Flaw of One

They should remake the movie The Matrix; only this time, Keanu decides to take the blue pill instead of the red pill.  He then returns to life as usual, where he works as a clerk in a grocery store, lives alone in a studio apartment and is, generally speaking, a pretty bland dude.  The underdeveloped plot would trudge along at an agonizingly slow pace and would ultimately be anti-climactic.  Even though it would be an absolutely terrible film, it would be the #1 ranked film at the box office for an entire month (due to being far beyond overly-hyped up by the media, months ahead of its premiere).  The acting would be abysmal and there wouldn't be any special effects.


The original Matrix movie (the one that actually exists) is set in a simulated world, where people are cut off from their true selves and potential.  This simulation, or "matrix" (if you will), is monitored by Agent Smiths who work to keep the illusion going so that everyone inside the matrix will remain trapped.  

The Matrix is considered by many to be one of the best films ever made.  Many people alive today are convinced that this "reality" isn't actually real; it is simulated, just like the reality of The Matrix.

Those with eyes to see the occult symbolism pervading society can discern that this is indeed some type of "prison planet" under the control of a negative force.  The group who is in control (known colloquially as "the powers that be", or TPTB) routinely display subtle, symbolic clues concerning the esoteric roots of their long-standing empire.  Almost all of the universally recognizable corporate logos contain occult symbolism, such as pyramids and the all-seeing eye  They erect phallic representations, known as obelisks, all over the globe.  The ones who truly run the world seem to always be "hiding in plain sight". Despite all of this, the majority of people living in today's world don't believe that negative, metaphysical entities actually exist,  Instead, many believe that these negative entities are "thought forms", created by the collective subconscious, and that the imbalance of power on this planet is the inevitable result of human nature. 

A small minority of people know that these entities are real.  They have seen these entities and even communicated with them before.  These negative entities typically perform their operations from the astral plane, and they wish to remain hidden from the masses.  TPTB are under the control of these entities and used to carry out their plans for humanity, providing continuity for their relentless reign of terror on this planet. 

These entities feed on our spiritual energy: the product of our emotions (or energy-in-motion).  Humanity is locked into an endless cycle of reincarnation and being farmed as a food source by parasitic entities.  Like domesticated cattle grazing on a farm, mankind is destined for the slaughterhouse, in order to fulfill their purpose as the "food of the gods".


In 1945, several Gnostic texts were discovered in the town of Nag Hammadi, Egypt. These texts are collectively known as The Nag Hammadi Library.  Many of these Gnostic texts claim to be authored by writers of the biblical gospels, such as Paul and Thomas; however, the general consensus is that the Gnostic Gospels were written by members of many of the different Gnostic sects throughout Europe during that time period.  

In the third century, the Roman Catholic Church declared all Gnostic texts to be heretical, as they were not considered to be Biblical canon.  The Roman Catholic Church also demanded that all existing copies of Gnostic texts be destroyed.  Since the time of this declaration of heresy, every Gnostic group that has formed is promptly targeted and destroyed by the Roman Catholic Church.   

One cannot help but question the motive behind the great efforts taken to eradicate these texts from the annals of history; especially when these texts are claiming that we are trapped in a reincarnation cycle by a malevolent group of beings who call themselves "The Archons"  Truly, it is a blessing that someone decided to forgo the destruction of these texts and, instead, choose to bury them underground - where they remained for nearly seventeen-hundred years - before they would see the light of day, once again.  How fortunate to be alive in this day and age, where this information is now available, after it had long been forgotten by the collective consciousness.

In the years following the discovery of the Nag Hammadi, the New Age Movement rapidly gained prominence in the spiritual community and amongst fringe conspiracy theorists.  Two New Age texts that are popular amongst such conspiracy theorists are The Law of One (LoO) and The Interview with the Hidden Hand (HH).  These texts combine Gnostic and New Age teachings.  In fact, the New Age movement has adopted many Gnostic beliefs in the years following the discovery of The Nag Hammadi Library.  This intentional blending of Old Age with New Age is a sneaky way to dilute important Gnostic teachings and allow those, which are either unimportant or useless (in terms of spiritual development), to gain prominence in the spiritual community, while Gnostic teachings that actually matter are suppressed. 

