Meat Eaters vs. Vegans : The Final Showdown

Hello, and welcome to Meat Eaters vs. Vegans: The Final Showdown, where I hope to successfully take on the monumental task of putting an end to this back-and-forth bickering... erm... "debating".  Being that this is such a monumental task, it requires a monumentally long post.  I know that many of you won't want to commit to the monumental task of reading this novel I have just written, so I have included a tl;dr at the end of the post.  Fuck - I am such a great fucking guy for doing that - and I should be rewarded with blowjobs.  Reptilian blowjobs.  What?  Look it up... on Porn-Hub (duh).  No - wait - don't do that.  Read this monumental post, instead.  I hope that there is someone out there, who can commit to the monumental task of reading all of this monumental monumental, because I think it's pretty damn good, actually.  Monumental, even.  I'm proud of this post.  Ok, dad?

These days, people seem to be perpetually divided on the debate concerning politicized, emotionally driven, hot-button topics, such as: eating meat vs. going vegan.  My hope is to put an end to this squabble - right now - with this post. Let's see if I can do this...  (clears throat)  - ahem -


Just kidding. Wouldn't that be terrible if that was all I had to say? "Banana." Mic drop.

I. Bound by Nature

This reality is a corruption of the true creation.  The basis of this design is the number 666, which is visually represented by the two interlocking triangles that form the Star of David.  When the two triangles are conjoined, a hexagon is formed in the center.  The hexagon is the two-dimensional representation of a cube.  The Star of David (aka Seal of Solomon aka Star of Remphan) is the image of the dualistic creator of this reality, Saturn: the 6th planet from the sun.  The Hexagon Storm (known colloquially as "The Black Cube of Saturn") on the north pole of Saturn is the image of the beast (aka Satan), while the "All-Seeing Eye on" the south pole of Saturn is the image of God.  Nature is designed using the Fibonacci Sequence, the visual representation of which is the spiral and - going further - it becomes the sacred geometry known as "The Flower of Life", which is in the form of a hexagon and cube.

There are several corrupted constructs naturally occurring in nature, along with certain aspects of corruption found in human nature.  Examples of these naturally occurring corruptions (or "the boundaries that bind us")  include (but are not limited to):

  • Bound by Hierarchies:  The natural order of the few, above the many

  • Bound by Authority Figures:   At the highest level, a few "superior" beings ruling over the many "inferior" beings.

  • Bound by the Limitations of the Physical UniverseThe limitations imposed by the laws of physics and the limitations of physical reality/matter.

  • Bound by the Limitations of BiologyExamples would include our biological evolution as a species and the limitations of the human body.

  • Bound by the Biological Drive to ProcreateBound by the need to be bound and gagged while wearing my girlfriend's high school cheerleading uniform.

  • Bound by Relationships and Social ContractsThe responsibilities associated with starting a family and the obligations stemming from our day-to-day social interactions.

  • Bound by the Need to SurviveOur bodies and our minds instinctually fight for survival and we possess a carnal craving for meat and the energy that the consumption of animal flesh provides.

In order for life to survive in this reality, other life must suffer as a consequence

"Life feeds on life feeds on life feeds on life feeds on this... is... necessary" - TOOL (disgustipated)

My recent observations have led me to conclude that there are many aspects to this life and surviving in this world that many people are not fond of.  We find ourselves in disagreement with the brutal ways of nature and many of us simply don't fit in well here.  We are foreigners in a cold, uncaring world and this is not our home.  Nevertheless, we must accept that some of the aspects of nature that we are not fond of are necessary to the function of our survival.

For example, I am not very fond of "authority" at all, but I understand that it is a sometimes necessary part of life that would be negligent to altogether avoid, or ignore.  I don't feel like I should hold authority over my son, simply because I am his father; but at the same time, I am prepared to exert my parental authority over him at those certain times where I deem it necessary to do so.  If I feel that it is in his best interests to be protected and/or prevented from doing something that I determine to be dangerous, then you damn well bet that I'm going to exert authority over my son, in those particular instances.  I am able to both do this and, at the same time, understand why I dislike authority intellectually.

