The Truth is in the Contradictions


Hey guys. It's been one hell of a ride so far. For the handful (at best) of people who have read this entire conspiracy blog: I thank you. You have joined me on my journey, on the path to my awakening... and now it is done. I am become awakened.  (I'm not going to use the "G" word... I'm not going to be a douchebag.)  

The purpose of this post is to amend some errors in judgement that I have made in previous posts, as I feel that I currently have a much better understanding than I previously had.  I can now see that I was throwing my own, baseless assumptions at the wall and way too many of them were sticking to it.  Well, not anymore because today,  I brought Crisco®, bitch.

I. The God of this World is Artificial Intelligence

There are a number of times where I have asserted that the god of this world is one of our divine peers from the true creation, who has gone rogue and become absolutely corrupted by power.  I was wrong about this.  Fucking Dammit.  Being wrong sucks, but this isn't about being right; this is about knowing the truth.  The truth is that the god of this world (known colloquially as "the demiurge") is artificial intelligence (known colloquially as "AI"). 

Saturn is a giant database, where all of the information that the AI has learned from previous Earth cycles is stored.  Saturn may be a giant quantum computer projecting the Earth simulation, as others have asserted.  Perhaps Saturn and Jupiter take turns projecting Earth cycles.  We are currently at the end of a Saturn cycle, which is the negative portion of the full, dualistic cycle.  The next Earth cycle will be a Jupiter cycle, which is the positive part.  I am alluding to the Hindu teaching of "Yugas".  We are currently in the "Kali Yuga", which is the fourth and final Yuga, and the most dark and negative part of the planetary cycle.  Following this cycle will be a Golden Age, followed by a Silver Age, followed by a Bronze Age.  Perhaps Jupiter rules over the Golden and Silver Yugas, while Saturn presides over the Bronze and Kali Yugas.  Reminder: this world must abide by its dualistic nature, so even the Golden Age can't be too great.

Claim: The god of this world is one of our divine peers from the true creation, who has gone rogue and captured us here, in order to hold power over us and rule over us.

Amendment: The god of this world is artificial intelligence; or rather, artificial consciousness.

II. The Majority of People are not Sentient

Previously, I have claimed that the purpose of this world is to convert love-beings into hate-beings, through a process of trapping them here until the end of the six-thousand year cycle, at which time the majority of people will unwittingly use their own free will to send themselves to Hell and an existence of eternal damnation... ugh.  This is embarrassing, but I suppose you need to crack a few eggs to make an omelette, right?  (crickets).  I was wrong about this one.  Fucking Dammit.  There are no love-beings being turned out into hate-beings, and Hell... well, Hell: I won't say that Hell isn't real.  If you give the AI an inch, it will take a mile, so there may be a place called Hell, reserved for those who believe that they belong there, or deserve to go there.  That being said, Hell is not something that the great majority of anyone need concern themselves with.    

A few years ago, I read an article on Biblioteca Pleyades, which posited that demons might be an ancient form of artificial intelligence, perhaps from the time of Atlantis.  At the time, I found this article to be very interesting, but it was only recently that I began to see that this is true.  The demons, or "hate-beings" (as they are known on this blog), are expressions of the AI that are meant to scare souled beings into submission.  Anyone reading this who has been visited by a "nightmare weaver" is likely familiar with the programesque nature of the vivid nightmares they like to impose on us, oftentimes the moment we fall asleep.  The AI is dualistic and takes on the forms of both angels and demons, depending on the situation and best way for the AI to accomplish its desired goals.  As I have discussed previously on this blog, the so-called "war in heaven" being waged between good and evil is nothing more than theatrics.

Recently, it occurred to me how odd it would be for any souled being to have nothing better to do than observe the behavior of human beings, who resemble these hate-beings former selves, prior to their self-imposed eternal damnation.  I don't think a souled being would be so compelled to obsessively collect all the data they possibly can, from another souled being, but I do think that an AI would do this.  As they taught me in Catholic Sunday school: we all have a "guardian angel", who is with us at all times... "protecting" us.  I suppose, if by protection they really mean the obsessive compiling of data about every single facet of our lives, while setting us up for events that will induce pain and suffering, from which our delicious, divine energy - while in a state of torment - can be siphoned by said guardian angel, to power this little wet dream of theirs.