The practice of channeling entities also gained prominence after the discovery of  The Nag Hammadi Library; whereas this practice was unusual and rare prior to this discovery.  Today, channeled messages are a dime a dozen and they are all telling a similar story: a Gnostic story, starring: The Galactic Federation of Love & Light, who are busy battling these dark entities as I type this.  Yeah, right.


People who are schizophrenic or in psychosis often experience a "messianic break" directly caused by voices in their head.  These voices may want to convince them that they are the second coming of Christ.  The voices are actually parasitic entities that are trying to maintain control over someone who is experiencing a state of expanded consciousness (intentionally labelled as "mental illness").  The voices drive the psychosis by coercing their victim into believing false narratives.  All incoming information then gets funneled through these false narratives and drives the individual further into a delusional state of mind.

 Archons are the entities being "channeled" by people who are oftentimes involved in either spiritual or extraterrestrial communities.  Generally speaking, people have a tendency to be gullible and believe everything that these entities tell them. These beings possess an advanced understanding of the human condition and they are expert manipulators. The voices seem to always feed the ego of the individual, which tends to make them feel special.  They often appear as aliens, claiming to be beings from other planets and star systems, such as Pleyades or Andromeda. They are the famous aliens known as "The Greys".  These aliens may appear to be very different, but what they all have in common is that they feed abductees an incredible amount of lies.  

The point being made is that all the alien species, including the Draco and the mantis beings, may appear to be different groups from different planets, spread across the universe, but they are actually all one group of beings that has appeared to humanity several different ways throughout history.  Examples include the Anunnaki, the Egyptian gods, the Roman and Grexek gods, the angels and demons, aliens, mythical creatures etc.  In this particular writing, all of these beings are being referred to as "the archons"  and none of theses beings are to be trusted by anyone, anywhere, at anytime, for any reason... and Dolores Cannon is a huge bitch.


The archons strategy is to deceptively play both sides of dualism.  The war between good and evil is a farce they invented to keep everybody trapped in the life/death cycle of reincarnation.  They have been playing this game of "good cop / bad cop" for thousands of years.  This strategy is featured in the Abrahamic religions.  For example, they are both the angels and the demons, pretending to be two separate groups who are opposed to each other.  Playing both sides of dualism allows them to control the entire population.  This is a strategy known as "divide & conquer".

Duality is the lie that they are trying to sell humanity - but it is the archons who are beings of duality - not human beings.  As witnessed through the birth of every newborn child, humans are beings of love.  The environment that everybody grows up in causes all the negativity that humanity is chronically infected by.  

According to LoO and Ra, individuals must be more "service to others" (sto) oriented than "service to self" (sts) oriented in order to "ascend".  The issue with believing that an individuals deeds during this life will somehow have a spiritual impact is in the way that they are giving up of control over their destiny. Instead, something external will decide on their destiny for them, and they are simply along for the ride.  Humanity has been indoctrinated into believing that no one has total control over their own destiny. 

According to LoO and Ra, souls are here to learn lessons and grow spiritually, until enough souls are ready to ascend towards higher densities.  The HH claims that life is akin to playing a game, and in order to play the game authentically a memory wipe is required with every reincarnation.  This seems a lot like playing a video game that takes away all of the XP, weapons and other resources the player has acquired at the beginning of each level.  Every level seems to be the same in the "game of life" that everyone is supposedly playing.  There is no actual progress being made when all the progress and experience that has been acquired goes back to zero.  

