Jesus is a Faggot

Not my fucking king


How ruffled are the feathers right now -- for any Xtians of strong faith -- who may have just happened to stumble in here? You know, if the title upsets you because you just [heart emoji] Jesus so much then maybe you should just leave. Maybe this blog isn't for you. That's ok. This is how the wheat gets separated from the chaff around here.  

The Jesus pictured above is displaying the ancient hand gesture known as the "Prana Mudra" with his right hand.  The Prana Mudra represents the channeling of life force energy from the root chakra.  Surely, it is within the realm of possibility that this is a representation of the way our divine energy is siphoned from us, by beings who have deified themselves as part of a grand deception... and don't call me surely.  Ok, Shirley?  This is the same gesture used by the Baphomet and it is said to represent the "as above"  that goes hand in hand (heh) with the "so below".   

With his left hand, he is holding the world up and displaying the "Masonic M" hand gesture, which represents Freemasonry, as well as the inverted "M", which is "W", or the number six.   The "world wide web" that is shortened to "www" in most web addresses is a representation of 666.  This hand gesture is also called "The Triad Claw" and represents the three-clawed hand of the Reptilians.  Hmm... that's just a bit curious, innit? 

If everybody knew the truth about what this world is, pandemonium would ensue.  They say the truth is out there, but nobody can see it because the truth is so bad that nobody wants to believe it. 

This isn't a fucking joke or some secular bag full of burning horses shit.  I'm being so fucking serious right now.  When I say "I hate god", I really mean it.  I fucking hate god.  

Resident skeptic: "Which god are you referring to? Are you talking about the Christian god, or one of the many other imaginary gods that are not real?" (scoffs)

That's a great question... you pretentious, pedantic prick.  I'm talking about the LORD, the corrupted demigod they call "the demiurge", of the world of duality.   Yes, this is the Christian god, who is also the Pagan god of many different names, including (but not limited to):

  • El
  • Yahweh
  • Osiris
  • Shiva
  • Saturn
  • Chronos  
  • Metatron
  • Yaldabaoth
  • Abraxas
  • Moloch 
  • Jahbulon

Then of course, there is Jesus aka Yeshua, the son/sun of god, who is also known by many different names, including (but not limited to):

  • Zeus
  • Mithra
  • Maitreya
  • Jupiter
  • Horus
  • Krishna
  • Quetzalcoatl 
  • Ba'al
  • Thor

We could go on all day comparing various gods with other gods.  It's really quite interesting, but it has been done before.  The point is that this common atheist argument about "many different gods" and the absurdity in believing that the god of any given religion is "the correct god" is both insincere and erroneous.  The reality is that a handful of beings are taking on multiple roles as the deities in world religions.   

Seen here doing the "ICXC" hand gesture, which is said to represent the name "Christ Jesus", as it is spelled in Greek (IHCOYC XPICTOC).  However, before Jesus, this was a hand signal used to represent sun worship.  This makes sense, being that J.C. is the "sun" of god, which is why the Catholic church declared "sun" day to be the day of worship.  The Seventh Day Adventists are a Protestant Christian denomination, who believe that the correct day is the Sabbath, or Saturday, because this is apparently what the Bible says.  Saturday, of course, is "Saturn" day, and Saturn is Jah, the god of the Old Testament.  The birthday of Jesus is celebrated on December 25th because this day represents "the return of the sun" and is the beginning of longer days, following the winter solstice.   Other iterations of the sun deity represented by Jesus, such as Horus, Krishna, and Quetzalcoatl, were also born on December 25th.  Horus, Krishna, and Quetzalcoatl were also born of virgin mothers.  Boy, what a coincidence!

Furthermore, these beings deifying themselves are duality-beings, meaning that the same deity is playing the part of the good guy and the bad guy.  Polytheistic Pagan religions and monotheistic Abrahamic religions alike exhibit this phenomenon: Jesus is Lucifer.  Lucifer is Isis.  Isis is the Virgin Mary.  The Virgin Mary is the Queen of Heaven.  The Queen of Heaven is Ishtar.  Ishtar is Inanna.  And so on.  And so forth. 


In this section, I will be explaining why I consider the following commonly held beliefs to be false:

  • The belief that magic is not real. 
  • The belief that what happens in the material world cannot impact the spiritual world.

Magic is certainly real... they just want you to think that magic isn't real. The archetype of the magician with the curled mustache, white gloves, magic wand, and tricks up his sleeve is a psyop that wants to convince everyone that magic is all smoke, mirrors, and the right camera angles (but never the left angles, dammit!)  Pulling white rabbits outside of the inside of black top hats is nothing more than an exercise in Masonic dualism and a sideshow act, at best.  All just part of a gimmick that perpetuates the popular consensus that magic is fake.

Language is magic.  Words are magical; that's why they're called "spells".  Words can have multiple meanings that can be taken in multiple contexts.  Words with double meanings are used to manipulate and deceive the masses into holding beliefs that are extremely dangerous beliefs to behold.  

