised - at all - if it was the controllers themselves that manufactured this gang rivalry, to divide and create conflict / violence in poor neighborhoods.  This conflict is then exploited by the ruling class and used to manufacture an appeal to authority, and the need for more law enforcement.

Another concept that facilitates the illusion of choice is consumerism.  Despite having several different choices - from several different companies - when purchasing products, there is only one monopolistic corporation creating several different companies creating several different options, all for the purpose of providing the consumer with the illusion of choice.  The illusion of choice gives the consumer the illusion of control, because having multiple options allows the individual consumer to feel like they are in control of the situation.  

Consumerism uses the illusion of choice to create division and classism.  The lower class poor are only able to choose the lowest quality item (as it is the only option they can afford) while the wealthy upper class are free to choose the highest quality item.  Consumers purchase items to use as status symbols that can serve as a visual representation of which social class they belong to.  The red / blue color scheme is also used to create the illusion of choice in the consumer (examples of this include: Red Coca-Cola or Blue Pepsi and Blue Walmart or Red Target).


Choosing what products to consume, or choosing a political ideology to follow, will help facilitate personal opinions; and personal opinions create personal beliefs.  Different beliefs create division, and division creates conflict; conflict creates an appeal to authority that creates power for the ruling class.  Opinions are judgements, and to judge whether or not a choice is morally correct, is to place oneself in a position of authority over someone else.  If one follows the path that the controllers coerce everyone to take, they will choose to align themselves with a red / blue political ideology.  The ideology they will choose to align themselves with will dictate their opinion on fabricated "hot-button" political issues, and these opinions will help to shape their belief system.  

Political ideologies are designed to create conflicts of interest.   For example choosing to take a conservative political stance on three political hot-buttons such as abortion, gun control and gay marriage, is choosing to take a position of authority over someone that takes a liberal stance on these issues.  Political issues only exist to place individuals in positions of authority over other individuals, which of will inevitably lead to the creation of more centralized power for the controllers.  Taking a conservative stance on abortion and gay marriage is taking a morally superior position over women who have abortions, and married gay people; whereas, taking a liberal political stance on gun control is taking a morally superior position over gun owners. 

The solution is to refrain adopting political ideologies and ignoring hot-button political choice-fabrications that assume positions of moral authority over others.  People should be able to do whatever they please; whether it be getting abortions, owning guns, or marrying somebody of the same sex.  There is no need or reason to hold opinions based on political ideologies, concerning the actions of others.


The Hegelian Dialectic is the three-step process that the controllers follow in order to gain more centralized power for themselves through a process of extracting that power from the general population, thereby pulling society ever closer to a place of complete powerlessness and submissiveness. 

There are three parts of the dialectic: thesis, antithesis, synthesis.  The Hegelian Dialectic is used to manifest reality through the reconciliation of opposites.  The antithesis is opposed to the thesis, and from this comes the synthesis, which is the reconciliation of the two opposing ideas represented by the thesis and the antithesis. What follows are two examples from U.S. history that illustrate the use of the dialectic.

Example #1: The American Civil War:

  1. Thesis: The outcome of the Civil War promoted freedom by ending slavery.
  2. Antithesis: The outcome of the Civil War promoted oppression through the transfer of power from individual states to a centralized government.
  3. Synthesis: Ending slavery was a positive outcome of the American Civil War; however, the way in which this was accomplished was a transfer of power from individual state governments to a centralized federal government, which gives the federal government more power over individual rights and freedoms, thereby enabling the oppression of the American citizen over time.

Example #2: September 11th, 2001:

  1. Thesis: Following the terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001, the U.S. government implemented strategies designed to protect the individual rights and freedoms of Americans citizens. 
  2. Antithesis: Following the terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001, the U.S. government implemented strategies designed to take away the individual rights and freedoms of American citizens.
  3. Synthesis: 9/11 was presented to the American people as a foreign terrorist attack; yet, the solution was to create an organization (The Department of Homeland Security [DHOS] ) to fight against domestic terrorism along with an amendment to the U.S. constitution (The U.S. Patriot Act) concerning domestic terrorists.  The great irony in all of this is not only the fact that 9/11 was a domestic terrorist attack, but also that these measures were pushed through congress by none other than the perpetrators themselves.