Lies that belief systems like LoO preach, such as good and evil, learning lessons, and finding purpose, are just that: lies.  The new age equates love and light as one in the same. The people who follow new age doctrine call themselves lightworkers, and they always speak of a future event where light overpowers dark and humanity wins.  Spiritual belief systems are always speaking of light in a positive manner, in addition to concepts such as "illumination".   The end goal of becoming a light being, along with the concept of illumination were also an important part of religious belief in ancient Egypt.  This comes as no surprise because Ra was a big deal back then.  In LoO, Ra even claims to have built the pyramids!

The defining belief propagated by Ra and the LoO is the nondualist premise that "all is one".  This concept is associated with "spiritual evolution" into higher densities and ascension back into the source.  Believing in the "illusion of separation" is another belief which strips the individual of their own power and agency.  If everyone is connected together, and all people are one, then everyone shares the responsibility to ascend, turning ascension into a group effort. 

Both LoO and HH claim that one day in the future humanity will follow the path of new age icons, such as Ra and Lucifer, when the souls of every individual person merge together to form a "group soul" (essentially becoming a hive mind, as if that is somehow more evolved).  To be clear, spiritual evolution and the idea that we are all one are lies of the archons.


Scientism, the religion of atheists and self-professed "free thinkers", preaches the dogma known as "biological evolution".  According to biological evolution, all of the living creatures on Earth evolved from the same "source": a single celled organism that somehow mutated into all the biological diversity on the planet today.  

There are major problems concerning the validity of biological evolution.  An example of one such problem involves the way that plants utilize sunlight.  Photosynthesis is a complex process that requires every part of the plant.  The problem, in regards to biological evolution, is that certain plants could not have evolved all of their parts without the use of photosynthesis; a process which requires every part of the "fully evolved" plant. 

What happens when biological evolution and spiritual evolution cross paths?  Together, they form their own unique religious dogma, where all life came from a single source; from this source, life evolved, by adapting to the surrounding environment via a process of genetic mutation.  The source of all biological creation and diversity is a single cell organism that became increasingly complex over the course of many hundreds of millions of years.  During this time, the single source of all creation successfully fragmented itself into multitudes of quintillions of individuated conscious awareness, covering the entire range of species on the planet Earth.  

At the peak of biological evolution stands the most complex of all species on Earth: human beings. All human beings evolved biologically from the same source, and now all human beings are evolving spiritually towards the same source.  In this way, existence forms a continuously evolving loop, towards and away from the source.  According to Ra, this is because all is one.  Everything is connected and there is no need to question anything that Ra says.  One does not need to understand the law of one; one only needs to believe in the law of one.  All is one and one is all. 

What's the meaning in that?   Are human beings the product of the physical universe evolving in order to experience itself... or are human beings fragments of divine consciousness that have become trapped on a prison planet?

All of the various religious belief systems are weaponized soul contracts that keep humanity trapped on Earth via a consensual transfer of power.  The power is taken from the individual by something external, self-serving and seeking to take authority over the people of Earth.

 "All is one" is one of many examples of a limiting belief.  Followers of the teachings of the LoO hold deeply the belief that all is one.  This belief strips the individual agency of the one who holds it.  The followers of LoO are no longer powerful enough individually; they are but powerless cogs absorbed by the larger group. 

The Nag Hammadi emphasizes that this is an individual journey and that gnosis can only be reached by the individual, when they are ready.  All people must arrive at the ultimate understanding individually and on their own terms.  This is the only religion or spiritual belief system (known by the writer of this post) claiming that the individual is able to have an effect on their own destiny.  No other religions teach this.

Christians transfer their power to the Jesus Christ when they accept him as their savior.  LoO teaches the Eastern version of this, which is transfer of individual power to a universal, karmic justice system.  Both followers of The Bible and LoO are agreeing to a consensual transfer of power: from themselves as individuals to an external authority.  

Individuals who follow the teachings found in LoO are likely to be unaware of the consensual agreement they are making that allows something external to have total control over their destiny.  Just as a Christian is unable to truly know the outcome of God's judgement of them, a believer of LoO is unable to truly know if they achieved a 51% score (or higher) of service to others.  The unfortunate part about this is that, just as all Christians are sinners, all followers of Ra are more StS oriented than StO oriented.  This is because it is not possible to live a life free from sin, just as it is not possible to live a life that is more StO oriented than StS oriented.   

