My Hugbox is Filled with Razorblades, Daddy

 It's time to Mansplain some stuff 

This world has really gone to shit.  What happened around here?  It's like everybody has fallen victim to the mind control.  I thought we were better than that over here.

News Flash!

Transgenderism is a religion. Transitioning only works if you believe in it.  If you do not believe in transitioning, then it does not work, and having gender dysphoria no longer serves any real purpose - y'know - because transitioning doesn't fucking work, so there's no use in freaking out about shit that you have no control over.  Well, sure, you might believe in transitioning, but I don't believe in it.  So where does that leave us?  With me, being transphobic as shit right now?

Well, it's a good thing that I don't care about that ... at all!

I'm so sick of hearing "I HATE being a fucking man so much!" Yeah?  Fuck you.  I happen to be a fucking man, and oh - wait a minute - you are also a man.  Oh, but that's right, you believe in transitioning, so you can just be a woman, if you want to be one.

Only you can't, and by perpetuating this nonsense you are disrespecting actual women - you know, real women.  oOoOO, that's right - real fucking women - and your AGP shit should not predispose you to not being able to love and appreciate real and actual fucking women for their pure, unadulterated fucking divine femininity.  Don't be jealous of women; that's fucking stupid.  Appreciate these fucking women, instead.  You idiot.   You are a man... yeah, that's right - I don't care about all that gender shit, so -  you're a man, so fucking deal with it and use your disgusting and barbaric innate masculinity to complement their amazing and obviously-more-evolved-cuz-prettier femininity.  You know, normal shit.  I can't believe that I'm starting to miss it.  That's how fucked this backwards moving forwards world is anymore.

So - you HATE being a man - and you don't want to have to fulfill some societal expectations of being a man, either, because it's hard and shit, so you can just be a woman instead.  Fucking great.

And do you know what you will say once you are a woman? "I want a man to hold me in his big, strong, hairy arms and protect me."  You have got to be fucking shitting me.  Now that you are a "woman" you're just going to perpetuate the exact same social expectations for men that you didn't want to uphold in the first place?  What the fuck?

You're forgetting something however... all the big strong men that you want to hold you and protect you are the same men that are already out banging all the women - the real fucking women, remember?  So why the fuck do you think they're gonna hold you and protect you, now?  You've created a Catch-22 for yourself, you dipshit!

Here's another one: "I just can't understand why any woman would ever want to be a man! Uggh!!" Umm... UwU have you seen the kind of women that want to be men?  Are those the same kind of women that you fantasize about being when you stroke your dick?  Of course they're fucking not.  I don't even give a shit about what TERFS think anymore, because most of them are fucking mutants and I almost want to feel bad for them. I mean, I'm a more attractive woman than most of them are... and I'm a fucking man.

If you hate being AGP so much that you are just so disgusted about it, and you would rather cut off your own dick and shove it down your great grandfather's very dry and not well lubricated throat, than you would want to cum face to face with the reality that the feeling of femininity makes you pop a burning hot euphoria boner with your atrophied girl dick... then... well, then that's the fucking problem, femboy.  Taking estrogen doesn't make you a woman; it makes you grow gynecomastia man tits just like a man would, because you're a fucking man, dude.

AGP should be fun.  Dress up like the hottest girl you can be, then pop one in your precious, pink panties like a precious pink pansy princess that leaves a little wet spot for that fucking tapioca pudding... and then go fuck a guy or something... and then the next day be a dude and fuck a girl or something.  Enjoy the duality of it - make it fucking work.  What happened to the integration of the anima?  What happened to taking control of the feminine artefact?  What happened to Carl Jung?!?!?

Being a man isn't about upholding some bullshit social expectations, for fucks sake.  Some of you jokers need to figure out what being a man actually fucking is... because when you know how to be a fucking man, it isn't hard to find a girl and tell her that "Look, I want to provide for you and protect you and all that shit, but I need you to know that I wear panties to bed every night, and I also am going to need you to fuck me with this strap-on about twice a week.  Oh - and I know that you think chest hair is 'sexy' but I shave all of mine off... along with everything else... because I fucking hate it." Ok?  It's not that fucking hard - she doesn't care about you upholding some bullshit societal norms - she just needs you to tell her how it's going to be.  That's what a fucking man does.

If you don't know how to be a fucking man, then go do shovel work for three days or something.  Being a man is hard.  Being a man is a struggle.  You don't have to fucking like it; you just gotta fucking do it.  That's what a man does... and the best you can hope for is a pretty girl - with an analog vagina - waiting for you when you get home.

Or, fuck it you can also dress up like a cheerleader and get fucked by well endowed black men (fuck that sounds nice right now) - but if you choose to do this, just don't pretend that you are anything more than just another pastafarian, ramen noodles, scoliosis riddled, beta-bitch, sissy little bitch-boy. Ha!  Loser!

Real talk: it's not about stupid bullshit gender roles.  It's about this: she make-a de baby in her tummy, and you-a go out and find-a de baby food... so ah dat babi don't die, Papi (don't you ever fucking call me Papi) and I know that each and everyone of you would do the exact same thing that I do when I hold my own baby boy in my hairy, protective arms: about a minute later I hand him back to his mother... because I'm a fucking man, dammit and so are you.  You wouldn't wanna hold the baby for that long either, ok?  Don't try to tell me you would... I have very one-sided beliefs that affect my ability to understand other perspectives.  I also make sure to vote every November - no surprise there, amiright?!

Umm... ahem:  You're a man.  Now start acting like one.  Or - you may resume your regularly scheduled programming la-la fairy-land that you were living in before you read this post, you fucking pansy.

Oh, I almost forgot: getting offended at shit is so fucking stupid and an enormous waste of time.  Who fucking gives a fuck?  You're not fucking special. Grow up.

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