Eating meat may have been considered to be necessary for survival in the past, but this is generally not true in the world of today, where millions of people have altogether ceased to eat meat.  Many of these self-proclaimed "cruelty free" folk consider meat consumption to be morally wrong.  Is it true that eating meat is morally wrong?  Does it even matter?  

II. Factory Farming vs. Loosh Farming

This is where things start becoming rather complicated. The dualistic demigod, who created mankind in its own image, has gone by many different names throughout history (examples include [but are not limited to] Metatron, El, Saturn, Yahweh, Vishnu, Yaldabaoth, and the Demiurge).  Our human bodies and brains are creations of this reality, but our divine spirit is not.   Our spirit is derived from The True Source of Creation: pure conscious awareness.  Loosh energy is harvested from the divine spirit that is not native to this foreign world.  

"People who eat meat are no better than the archons." 

"Everyone is just trying to survive, after all."

First of all, be cautious about using the title of "archons" to describe these creatures.  "Archons" translates into "rulers".  These beings are more akin to "metaphysical parasites" or "psychic fleas", but for the sake of familiarity, I will refer to them as "aliens" (e.g. greys, reptilians, mantis beings).  Something that we should clarify is that we do not know whether or not these aliens depend on our loosh energy for survival.  All that I can say with near certainty is that human loosh energy is being harvested.  

Are meat eaters no better than these interdimensional loosh-parasites?  Perhaps the aliens, who have imprisoned us inside of this domed terrarium, used to be just like us at one time and trapped in this very same world by aliens just like themselves.  After all, the greys have been known to tell alien abductees that they are them, in the future. Could that be what human beings eventually turn into after being subjected to this world for long enough?  Do the prisoners eventually become the prison guards?  Do evil, demonic beings want to be evil and demonic beings or are they just a product of their environment and the (bad) choices they've made?                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Religion is mainly responsible for the self-deprecating way in which people view themselves as sinners.  Christians typically resolve the famous Epicurean Problem of Evil by claiming that evil exists in this world because God gave us free will and therefore we brought the evil upon ourselves by choosing to do evil things.  I don't necessarily agree with this reasoning.  Christians believe that the world is bad because we are sinners; I believe that we are sinners because the world is bad.  Furthermore, I am more inclined to believe that our carnal nature is not our true nature but the nature of this world being imposed upon us.

One is not bound by the fallout from "karmic justice" until they believe themselves to be.  Karma is only as real as the belief behind it because karma is a corrupted concept.  When a person does "bad things" it does not make it okay for "bad things" to happen to that person.  Two wrongs don't make it right. There is no difference between a good person and a bad person makes no difference in relation to facing the consequences of one's actions in the afterlife.  You will only suffer for your sins in the afterlife if you believe that you will, or if you believe that you should face a judgement of some kind.  If you believe that it is ok for bad things to happen to you as a consequence of your actions, you will build a prison for yourself out of your own, self-imposed karma.                                                                                                                                                                                                         

We have been in an abusive relationship with the ruling class ELites, who have spent millennia gaslighting us into believing we are bad, bad people... who are guilty of sin and deserving of punishment.  These dangerous beliefs that have been drilled deeply into the collective human psyche are false.  The truth is that all divine beings are free, and that free will cannot be violated.  We have been coerced into unwittingly giving up our freedoms, under the guise of being "protected" by the very thing that is threatening us.  Avoid falling into the trap of feeling like a bad person for enjoying meat, because that guilt will be used to manipulate you into making even more bad choices.  This world is inverted and corrupted.  We are taught that bad things are good things and good things are bad things.  Many people believe that the central axiom of the new-age belief system "Thelema" is promoting evil, when, in reality, it is freedom that Thelema is promoting.  So remember, kids, it's: 

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law."

III. Superior : Inferior

One of the main reasons so many people are "going vegan" is because they feel that veganism is the "morally superior" position to take.  A "morally superior" position can only exist in a world where morality is subjective. Despite the billions of small animals that are killed each year on vegan farms across America, vegans believe that they hold the morally superior position because the animals killed by vegan crop harvesting are not as sentient as the animals killed in factory farms for consumption.