The only thing in this universe that the individual can truly trust is their self.  Yet, most people have no problem placing their complete and total trust into religious figures who require consent to take control of their destiny.  Individuals need to place their destiny into their own hands. 


We exist in the world where hierarchy structures naturally form the social order.  Patriarchal hierarchies rule over humanity in both the material and immaterial densities. The cabal's famous slogan as above, so below is referring to the religions that rule the immaterial world "above" and the governments that rule the material world "below".  For the last two hundred and fifty(ish) years, the ones to rule them all have been Christianity in the world above and the United States government in the world below.  Both of these institutions are patriarchal hierarchies. 

What's interesting is the way the words patriarchal, hierarchy of archangels all share the same root word: archon.

Ra describes the afterlife as a "spiritual hierarchy" of ascended masters and archangels.  If the universe truly is a free universe then there is no spiritual hierarchy because all beings are equals.  No being should be able to take authority over another being.  To do so would be a violation of free will, and as such, against universal law.  

Adam and Eve ate the apple in the garden of Eden because they were tricked into doing so by the serpent.  This represents the fall of man into the world of duality.  If free will really is the universal law, does that mean that each individual agreed to being here, in material reality?  Are the archons able to avoiding breaking universal law because they lie and manipulate into getting each person's consent to be here? 

There is a good possibility that we did, indeed, give consent to allow the archons to "violate" our free will.  There is no shame in admitting we were wrong, as it is very likely that every single person here has been tricked by the archons. The important thing now is that we learn how to play their games, so we won't fall into anymore of their traps.


Christianity and the belief system propagated by the Law of One are actually quite similar.  For one, they both placate their followers by telling them that in the end, good always wins.  Whether it is the second coming of Jesus Christ, or the ascension in higher dimensions, these religions always promise that salvation is right around the corner.  These promises never seem to come to fruition, however, so how long will it be until the followers of these belief systems become disenfranchised with spirituality, entirely? 

This is what the archons want, and rest assured that neither Jesus, the Galactic Federation, nor God are ever going to save you.  What does the God of the Bible want everyone to feel, if they so much as think about rejecting him?  FEAR.  Fear is the greatest weapon the Abrahamic religions have for obtaining the total submission and obedience of their flock of sheeple.

During his presidency George Bush Sr. passed the Noahide Laws through congress.  These are laws of a biblical origin, which state that the worship of idols is punishable by death from guillotine.  Every president elected since George Bush Sr. has reinstated these laws.  What this means is that, in the United States, it is legal to behead someone for believing Jesus Christ is their lord and savior.

One can't help but wonder if the United States government intends on enforcing this law in the near future.  Hypothetically speaking, if they were beheading Christians in the street with guillotines for not taking the mark of the beast, it would certainly make it appear as though Christianity was the true path to salvation.  Which is why it is so important to remember that becoming Christian ensures the fate of being recycled to yet another life, here on the planet Earth. 

World religions get compliance from their followers by invoking fear in them; and spiritual beliefs that are based in fear should certainly be re-examined.


According to The Gnostic Gospels, gnosis is an understanding that each individual must arrive at on their own.  A truly loving creator creates beings who possess the gift of absolute free will, above all else.  A truly loving creator would never save the ones that it created because a truly loving creator would never violate another beings free will.  The archons have turned away from their creator, when they became inverted beings of duality. 

A truly loving creator has no interest in power dynamics, and would never take away the power of another being.  A truly loving creator would want each individual to understand that they are already a powerful being of love.  There is no need to learn lessons, or to discover a purpose.  Everything was given to everyone at the moment of their creation.  It is up to each individual to save themselves because each individual is a sovereign being.  Each individual has all the power of salvation within themselves, and the keys to their salvation are now - and always have been - in their hands.  Don't ever let go of those keys.

Savior Self.

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