The Only Thing Worse than Organized Religion is Secular Scientism


Hello.  I don't like religion.  At all.  I believe that religion is actually harmful to the individuals who follow religion.  

I don't like atheism.  I don't like atheists who scoff at Christian's for basing their entire belief system on an ancient book, or believing in a "magical sky-daddy". 

I find atheists to be even more unaware than Christians, at times.  At least Christians can have a respectful conversation about it, while atheists often exude this pretentious attitude of being "free-thinkers", who are able to see through the deception of religion while they, themselves, have done the exact same thing as the Christians they snub. 

I'm sorry to be the one to have to tell you this, atheists, but you have rejected one bullshit sandwich to take a big bite out of a different bullshit sandwich.  I wish you would acknowledge that you have rejected religious dogma and replaced it with religious dogma.

How do atheists know that the universe is real?  How do they know?  They don't; they simply have faith that it exists.  Atheists can't prove to me that the universe exists.  They can gaze through a telescope and see things out in outer "space", but how do they know that they are interpreting what they are seeing, correctly?  Just to be clear - I am not stating that there is no such thing as outer space - I'm just not going to put my faith in the idea that the so-called "universe" expands beyond the Milky Way galaxy.  Again, you atheists can look, and see things - through a tellyscope - but how can you know that the things you are seeing actually are what you think they are?

Evolution: it's proven fact.  The "Theory of Evolution is the basis of the study of biology.  The entire field of biology is based on a "theory" that has not been proven; therefore, the entire field of biology is corrupt.  Don't tell me that I don't understand evolution!  Don't tell me that evolution is  "proven fact".  You atheists don't know how ridiculous you look.  I know that populations of species adapt to their environment overtime, with every successive generation.  I know all about changes in allele frequency - homie - and I know about speciation, as it is observed in nature.  What I don't know about is how the proven field of "micro-evolution" is evidence for biological life becoming more complex and diverse through nothing more than the passage of time.  This makes no sense.  Common ancestry makes no sense.  How did evolution just occur, by random chance?  Why would anyone believe in "macro-evolution" when we have evidence showing that evolution doesn't make life more complex?  The guided and intelligent evolution of the wolf only produced many different dog breeds, which only modify specific traits that are already found in the wolf.  There is nothing new that came from this intelligent and intentional guided evolution.  Atheists want to tell me that evolution is how we developed - from monkey - to human.  All I know is that evolution is how we changed a wolf into a pug.

How about them dinosaurs?  I wonder how it feels to go to university for eight long years and come out of the other side with a PHD in complete and total horse shit.  Paleontology?   More like FAILeontology - amiright, boys?   Didn't the same two dudes discover almost every different type of dinosaur over the span of a decade?  Of course they couldn't use the real bones; they're much too fragile!  That's why all of the real bones are buried underneath the Smithsonian, dummy!  Recently, a group independent researchers were able to carbon date the bones, using the soft tissue inside the bones!  So much for the whole dinosaurs-roamed-the-Earth-650-million-years-ago thing!  The Association of Paleontologists responded to this with a prolonged silence, followed by: "nuh-uh!"

Here's a thought: why is there no "push of gravity"?  Why does gravity only pull?  It's gravity:
the one way force.  How can anyone know  - beyond a reasonable doubt - that gravity exists, when there are so many people who are convinced that gravity does not exist?   Are those people wrong and stupid?  Probably.   Doesn't change the fact that the fact remains the same, considering that gravity is, in fact, a faith-based belief.   Ha!

Gravity is but one of many dogmas preached by the Church of Secular Scientism's.  Atheists have a tendency to accept scientific dogmas (such as gravity) as indisputable, proven facts.   Scientific theories often exist in the same realm as the Bible: believing requires faith.  College universities are the seminaries of secular scientism and, not surprisingly, most college graduates identify as atheists.  College doesn't teach people how to think critically; college is four years of brainwashing that ends with a celebration of the student's gradual indoctrination  graduation.

