Meet The Luciferians

The rich, powerful people who are running this world are Luciferians.  Many people are not of aware of this... and many others wouldn't believe it.  These ELite Luciferians hide themselves behind the façade of Freemasonry.  It is no secret that Freemasonry is known as the world's largest secret society, and nestled within that secret society there is another, lesser known, secret society of global cabalists.  This secret-society-within-a-secret-society is located at the very top of Masonic hierarchy, known as the thirty-third degree (33°).  Degrees in Freemasonry represent the accomplishment of a series of progressive steps, and with each degree the initiate learns of increasingly esoteric subject matter that is not shared with the lesser degrees.  In other words, a 32° Mason will know things that a 31° Mason does not know.  This provides a foolproof layer (in theory) of secrecy for the 33° Masons, and the more polite conspiracy theorists will make it known that the first thirty-two degrees of Freemasonry are not associated with the many theories and accusations attributed to the 33°.  The only way to become a 33° Freemason is if one is determined to be "a good fit" by the other 33° Freemasons.  Most 32° Freemasons will never be initiated into the 33° because they just don't have what it takes to be an evil, power-hungry psychopath with a penchant for world domination. 

The symbols of  the three secret societies mentioned the most in online conspiracy theory forums: Freemasonry, Illuminati, and Skull and Bones.   The Freemason symbol (left) is a square and compass.   The square and compass represent balance and order.  The compass also represents morality i.e. a "moral compass".  The compass overlays the square after the third line to represent the three degrees of the Masonic rite: Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master Mason.  The "G" stands for both "God" (the "Grand Architect of the Universe") and "Geometry".  "G" is also the seventh letter of the alphabet; seven is said to be the number of perfection and divinity.  For higher degrees the "G" stands for "gnosis".  The "all-seeing eye of god" is sometimes used in place of the "G".  The Illuminati symbol (middle) is featured here as it appears on the U.S. one dollar bill: as the missing capstone of the Great Pyramid of Giza.  The Illuminati symbol contains the "all-seeing eye" inside of a triangle.  The eye is surrounded by beams of light which symbolize the illumination that is gained from the knowledge of being an initiate.  The eye is representative of the eye of god and the eye of the government/big brother.  The three sides of the triangle represent wealth, power and control  The pyramid represents the hierarchy structure of the secret society.  When the pentagram is placed over this part of the U.S. one dollar bill, the points land at the letters which spell "MASON", indicating a relationship between the Illuminati and Freemasonry.

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The inside of the Masonic temple features a black and white checkerboard floor, which represents the dualistic nature of good and evil, intertwined and inseparable.  The two pillars are a symbolic representation of Solomon's Temple.  Named Boaz and Jachin, these pillars represent the dualistic nature of  the feminine and masculine.  

Typically, people with a historical claim to fame have been members of the ruling class.  World leaders, royal families, politicians, CEOs, and entertainment celebrities are examples of the types of people who comprise the ELite, ruling class Luciferians.  They show their allegiance to the Luciferian secret society with hand signals and other various displays of esoteric symbolism.  If these hand signals are meant to be seen by other secret society members or by the uninitiated general population - or both - remains unclear.  

(The following collages contain photos of celebrities displaying Masonic hand signals. I did not assemble these collages myself.  As far as I know they were created anonymously and posted online.)

r/conspiracy - Savior Self
"The Divine King", another common Masonic hand signal that is often seen in mainstream media, uses the "666" hand formation over the eye. 666 is a representation of the black cube of Saturn and The Seal of Solomon (Star of David).  This number is central to the design of the physical universe, which is based on the six-sided hexagon shape. The circle over the eye is a representation of Ra, the sun god.  The hand used in Masonic hand symbols is very important.  The right hand path symbolizes the "good" path (white magic), while the left hand path is symbolizes the "bad" path (black magic).  Another interpretation would be that the right hand path is submissive to god and authority, dogmatic and structured, while the left hand path bows to no god, is anti-authority and follows their own, individualistic path.  Most religions can be classified as "right hand path" religions.   OK?!? 

r/conspiracy - Savior Self

"The Devil's Horn" or "El Diablo" is another very common Masonic hand signal, used to show one's allegiance to the Baphomet.  When done with the right hand, the thumb should be placed under the middle and ring fingers; Anton LaVey, the founder of nontheistic Satanism, referred to this version as "the sign of the curse".  When done with the left hand, the thumb should be placed over and in-between the middle and ring fingers; supposedly, this is meant to actually curse the person whom the gesture is pointed towards.  Curiously, when "The Horned Beast" is done with the thumb facing straight out to the side, it becomes "I love you" in American sign language (see - these people aren't showing their allegiance to Satan - they are just saying that they love us [duh]).

r/conspiracy - Savior Self
The Masonic Pyramid hand sign represents the triangle containing the all-seeing eye.  When done over the head, the pyramid is a representation of one who has become "illuminated" or reached "enlightenment".  When the pyramid is pointed towards the sky, it represents allegiance with god.  When the pyramid is pointed towards the ground, it represents allegiance with Satan.  The pyramid symbol is commonly associated with the Illuminati.