Recently, I saw someone online making the claim that Jesus is name-dropped in every new movie that has come out in recent years.  I cannot confirm -- nor deny -- whether or not this is a correct or incorrect statement, but I do recall hearing that name being said at least once in several twenty-first century movies... and I am a bit concerned about how many times I will have said "Jesus Christ" by the time I am finished writing this post because of the possibility that every time we speak the names of these demigods, they become more powerful.  Could this be why "jesus-fucking-christ" has become such a prominent "curse" word, in recent years?  

What are "curse words" all about, really?  Why are some words considered to be "bad" words? Humanity's collective amnesia might hold some important context about curse words, bad words, and swear words.  Furthermore, I posit that people used to engage and interact with the supernatural far more in the past than they do in the present.  There's a good reason people used to be far more religious back in the day, and it isn't as simple as "we have science now, dummi".    Maybe it's just me, but I can't help but suspect that the collective amnesia of the past is intentional and a part of the set up for something not-so-good in the future.  Most people have no idea what is really going on in this world.   We are all under the spell of a massive deception.  Word. 

When religious folk pray for you, they are opening up a portal for demons to prey on you, typically in your sleep.  If someone tells me that they will pray for me, I let them know right then that I do not consent to them doing so.  I feel like such a douchebag when I say this, but I've been on the receiving end of prayer before and it's not a fun time.  I suspect that the turn of phrase "God bless you" may, too, have the potential to cause harm.  I don't know what to say when people sneeze anymore.

I'm convinced that our actions in this world can impact what happens to us in the spiritual world.  In fact, there seems to be many different ways that we are coerced into placing ourselves into spiritual bondage.  For example, when the parents of a newborn baby have their baby baptized, they are selling the soul of their child to god.  An infant cannot take authority over themselves; an infant needs someone to take authority over them because they are completely helpless and dependent upon others for their survival.  Parents have the ability to take authority over their infant children, yet so many have so eagerly handed this responsibility over to god and essentially giving god ownership of their baby's soul. Their child won't have the opportunity to right this wrong for several years.

Religion is full of different forms of spiritual bondage; baptism is only the beginning.  Once the child receives their first holy communion, they are able to join the congregation in the weekly cannibalizing ritual of the body and blood of their lord and savior, and can begin accumulating enough spiritual baggage to exceed the capacity of the overhead compartment on Spirit Airlines.  

Our spiritual bondage extends far beyond religion.  The social contract perpetuated by world governments most definitely keeps us in materialistic chains.  Do these chains that bind us extend into the spiritual realm?  Social security numbers -- the securing of which secures a newborns fate as an indebted slave to America -- share the same premise as the "original sin" Catholic babies are born into.   

I also question all of this technology at our fingertips.  All of this unfettered access to "the cloud".  I can't help but wonder if this is the same cloud that the raptured are sent to during the second coming in Revelations.  I've read about the idea that the internet is a way for the demons in the spirit world to communicate with us, and I certainly would agree with that.  Half of these so-called "bots" saturating social media and propagating propaganda seem to actually be demons pretending to be bots.  They steer conversations in specific directions, as part of their agenda to take control of the narratives that are taking control of your mind.  Atheists, who don't believe that demons are real, are arguing with real demons that most likely like lying online on like, a daily basis.  Clearly, the intent behind all of this technology is evil, and I question if all of these different online accounts are actually a form of spiritual bondage.  Not to mention all the times the internet requires our consent to perform various actions, such as the storage of data "cookies".

Then there is the bondage provided by pharmakeia.  Do you actually believe that they are vaccinating babies, moments after they are ejected from their mother's cunts, for non-threatening things like Hepatitis-B?  Or are these "childhood vaccines" marks of the beast system that we are all living in?  Which brings us to our final form of spiritual bondage: the clot shot.  The mRNA vaccines, which are supposedly for the purposes of eradicating the fifth-generation-wireless-technology-induced-disease they call COVID-19, appear to be a very strong form of spiritual bondage.  These are clearly the Biblical "mark of the beast" that a generous chunk of the population has been tricked and coerced into merging with themselves.


People think Jesus is the portrait of the perfect human, who showed humanity the "correct" way to live. This couldn't be farther from the truth.  Jesus is the enemy of freedom and his teachings are inverted and evil.  Here are some examples:   

1. The Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." 

For one thing, it doesn't work this way in a world governed by duality.   If I perform an action, the other person has a reaction to my action.  These are not the same actions.  For example, I might like giving gifts, but dislike receiving gifts.  By that standard, I am breaking the golden rule by being a giving person.   

Here's another example: lots of men like to have penetrative sex, but only the real ones like to be penetrated themselves.  It's like that old saying: "men perform; women appreciate".  