Atheists like to tell me that I simply do not understand science with my feeble, non-college educated brain; however, just because something is explained in a way that makes sense, doesn't necessarily mean that it's real.   Science is quickly replacing religion as the next opiate of the masses.

Case in point: virology.  Virology is a scientific field wrought with problems, and - in the spirit of the recent worldwide pandemic - it makes a good example for illustrating how science can be just as shady as religion... ok, maybe not as shady as religion.  Religion is the worst thing that ever happened.  But, I digress:

There is a correlation between the electromagnetic spectrum and pandemics:

The 1918 Spanish flu pandemic occurred during the advent of radio.  As radio waves began being transmitted all across the globe, people began dying from the Spanish Flu

The 1957 Asian flu pandemic happened the same year the Russia launched Sputnik, the first manmade satellite, into outer space.  NASA (Never A Straight Answer) followed Russia's example and launched their own satellites into space.  USA!  USA! 

The 2002 SARS pandemic was the predecessor to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and occurred the year 3G wireless technology was introduced.

The 2009 Swine flu (H1n1) pandemic happened the same year that 4G wireless technology was introduced.

The 2019 Coronavirus pandemic happened as 5G wireless technology was being introduced.

There is a book called : The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life, which explains how the flu is not caused by a virus at all, and is actually radiation poisoning.  The symptoms of COVID-19 are similar to the symptoms of radiation sickness.  Every time a technological advancement that increases the amount of radiation in the Earth's atmosphere is implemented, large swaths of the global population experience radiation poisoning from the change in the environment; and a certain amount of people, who are unable to acclimate to the changes in the environment, will perish.  Although it seems that everybody at work is sick because of a contagious virus, the real reason is that the building they work in is close to a source of radiation (a 5G tower).  

This is why you read stories like this:  "My husband caught COVID at work and has been at home quarantining himself for ten days now.  I don't take any measures to protect myself from my sick husband and I still haven't caught COVID. WTF?"  If everyone who works with her husband caught COVID as well, the building they work in is likely near a 5G tower.  People living underneath or in close proximity to these 5G towers are experiencing the worst cases of COVID-19, and this prolonged exposure to radiation poisoning is behind the phenomenon known as "long covid".  These people are literally being poisoned by the environment they live in. 

Now we can clearly see that the masks don't do fucking shit, that germ theory is bullshit, and that Louis Pasteur is a fraud.  Mainstream science pushed this fraudulent theory to the forefront to silence Antoine Bechamp's terrain theory and convince people that bullshit viruses are making everybody sick. 

If COVID-19 did turn out to be radiation poisoning, then what the fuck is the "COVID-19 virus", anyway?  When a poisoned cell dies, genetic material is pushed through the cell as it ruptures.  This genetic material is the virus, and it is not the virus that causes the illness.  The viruses are just genetic "junk" coding that is specific to the disease that caused the cell to rupture and die.  As each cell ruptures and expels this genetic junk-material, it creates the illusion of "the virus" replicating and then causing the cells to rupture. 

Sickness starts from inside of us and works it's way out.  There are no invisible viruses jumping from  one person to the next via bodily fluids and excretions.

Don't even fucking get me started on Polio and that bullshit scam of an epidemic and vaccine...

It's all bullshit, people. 

Religion and some (but not all) scientific theories are bullshit.  "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, and I must be a huge fucking idiot!"   That's why the people who piss me off the absolute most are not atheists... no, no: the people who piss me off the most are Christian Scientists.  Because I hate Christians, and I hate scientists.

That's why I am a "creationist atheist", or a creatheist.  I can look at every world religion and I can look at all these mythical fields of modern, secular science, and I can see that there is one thing that they all have in common: they train us to believe that we will have no control over what is going to happen to us when we die.

Thanks for reading.  I'm kidding - go fuck yourself -

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