The Duality Game
Duality is the illusion of having a choice. We are presented with two options: the blue pill or the red pill. The truth of the matter, however, is that both the blue pill and the red pill still exist within the construct of the matrix. Perhaps the best choice for Neo would have just been to "opt out" of the red pill/blue pill game entirely (an option that wasn't even presented to him as a possibility). Always look for the option to "opt out" of the duality game... after all, isn't the that how you win this game: by choosing not to play it in the first place?
"Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled." —The Kybalion
Red and blue are the colors of the duality game. They are the two opposing, polarizing sides of the same spectrum. The magnet represents the red north and blue south polarities of the same magnetic field. Blue and red represent the options for cold and hot water. Cold and hot are the two polarizing opposite ends of the temperature spectrum.
Red and blue represent the right and left wings of American politics. As we all know by now, they are the two wings of the same bird. Americans believe that they have the option to vote for one of two choices, but in reality both choices are for the same option! Democrazy is a sham. America's flag represents the blue and red of a nation that is polarized and divided. Divide and conquer.
Of course, America's three main professional sports are all represented with the blue and red color scheme. Everyone is encouraged to participate in the pointless conflict of rooting for one team or the other, when the reality is that rooting for either team is giving one's support to the polarization of the duality game. Multiplayer options in video games always pit the red team against the blue team. So many games are based on conflict and so many stories are rooted in conflict. The good guys against the bad guys is basic and standard. We are the spectators on the outside, looking in. We are encouraged to root for the good guys and oppose the bad guys, when in reality they represent the polarizing, opposing sides of the same thing. Batman never kills the Joker because the Joker keeps Batman in business. Well... as it turns out: Batman is the Joker.
They want to confuse you and make you believe that you can choose to be a man or a woman. Men and women are the two polarizing ends of the human spectrum. The choice is an illusion because you are only choosing to remain a human. Some choice. Despite our polarizing biology, we all have the capabilities to inhabit both masculine and feminine qualities. No need to involve the sham of modern medicine to try and cure someone of an ailment that they didn't know they had... until advancements in medicine revealed it.
The police represent the duality game. Just like the Yin and Yang, or the black and white checkerboard of duality, good and evil are considered to be inseparable from each other. Can't have one without the other... because they are both the same thing. When the police put on their sirens, you know that someone, somewhere, is about to have a bad day. The cops are the good guys and the bad guys, at the same time.
The duality game doesn't care which choice you make; it only cares that you make a choice. If you choose to believe in good or bad karma, or if you choose to be a good or bad person, then you are choosing to play the game. The game doesn't care if one chooses the right hand path or the left hand path; the game only cares that you choose a path and take it. Choosing a life of service to others is the same as choosing a life of service to self. Choose, instead, to opt out of the duality game.
The dualistic demigod is the creator of the duality game. We are all in his creation now. This is where the creator wants you for all eternity. This is Heaven... and this is Hell. It's not where you're going: it's where you already are and always were. Being born is the same thing as being dead. Life and death are the two polarizing opposing ends of the same spectrum: the spectrum of this duality trap. God is the Devil and Jesus is Lucifer, the Morning Star: the one who brings the light. The angels and the demons are the same beings; they use the two polarizing, opposite ends of the spectrum of good and evil to trick us into playing their game. That's why they are known as the Archangels on one side, and the Archons on the other side. This is what is known as the "false light / dark duality". The question is this: If God, Jesus, and all of the angels and demons are all representative of the dark side, then who is representative of the light side (the "true" light side)?
It's you.