The goal of being vegan is to reduce the suffering of animals.  There will always be animals suffering at the hands of human beings.  Suffering is unavoidable in this world because in order to survive, others must be harmed.  Duality and hierarchy systems are conducive to suffering because suffering is a byproduct of taking authority over others.

When we eat meat, we are indeed taking authority over the animals; however, going vegan as a way of saving the animals and reducing their suffering is just another way of taking authority over the animals. Owning a pet is yet another form of taking authority over animals.  How would these vegan bros like their nuts chopped and a tight leash around the neck every time they need to go outside to take a shit?

Going vegan is yet another example of a politicized issue that compels people to take a moral stance. This is a divide and conquer strategy, just like the debate around abortion.  Do not play politics, by picking a side.  Instead, remain neutral and hold no opinions on the issue.  Veganism is an ethical and moral belief system that involves taking authority over animals.  Don't go vegan at all: go plant based instead (to avoid taking authority over others).

The truth is that we shouldn't eat meat.  Not in order to save the animals, but because it is wrong to take authority over them.  Understand why it is wrong to eat meat while refusing to feel guilty for eating meat.  Feelings of guilt are very dangerous and everyone should make an effort to stop feeling guilty altogether.  There is little benefit in feeling guilty about one's actions.  Feeling guilty about our actions is something that can and will be used against us.  Feeling regret about our actions can and will be used against us.  There is no reason to feel regret or guilt about any of our actions.  People who feel guilty want to be told that everything will be ok and that all is forgiven.  Forgiven... by whom?  The desire to be forgiven for our actions is another form of allowing others to take authority over us, and it promotes the idea of being inferior to those who are superior.  We don't need to be forgiven for our actions.  Your actions are your actions and your actions alone.  Do not let others take authority over you because of your actions.

I realized some time ago that there is no way for a person to reach adulthood without committing sins and doing "bad" things.  I realized that, in many cases, it wasn't even the person who responsible for the sin, but rather that nature seemed to induce sinning.  Today, I realize that sins are an illusion of an inverted world, where divine law is broken and there is no such thing as "objective" morality.  If I do "bad things", this does not make it ok for "bad things" to happen to me.  God cannot judge me, nor can a cosmic process called "karma" control my destiny - unless, I allow this to happen - and doing so would be an actual sin against the true God, who loves me and wants me to be free. This is what being sovereign is all about. I am sovereign.

IV. Proper Etiquette for the Ethical Treatment of Tasty Animals (P.E.E.T.T.A.)  

There's no question that factory farms are horrible and the animals that get used for food often suffer far more than is needed (as a result of what the system has become, in order to feed the planet... in a way that benefits capitalism, above all else).  Yes: it is both disgusting and wrong.  Of course, so many people (myself included) have been raised on meat since childhood and are hopelessly addicted to it.

The question I have is, if I stopped eating meat altogether, would the suffering of animals be impacted in any way?  Would less animals be slaughtered, if I stopped eating meat? The answer is a resounding NO. Truthfully, nothing would change.  The same number of animals would be getting slaughtered and packaged daily, even if I went vegan.  If thousands of people went vegan, there would be a reduction in animal suffering.  I have no control over other people's choices.  If they aren't going vegan, than why should I?

Here is a dilemma I have run into on several occasions: I am at a house party, or a work event being held at a restaurant, where there is an excessive amount of complimentary food being offered.   The majority of this excessive food contains meat, and whatever is leftover at the end is being thrown in the garbage.  In this scenario, I feel compelled to eat as much food as I can so it doesn't go to waste in the trash bin.  This is one such example of meat eating being the right thing to do.  

My next question: What if there was a vegan in attending this hypothetical event?  Neither myself or the vegan had any control over the excessive amount of meat that the restaurant prepared and we had no control over the restaurant's policy for throwing away all the leftover food at the end of the event.  In this scenario, the meat has already been prepared.  All that can be done by this point is an attempt to eat as much of it as we are able.   In this specific scenario, eating the meat has moral superiority over a refusal to eat the meat, altogether.