Duality doesn't allow "the golden rule" to work properly, but aside from that, what about the fact that different people want to be treated in different ways?  Love beings and hate beings want to be treated differently.  Hate beings are love beings who have been inverted.  Hate beings want to hate... and we all know who the king of the hate beings is, right?

2. "Love your neighbor as yourself." 

Oh man.  They're just trying to turn everyone into weak and pathetic specimens, aren't they?  How you gonna love someone that you hardly know (aside from the occasional small talk when you happen to run into each other outside) as much as yourself?    Even if your neighbor was your best friend, you shouldn't love them as much as yourself.  Even if your neighbor is your own mother, you shouldn't love that bitch as much as you love yourself, nigga.  (I'm sorry for saying that and ashamed of my stupid, ivory skin.) 

Following this guideline will harm you.  We all know that certain people will take advantage of whatever they can.  So who's worse: the person taking advantage of someone else, or the person who is allowing that person to take advantage of them?  The answer is the second person, and the reason is because they couldn't love themselves more. 

3. "Place the needs of others over your own needs." 

Oh, no.  Please, make it stop... it's too much.  I find it incredible that there are people out there who read this stuff and think to themselves "Oh, that's a good piece of advice, there!"

You should never place the needs of others over your own.  This is what they call "setting yourself on fire to keep others warm".  You need to put your oxygen mask on first, and then help the baby, afterwards.  Your needs should always be first and foremost, and this is especially true in regards to our true, spiritual form. 

This is the same thing as the New Age "Law of One" nonsense about "service to others" being superior to "service to self".  This is another inverted teaching that sounds correct.  Serving others and being selfless seems like the morally superior path to take, but when you place the needs of others over your own needs, you are being altruistic to your own detriment.

Would you ever ask someone you love to place the needs of others over their own needs?  Would you tell someone you love that your needs are more important than their needs?  This is not something that a loving and empathetic being would ever expect of anybody... but if Christians want to serve god for all eternity, who am I to stop them from doing so?  Different strokes for different folks.  

4. "Have faith in god above all else." 

That's right.  Trust Jesus and Yahweh, the dual LORDS of the unholy Bi-Ba'al because they will take care of you.  Faith is a very powerful thing, and what we put our faith in and the beLIEfs that we hold will determine our ultimate destiny.  Remember, kids: you can't spell "Bible" without "lie".

Believing in god is easy.  Believing in yourself is hard.

5. "You are a sinner." 

The endless gaslighting of humanity has really taken a toll on a lot of Xtians.  Have you seen the way they talk about us and themselves?  They want us to believe that the world is a bad place because we are all sinners, but the truth is that we are all sinners because the world is a bad place.  This world is conducive to sin.  We must sin; because in order to survive, we must harm others.

Eve didn't sin when she disobeyed god; Eve sinned when she allowed god to take authority over her. That's the biggest sin of all: using one's own free will to place themselves beneath of someone else, and allow them to take complete control and authority over their destiny.  In a word: Islam.  Islam means "voluntary submission to god".  We all know that it's a choice one must make.

A painting of Christ and the Antichrist.  I believe the artist is using subtlety to show us Christ's true nature as a duality-being.

666. "Judge not, lest ye be judged." 

All human fetuses begin as female.  If the ovaries descend and become testicles, a fetus becomes biologically male.  Months later, the fetus will go through a chemical process of prenatal androgenization,  which masculinizes both the brain and the body.  Because these two processes are separate, there are rare occurrences where the ovaries will descend into testicles, but the prenatal androgenization does not happen.  When this occurs, the child will be a very effeminate boy with an innate homosexual orientation.  When this occurs the other way around (the ovaries do not descend but the prenatal androgenization happens), the child will be a very butch girl with an innate homosexual orientation.

I told this to a Christian coworker and he looked dumbfounded.  "Is that true?" he asked.  "Yes, that's true," I told him.  "So it really isn't a choice, then" he replied.  No - of course it isn't a fucking a choice - and if we know this then you damn well bet the man upstairs knows it too... so why the damnation of queers in the Bible?  Are they trying to set people up to judge others?  What is going on with that?

You wanna know what I think?  I think that calling love between two consenting adults a "sin" is absolutely fucking ludicrous.  

7. "The meek shall inherit the Earth." 

True dat.  But why on Earth would you want to?  Hate beings inherit the Earth.  What are hate beings?  Hate beings are Xtians... six thousand years from now. 

Look, I'm not trying to rip on the Xtians.  I got nothing against nobody.  I'm trying to warn them.  Warn them about what?  Context.  That's right, context. 

 "Born again" Christian: They are literally telling you that you will be born again.  I attended a Catholic funeral recently and the priest kept saying that the deceased was going to "join Jesus in his resurrection." That doesn't sound very pleasant. 

"Eternal Life": Like the one you are living right now, over and over again.  Is it any wonder the ruling class have no fucking empathy left in them? 

"The Kingdom of God":  One man's heaven is another man's hell. 

And that is that.

Please go away now.  

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