"The Masonic Vow of Silence". 

The "Sign of the Master of the Second Veil" aka "The Hidden Hand" of Freemasonry.  This is a sign of allegiance to the Masonic god, Jahbuhlun, whose name is said to represent three different deities: Yahweh, Baal, and Osiris.  This sign is often seen today being used by the leaders of countries and the figureheads of global religions.  Pictured above are some of the most famous politicians and great thinkers of recent history displaying the Hidden Hand.  Once again, the use of  the right or left hand indicates the chosen path of the initiate (right=good / left=bad). It is said that this will be the last Dalai Lama. In 1139 St. Malachy foretold a prophecy of 112 popes, which means Pope Francis is the final pope. Is the end of times really upon us?

This famous statue of George Washington (a known Freemason) is in the same pose that the Baphomet is famous for.  The sides of the chair that Washington is sitting in represent the two pillars of Freemasonry.  Behind the Baphomet's head is a pentagram, turned upside-down to represent the left hand path (destruction, black magic).   The Caduceus, or  "Staff of Hermes" is sitting on the lap of the Baphomet.  The two snakes creating a spiral around the staff is also the symbol of modern medicine.  The Caduceus coil is reported to have the ability to levitate objects. Washington is mirroring the Baphomet's hand sign.  This hand signal is a representation of duality and symbolic of the famous occult motto "as above, so below", which is a reference to the patriarchal hierarchies of Abrahamic religions (above) and the patriarchal hierarchies of government systems (below).

The ELites worship Lucifer, who they claim to be the creator of this world and the monotheistic god of creation.  Pictured above is the painting of Lucifer that the Statue of Liberty is based off of.  The Statue of Liberty was sculpted by a Freemason, who is seen here signaling to his Masonic brethren with "The Hidden Hand".  Lucifer is known for having androgynous features, which is the reason that royal families have historically coveted androgyny.  The Statue of Liberty is wearing a crown of thorns, which could  possibly be signaling that Jesus Christ and Lucifer are the same being.  They are both the son of god and they are both associated with "the light".  The Bible refers to both Jesus and Lucifer as "The Morning Star".  Jesus and Lucifer are both associated with the number 33 as well: Lucifer brought 33% of the angels from heaven with him when he fell and Jesus died at the age of 33.  Lady Liberty is also a representation of the Egyptian god Isis.  Isis and Lucifer are two representations of the same deity.  A handful of deities take on the roles of many different gods.  Overall, there are not nearly as many gods as all the different religions would make it appear.  Most of these religions are generally the same, as well.

Many of these Masonic hand signals have been around long before the secret society was established.  On the right we see the Buddha displaying the "666" hand signal.  This is a type of hand gesture known as a "Mudra".  There are several different Mudras.  The Buddha is displaying the "Gyan Mudra" with the right hand and the "Chin Mudra" with the left hand.  Mudras are used while practicing Yoga or meditation and are used to harness "Prana", which is the divine energy within human beings.  On the left we see Jesus Christ with his right hand in the same pose as the Baphomet.  This gesture is the "Prana Mudra" and is used to help connect one's consciousness to the infinite consciousness known as "source".  The left hand appears to be in the formation of the Masonic "M" gesture.  The Jesus in the middle is displaying a hand gesture known by Christians as "ICXC" which is "Jesus Christ" in Greek; however, this hand gesture is also an ancient hand gesture which represents the worship of the sun.

(left) Masonic symbolism is covertly placed in many corporate logos.  Google is especially rife with subtle Masonic imagery.  (right) Illuminati symbolism seen on currency from countries all around the world, suggesting that one entity is in control of the financial system (possibly the Rothschild family).  (bottom)  Illustrating the relationship between Freemasonry and related esoteric/occult symbolism.

The 33° degree of Freemasonry is a secret society within a secret society.  The 33° is the intersection where celebrities, talking heads, members of royal bloodline families, world leaders, politicians, major corporate CEO's, pop superstars, professional athletes, famous social media influencers, and others who are in powerful positions throughout society, from doctors to scientists converge.  These people make up the ruling class of  ELite Luciferians.  In the public eye they might be scientologists, Christians, New-Age Buddhists, or atheists.  Their public persona is a mask they wear for the purpose of influencing and conditioning the public in detrimental ways.  ELites see themselves as being "initiated" and above the uninitiated masses, whom they refer to as "The Vulgar & The Profane".  They are at the top of the societal hierarchy and view themselves as patriarchs of humanity, who hoard esoteric knowledge that they have deemed the rest of us to be unworthy of.  Their overarching goal is the completion of what they refer to as "The Great Work", which is thought by many of the uninitiated  to be a reference to the "New World Order" for the dawn of the age of Aquarius.  

*Please note that all of the images used in this post were found online and I am not the owner or creator of any of them,

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