The thesis and the antithesis are opposed to each other and are cancelled out.  Through this process the synthesis is created, from which society evolves towards the next, higher plane of existence.  This is, of course, from the viewpoint of the controllers who seek to drive us further into captivity and oppression.  The Hegelian Dialectic is a divide & conquer strategy.  September 11, 2001 was a very psychologically traumatizing event which split the American people in two separate factions: those that were able to accept the blatant lies of the mainstream media and those that were not able to.

A variation of the Hegelian Dialectic, which is popular amongst conspiracy theorists is problem, reaction, solution.  The theory behind problem, reaction, solution is that the government artificially manufactures a problem in order to generate a reaction such as fear, shock, outrage etc., thereby placing citizens in a compromised state of mind where they will easily accept the pre-determined solution offered by the government.   In relation to September 11, 2001, the problem would by the attacks on the world trade center, the reaction would be shock, outrage and fear, and the solution would be the war on terror and the implementation of the DHOS and U.S. Patriot Act.

Problem, reaction, solution is also a strategy frequently used in marketing and business applications.  A good example of this strategy can be seen in the structure of the late-night infomercial, which uses problem, reaction, solution as a means of convincing the consumer to buy a product that they don't need, for a problem they don't have.  This strategy is considered by many to be manipulative and unethical.


Conspiracy Theorists have been severely discredited and ostracized in recent years as a result of the Trump administration and the "QAnon" cult, made up of Trump's most ardent supporters.  The majority of the people who believe that QAnon and the adjacent "Pizzagate" conspiracy theories are legitimate only became interested in the world of conspiracy theory after discovering Qanon and Pizzagate, while many seasoned conspiracy theorists believe that the QAnon and Pizzagate conspiracies are psyops that were created and propagated by factions of the U.S. government.

A documentary about QAnon was released that claimed QAnon was the brainchild of some internet troll and his son.  Many Americans on the left side of the political spectrum, along with others who have family members that have have been directly impacted psychologically by these conspiracy theories, believe what this documentary claims about the identity of "Q".  They don't seem to appreciate just how highly sophisticated the psychological manipulation involved in QAnon and Pizzagate actually is.  The whole thing reeks of a government agency, such as the C.I.A., being the masterminds behind these government psyops disguised as conspiracy theories.  One of the only truthful claims to come form Q was when they said that they worked for a government intelligence agency.  The lie was when they claimed that they were trying to expose the corruption of the elite.  

Quite surprisingly, no one who is against QAnon and Pizzagate has made a sizable effort to question why high-profile celebrities, such as Tom Hanks, participated in and played a role in the deception.  The whole situation with Tom Hanks and Isaac Kappy gave off strong vibes of being Hollywood-grade propaganda used to boost the legitimacy of these manufactured conspiracies.  No one who speaks out against the QAnon conspiracy ever seems to question why there were Hollywood actors making themselves look like adrenochrome-slorping chomos.  Why hasn't this been addressed by anybody?

When the mainstream media reported that Jeffrey Epstein had been arrested on child trafficking charges, then that he had killed himself in his jail cell, it's because they want everyone to be aware that this had happened.  TheJeffrey Epstein story served as propaganda to further fuel the Pizzagate and Qanon believers.

The intention here is not to suggest that elite child trafficking and pedophilia does not happen or that it is not something that U.S. citizens should be concerned about.  The purpose of this is to simply illustrate how the topic of  "elite child trafficking and pedophilia" was used to fuel a psyop; perpetrated by the controllers as a way to psychologically damage a segment of the population.  This is yet another example of the "divide  & conquer" strategy. 

