The Theory of Evolution is a Sham

  Evolution is a Conspiracy

  • There are at least two pictures floating around online of Charles Darwin signaling that he is a member of a secret society that is known for their belief that Lucifer is God.

  • The purpose of "The Origin of Species" was to guide society towards a mass atheist movement.

  • When the "Theory of Evolution" was first introduced, two of the main points were that life started from a primordial soup and that man was descended from monkey. These two ideas were then intentionally used as evidence that god must not exist.

  • The "primordial soup" premise was dropped from the theory of evolution and made into a separate branch of science called abiogenesis - which has made zero progress and essentially dead ended at takeoff. The idea that we evolved from monkeys has also become essentially obsolete.

  • The news that dinosaur fossils had been found across the globe was also used as a way to induce a mass atheist movement. Dinosaurs can be placed in the same category as gods when it comes to actual proof and evidence that they exist. Sorry paleontologists, you're the Mormons of science.

  • The theory of evolution has spent over a century continuously moving the goalposts. It's like trying to forcefully shove a square hole through a round peg. They have spent so much time and effort trying to make the idea of evolution real. A great example of the scientific method in use! (eye roll).

  • Evolution has been whittled down to nothing more than the fact that things adapt to their environment over time. (Wow, mind is blown).

  • Changes in allele frequency do not suggest progress being made; they are reactions to environmental factors, causing small changes, and then - many years later -  smaller changes to small changes. There is nothing there to create advancement into complexity. Adaptation does not require the advancement into complexity, nor does it provide anything to be directed towards this. Evolution is a process akin to "getting something for nothing".

  • The guided, intelligent evolution of the wolf failed to introduce complexity, or an advancement in intellect. How was nature able to do this by sheer coincidence?

  • Upon discovering DNA it was declared that "it appears to be a set of instructions". Instructions denote intelligence. DNA has also been compared to "a living language" and "biological programming".

  • There is no evidence for common ancestry, only misinterpretations of the fossil record. The evolutionary tree of life, which illustrates common ancestry, is not real. Similarities in DNA between different species is no more evidence of common ancestry than it is evidence of intelligent design, and both interpretations require the faith that is neccessary to believe in them

  • There is no evolutionary advantage to a female G-spot orgasm, or any female orgasm.  Furthermore, there is no evolutionary advantage to a prostate orgasm.

  • There is no evolutionary advantage to being born so incredibly premature. Our oversized brains evolving naturally as an evolutionary advantage would require foresight and intelligence.. of course, it could've just been the result of a random mutation.  Why would the heads of fetuses evolve to be larger than the vaginal cavities which birth them?

  • There is zero evolutionary advantage to the experience of empathy. None. Try to force an explanation anyway you would like, but nature only moves in a narcissistic direction. There is no way that empathy could have developed in the way you people believe.

  • What could be the evolutionary advantage for human beings to destroy their natural habitat? Are we a highly complex and intelligent parasite? 

  • There is no evolutionary mechanism available to explain human creativity.

  • There is zero proof that linear time is actually real. Evolution requires that linear time is real. Nothing can evolve in the eternal moment. Ok, maybe I shouldn't have included this one. Oh, well.

  • Vestigial organs are a misinterpretation. There is zero proof that there are vestigial organs or features.

  • In unrelated news quantum physics has proven that matter requires an observer in order to exist.

Contrary to popular belief, the "Theory of Evolution" wasn't introduced for the purpose of discrediting Christianity and organized religion, it was introduced at the great expense of this; the reason being as a preventative measure against people beginning to think of other possibilities (such as the possibility that god exists and he is evil.  I also suspect that it is no accident that subjective experiences cannot be qualified as "scientific evidence".  Perhaps, this is because the only way that the actual truth can be proven is through subjective experiences. 

One more thing: I have been informed that the science is such that it can now be said with confidence that "evolution has been proven".   Evolution has proven that - (brace yourselves) - populations of animal species adapt to their environment over the course of time; such adaptations are generational, and are expressed in the form of genetic mutations. WOW. That is what has been proven and nothing more.  They say that "micro evolution is evidence of macro evolution" because "they are the same thing".  I guess my brain is just not sciencey enough to see it.

Well, goodnight everyone.

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