Remember That It Could Always Be Worse - You Could've Been An HSTS


Hello, I am the AGPrick, and I'd like to welcome you to my weekly segment "Words for People who like to be Offended". This week our topic is AGP or HSTS: who is the true trans?

Like many of you, I like to self-harm by subscribing to subreddits where anti-AGP rhetoric is encouraged. I am subscribed to some "transmedicalist-friendly" subreddits where there are actually trans women who have the flair "HSTS" under their username. For those who are not aware, there is a segment of the trans community that, like our group, supports Blanchard's typology, but instead of self-identifying as AGPs they are self-identifying as HSTS. These communities also tend to support the notion that "HSTS are the true trans women, and AGPS are disgusting fetishists". This belief is, unfortunately, all too common, and can even be seen being echoed here on occasion, but is it really true that HSTS are actually transgender, while AGPs are a misogynistic caricature of a hyper-sexualized woman? I've been asking this question myself lately, and today I plan on finding out once and for all if there is any merit to the idea that "HSTS are the true trans women".

First, I wanted to investigate the origins of this belief, which goes all the way back to the 1980's and the time when Blanchard shared his AGP/HSTS typology with the world for the first time. I am very fond of sharing with this forum my beliefs that Blanchard is incorrect about many things, one of the biggest issues I have with Blanchard is his two-type typology of AGP and HSTS. As many readers surely know, I am of the belief that AGPTS and HSTS are different categories of Secondary Transsexuals, which means:

  1. Both AGPTS and HSTS were socialized as males, and they both have an established male core gender identity.

  2. Both AGPTS and HSTS experience gender dysphoria in relation to secondary female sex characteristics.

One of several glaringly painful errors in Blanchard's typology is his failure to differentiate between Primary and Secondary Transsexuals. Blanchard is incorrect in his assessment that all trans women are either AGP or HSTS. The correct assessment is that there are Primary TS and there are Secondary TS (AGP/HSTS). Primary TS were not properly socialized and they lack an established male core gender identity. Primary TS tend to truly believe that they are women, and they experience gender dysphoria in relation to primary female sex characteristics. In other words, they experience severe bottom dysphoria which can successfully be treated with SRS (this is not to be confused with the HSTS who has a castration fetish. Where a Primary TS gets SRS and wishes to be seen as a woman, an HSTS with a castration fetish wishes to be seen as a man - a man with a vagina. This is nothing more than another form of a secondary TS coping mechanism.)

Another belief that has been propagated since the time Blanchard first released his AGP/HSTS typology is the idea that HSTS transition more successfully than AGPTS because they are naturally more feminine and "lady-like". In the 1980's, when Blanchard first developed the AGP/HSTS typology, it was common for HSTS to transition at a much younger age than the average AGP, who back then wouldn't end up transitioning until their late thirties - early fifties. Of course those who transition younger will have a more successful transition, but the idea that HSTS are naturally more effeminate is quite simply not true. While there certainly are masculine AGPs, there are just as many effeminate, weak AGPs. HSTS is on a similar spectrum, with the more masculine HSTS (drag queens) and the more feminine HSTS (twink bottom bitches).

With all of that in mind, what then could be the reason for Blanchard to propagate the belief that HSTS are the "true trans"? Well, I think the answer is quite obvious, actually. You see, Blanchard is gay, and the reason he started the rumor that HSTS are the true transgenders is simply because he was looking out for his people - the gays. I would also have to assume that Blanchard, like most gay men in the 1980's, had a grudge against straight men (who surely had mistreated him throughout his life for being "a queer"), and portraying AGPs as non-passing hons was his way of getting back at "the straights". It all makes so much sense to me now, dammit! Well, now that that's settled, it's time to put this awful rumor to rest - once and for all!

The Truth: AGPS are the "true transgenders"

That's right. AGPs were the actual trans women all along, as it turns out, and I'd be happy to show you all why this is the truth. HSTS can feel smug as they call out AGPs as "a whole group of disgusting fetishists", but let's be real about this: half of HSTS are AGP anyways - or "GAY-GP" as it were, using the idea of being a gay bottom as a coping mechanism for their gender identity disorders and what-not, but as it turns out, even those HSTS who are not AGP are fetishists. That's right - they are fetishizing straight men - and the whole purpose behind their MtF transition is to lure straight men into relationships with them!

Unfortunately for HSTS, it is actually AGPs who will always be more attractive to straight men, and this is because the sad truth is this: the reason that straight men find trans women attractive to begin with is because they still see trans women as men, despite all the societal and progressive conditioning to accept trans women as women. You see, for dominant straight men it doesn't get any better than trans women - they get all the feminine features that they find attractive combined with the dominance of fucking another man - and there is nothing more dominant than fucking another man. So while the HSTS hangout in their designated subreddits crying about "chasers", the AGP sluts are out there getting dicked down on the daily!

HSTS can fetishize being in a heteronormative relationship with straight men all day long, but at the end of the day, being gynephilic provides AGPs with the knowledge on how to attract straight men, which means that straight men will always lust after AGPs and not HSTS (sorry girls!). AGPs know what men like, and because they also find femininity attractive, they naturally know how to be hot. AGPS are waaay bigger sluts than HSTS and in the world of chicks-with-dicks, the biggest whore always gets laid! This proves, once and for all, that AGPTS are the "true trans". You're welcome.

One More Thing

There are some AGPS who are too masculine to ever pass, and there are other AGPS that are very feminine (for example myself, Nicole and the weird Eastern European chick with the tits). Instead of encouraging masculine AGPs to transition, and become non-passing hons, the best course of action for masculine AGPS is to externalize their autosexuality and go GAMP - in other words: AGPs who will never pass should become chasers instead. As difficult as it is to give up the dream of one day becoming an attractive woman themselves, masculine AGPS need to become GAMP and find a feminine, sissy boy to vicariously live out their sexual fantasies through. This might sound crazy, and it probably is.

Goodbye 👋

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