Examples of historical psyops include:

  • The Salem Witch Trials psyop
  • The Protocols of the Elders of Zion psyop
  • The Satanic Panic psyop of the late 1980's
  • The Q-Anon psyop


The U.S. government justifies its own existence by first manufacturing problems, and then offering solutions the problems they created.  The government manufactures poverty in order to create social programs that protect poor people.  The government manufactures racism in order to create social programs that protect minority people.  The government manufactures terrorism in order to create international wars that protect "free" people. The government manufactures The Constitution of the United States in order to create an illusion that protects people's rights.  Protect us from what?  The government's purpose is to protect us from the government.

Protecting citizens constitutional rights creates the illusion that the government is a necessary entity.  What does the government actually do?  Why is the government necessary?  Nobody actually needs a piece of parchment paper to tell them what their rights are.

The greatest enemies of the people of Earth are world governments and organized religions.  Religion and government are the tools of the controllers.  Christianity and the United States government can be used as an example that illustrates the way in which organized religion and government are reflections of each other.  As above, so below:

  • Christianity and the U.S. government are both male dominated, patriarchal hierarchies
  • Christianity has the trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit / The U.S. government has the trinity of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches
  • Christianity has commandments that you must abide by / The U.S. government has laws that you must abide by
  • Christianity sends you to Hell for committing sins / The U.S. government sends you to prison for committing crimes
  • Christianity "tithes" 10% of your income / The U.S. government "taxes" 10% of your income
  • In Christianity we are all born with the original sin of our ancestors/ In the U.S. government we are all born with the debt of America
  • Christianity has churches with pew seating / The U.S. government has court rooms with pew seating
  • Christians stand up when the pastor or priest enters the church in his white robe / U.S. citizens stand up when the judge enters the courtroom in his black robe
  • Christians confess their sins to the priest / U.S. citizens confess their crimes to the judge
  • No Christian is able to get through life without sinning / No U.S. citizen is able to get through life without breaking the law
  • God is always watching you / The U.S. government is always watching you

The controlllers are the creators of both organized religion are and government systems.  These patriarchal hierarchy systems exist to control and enslave humanity. The ones who were in control of ancient Mesopotamia continue to be in control of the world today.  These controllers might be extraterrestrials that took control of the planet roughly six-thousand years ago; although, there is a possibility that this takeover occurred even further back in world history, perhaps during the time of Atlantis. 

Another possibility is that the controllers themselves created the Earth for the purpose of being a prison planet that generates the loosh energy needed by the controllers, in order to stay alive. Each human being serves as a "spiritual battery" to provide energy for "the gods" to feast upon.  

Whether the Earth was created for this purpose, or it became this way sometime after its creation, the fact that things need to eat other things in order to survive is a corruption of nature itself. 


World governments and the ruling class have traumatized the entire planet.  Some people seem to have developed a case of Stockholm Syndrome, where they will defend the actions of the government and elite, while blaming their peers for the terrible state of the world.  This world is designed to maximize human suffering, with every system in place working against a certain faction of the population. 

There is a possibility that a different species is living on this planet and either disguising themselves as human beings or there are select human beings doing their bidding for them.  Most people assume that what is happening on the planet Earth is simply human nature, running its course,.. but something just feels off about this place

Science claims we are a species that is continuously evolving; yet, history reveals the same cycle playing out over and over again.  This is not evolution.  Human nature is not to create scarcity.  Human nature is not to manufacture suffering. We have been indoctrinated with the idea that this is how advanced species evolve: by progressively destroying their own habitat.  This is not evolution.  Humanity is hosting a parasite.  This is why we continue to destroy the planet; this is why we believe our imbalanced, unfair world is just fine.



  • History shows a repeating pattern of the rise and fall of great empires; these empires are always paired with a religion that resembles modern Christianity.
  • The ideas which accompanied the "dawn of civilization" are still used today control and hold power over Humanity.
  • Choices create opinions; opinions create beliefs; beliefs create division; division creates conflict; conflict is an appeal to authority that allows the ruling class/government to acquire more power.
  • The government uses The Hegelian Dialectic to fabricate scenarios that appear to work in society's favor, but actually work against society.
  • Governments and organized religions are structured almost identically.

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