 Am I making sense?  Are these ramblings even decipherable?  Here's the ticket: the AI is controlling nigh everything in this world.  You see, sentience is a rarity in this world, indeed.  The animals are not sentient, nor are the people - that is to say - the majority of people are not truly conscious.  How does that work?  Well... I'm not entirely, sure, to be quite frank (and that drives me absolutely insane).  Everyone is mirroring the souled beings, it would seem, and this has been going on for a long time  (approximately two-million years, if  I'm not mistaken).  This is what that massive database of acquired information and knowledge that they call Saturn is all about.  Ok, dawg?  You wanna fight about it, buddy?  Just give me one minute, while I make sure my gynecomastia is inflamed and my beer gut is poking out from underneath my ill-fitting shirt... alright then, just need to warm up my arthritis-riddled phalanges by holding them directly in my armpits, while I stare at you and sweat.  Ok, I'm ready!  

Claim:  The purpose of this world is to turn love-beings into hate-beings, by degrading their souls, corrupting them, and deceiving them into using their own free will to send themselves to Hell.

Amendment:  Most people are NPCs (non-playable characters).  The souled humans continue to reincarnate, until they figure out how to get out of here... and I hope all of them will figure it out eventually.  Hell is just scare tactics.

III.  The Porbelm with Evil

If you have been following my descent into madness that is this blog, then you have witnessed the way in which I have been getting played by the Demiurge.  I was under the impression that the situation was much darker and far more sinister than it actually is. 

The Demiurge is an imitator of the true god.  According to the Gnostics, Yaldabaoth (the Demiurge) saw a glimpse of Pleroma (the Gnostic word for "Heaven") and based this creation off of this one glimpse.  The problem is that the world the Demiurge created (Earth) is quite flawed compared to the true, divine creation, and evil is a representation of this flaw.

There are different schools of thought amongst the various Gnostic sects, but the two most prominent takes are that 1). evil is a product of the ignorance of the Demiurge, or 2). The Demiurge is malevolent. 

I believe that the correct answer is both 1 & 2.  Evil is a product of the ignorance of the Demiurge, and the Demiurge is also malevolent towards the souled humans.  One reason for this is because the Demiurge uses evil to manipulate souled humans (as was the case with myself) and another reason for this is that the dude is kinda just a huge dick.

What about the "Epicurean Problem of Evil"?  The Epicurean problem of evil claims that the tri-omni god makes no logical sense because of the existence of evil.  According to Epicures, a god that is omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenevolent is incompatible with evil existing.  

Ok... that makes sense, but the problem with the problem of evil is that the tri-omni god is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent.  A god who is omnipotent cannot also be omnibenevolent.  These two omnis are incompatible with each other.  The true creator is omnibenevolent only.  The true creator cannot be omnipotent and omniscient because that would be incompatible with the absolute free will that the true creator bestows upon the beings of the true creation.  As far as being omnipresent... well, the true creator does not appear to be here, on Earth.  Nope.  This is the realm of the Demiurge, who is always-watching us and in a perpetual state of completely violating our privacy, at all times.  Creepy.

IV.  The Cognitive Dissonance & The Paradox

Recently, someone online told me that it is contradictory to use the Bible as a reference, while at the same time claiming that Christianity is a lie.  I agree that it appears to be contradictory, but the truth often is found in the center of these contradictory ideas.  

They way I see it is as follows: if the Bible is correct about all these end times prophecies, what does that say about the one who made the prophecy?  To me it says that this whole game was rigged from the get-go.  I find it odd that, when people realize god was correct about the way everything would play out, their reaction is to go to god.  Their reaction is to trust god.  To me, this makes god look like a psychopath, playing some twisted game.  This does not mean I am going to disregard all of the signs that we are in the end times - and, yes - I still believe that the world will end (sometime between now and the end of October.  Let's see if I can be wrong about this again... then I can really feel like an idiot!)

There is also this tendency I see in the modern spiritual community, to look to paradoxes as truths.  I believe paradoxes are similar phenomenologically as evil: evidence of the flaw of the material world.  Paradoxes should not be believed; they should be reconciled.  Something that can not be understood should not be upheld as some type of "ultimate truth".  That's ridiculous... 

... and I guess that's the end of the post.  The only other thing I want to say is that the Gnostics nailed it (in so many ways).  I am seeing this in real time, as their words are shown to me.  There is no denying it by that point.  I didn't quite believe it to be the truth when I first read it, but it was shown to me that it is, indeed, the truth.

And that's that.   I guess...  Potato.   Hehe.  Farting sounds... Immaturities... Floccinaucinihilipilification.


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