This is Not My Home


The dualistic world we are in is a counterfeit world, where the truth has become corrupted.  The true world (where we came from) is nondualistic.

The aspect of truth that makes it both objectively true and absolutely true is being unconditional.  Absolute truth is unconditional.  Perfect Platonic forms are unconditional.

A truly loving creator would not create servants and demand worship of them.  A truly loving creator would create an equal: a copy of itself.  The true source of creation creates the true source of creation creates the true source of creation creates.

The true source of creation is authentic, unconditional love.  The gift of this love is authentic, unconditional free will.  Authentic free will is the limitless creativity and infinite potential of creation itself.  

For everyone to experience true freedom, everyone would truly be equal.  There would be no need to violate another beings free will, which would make it wrong to violate the free will of another being.  This is authentic, objective morality.  It is absolute, pure morality that is unconditional and based on the action itself.  To violate the free will of another being is always wrong.

If everyone was able to experience absolute and unconditional freedom, then the only thing that couldn't be done would be the ability to violate another beings free will.  This is objective law.

The key to this is in the understanding that each individual has free will and that free will cannot be violated.

We are in the counterfeit world of duality.  This world is completely inverted from the true creation.  The nondualistic world is objective; this world is subjective.

The world of duality is completely conditional. Action: reaction.  If this; then that.  In this world, what goes up must come down, but in the nondualistic world, what goes up doesn't have to come down.  What goes up can keep going up forever.  What goes up can go up and then disappear.  What goes up can go up and then hit you in the back of the head.  The possibilities are endless.  That's true reality and that's true freedom.

Everything that we have been conditioned into believing is true is actually an inverted abomination of the truth.

We are conditioned into believing that love is conditional. We are taught to take authority over the person we love the most, as if they are our property.  Wedding vows act as conditions of our love for one another.

We are taught to judge people based on their actions, which doesn't work because morality is subjective and there is no action that is always wrong and there is no action that is always right.  In the dualistic world, morality must be based on the intention behind the action and the outcome of the action.

We are taught by religion that service to others is more holy than service to self.  We are taught by religion that martyrdom is a holy act.  We are taught by religion that we should hold others higher than ourselves and worship the "higher" beings.  The truth is that all of these things are unholy and wrong.

I can prove that duality is an illusion: what's the opposite of love?  Some people, like myself, say hate.  Some people say indifference, and some say fear.  These are all acceptable answers because love has no opposite: love is the source of creation, from which all potential exists.

This means that good comes before evil.  The potential for evil always existed, but it had to be acted upon by someone.  Evil understands good better than good understands evil because in the beginning, there was only good.

The spiritual war between good and evil is a farce.  The bad guys are pretending to be the good guys and we are the ones getting played.  God is Satan and Jesus is Lucifer.

Duality is evil manifested... and the root of all evil is wanting to take authority over others, or wanting to hold power over others, or wanting to be more than others... and the only way to be more than others, was to be evil.

People think duality creates balance, but the opposite is true.  Is it balanced when some people are winners and some are losers?  Is it balanced when some are predators and others are their prey? 

We all know that life isn't fair.  Duality doesn't create balance; duality creates imbalance.  The natural formation of duality is the hierarchy system: the few, above the many.

This is not my home

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