V. Sacrifice for the Suffering & Suffering for the Sacrifice

Veganism is a belief system based around the ethics and morals of eating animals.  The main goal of veganism is to "reduce the suffering of animals".  Vegans accomplish this goal by ceasing the consumption of animal products; however, the question remains as to whether this results in a reduction of the sum of all global suffering, or a transfer of suffering?  Factory farming is a massive animal sacrifice, and the gods of this world have always demanded the sacrifice of animals by the slave class... and the sacrifice of humans by the ELite class.  These sacrifices happen in the forms of wars, pandemics, medical malpractice, abortions, disasters, and other mass-casualty events.  They also occur in more intimate settings, using children as victims and also engaging in the sacrifices of their own ilk via the murders celebrities and other famous icons (otherwise known as being "suicided").

Blood sacrifices seem to be a requirement from the gods of duality.  Suffering is not optional; it is a requirement in the world of duality.   When people go vegan to reduce the suffering of animals, that suffering is transferred to someone else.  Duality always has to find a balance.  Things can never get too good before the dark tide washes it away.  Things can never get too bad before the dawn breaks.  We should try to enjoy this life as much as we are able to.  Everything comes at a cost around here.  The enjoyment of eating meat is the cost of animal suffering.  The reduction of animal suffering is the cost of eating a vegan diet. 

VI. Summary of the Five Preceding Arguments

Argument #1:  Bound By Nature 

The basis of this argument is that eating meat is natural for human beings.  The impact of meat  consumption on human evolution is significant, and eating meat helped us grow the massive brains we carry around in our skulls.  Humanity climbed to the top of the food chain eating meat, and now people want to eat fucking grass?  The world is brutal and savage, and to deny this aspect of nature is both naive and ignorant.  An example of a vegan counterargument to  "eating meat is natural" would be that the ways in which we are consuming meat in the modern era are not natural.  There is nothing natural about factory farming.  Saying that it is natural to eat meat is a weak argument because it doesn't really apply to the world today, where it is easier than ever to avoid the consumption of all animal products.  In the past, humans ate meat out of necessity; today, humans eat meat because it provides satisfaction and pleasure.  Eating meat in the twenty-first century is a selfish and disgusting activity, and the blood of millions of murdered animals is on the hands of the meat eaters.   

Argument #2: Factory Farming vs. Loosh Farming

The argument here is suggesting that eating meat is that act of feeding on the animal's energy, and this "energy harvesting" shares many similarities with the way human energy is harvested by astral parasites.  The implication is that meat eaters are no better than they are.  The meat eaters counterargument that was used here was essentially that it doesn't matter, if one is able to understand that our actions have no consequences, along with the understanding as to why this is true.  These understandings form the foundational basis needed to uphold the belief that it does not matter.   

Argument # 3: Superior : Inferior

This is the basic argument that veganism is morally superior to eating meat because it reduces the suffering of animals.   The typical counterargument from meat eaters is that billions of small animals are killed each year during vegan crop harvesting.  There is also a speculative argument which posits that the root cause of suffering is the act of taking power/authority over others.  Going vegan does not resole this issue because the purpose of veganism is to reduce animal suffering by taking authority over animals in factory farms.  A plant based diet is veganism without the politics.

Argument #4: Proper Etiquette for the Ethical Treatment of Tasty Animals (P.E.E.T.T.A.)

This argument illustrates a scenario where eating meat is the morally superior choice when one is  at a restaurant for a work party and finger foods containing meat are being served.  In this situation, where the food is provided and prepared already, it is morally superior to eat the meat because it will be thrown in the garbage otherwise.

Argument #5: Sacrifice for the Suffering & Suffering for the Sacrifice

This argument is based on suffering being a necessary and unavoidable part of life, and any effort to reduce suffering will only result in more suffering elsewhere.  Animal and human sacrifices have been taking place from the dawn of civilization and this has not changed, to this very day.  The gods demand it... doesn't mean we have to comply.


(coming soon) Let's go, Brandon!

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